Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday with the Cat-o'-Lantern

It's Thursday, so of course Thimble is here for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is grateful for the cat-o'-lantern basket toy at our house. Tonks had a similar sentiment on Tuesday, and Thimble wanted to share it herself as well.

I get so many pictures of the kitties looking over their shoulders when posing with their favorite toys, likely because they're always eager to keep their kitty siblings away from their goods.

When toys are involved in a photo shoot, most of the shots I get are bloopers. Fun is a blurry thing.

This next one has Thimble somehow even blurrier, but I had to share it because I realized upon looking at it that you get a glimpse of Thimble's tongue in it. Do you see it?

Oh, and there was catnip in the cat-o'-lantern basket (and all over the floor, as you can see) during this photo shot, so there were of course lots of shots like this:

Thimble hopes you all have as much festive fun as she had today!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. My favorite Halloween movie is _________.

2. People always ask me for my recipe for _________.

3. I go to _________ when I need help.

4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, I would bring _________ with me.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Today's new Halloween doodle is one that I scribbled up last minute just the other night. I saw a piece of art with a dark, ghostly, bookish theme. Feeling inspired, I added a kitty to the idea and ended up with what you see below.

Tip of the Day

Today's Halloween tip is about bats. Bats may be a staple in Halloween lore and decor, but the reality is that they are one of the primary carriers of rabies. What's more, bats leave very small bites that might go unnoticed, especially on kitties or pups with fur that can hide such minuscule bite marks. For such reasons, do be aware and cautious of the presence of bats, such as if you and your furbaby are walking through a park with trees near nightfall.

Bats are not always found outside, though. Bats can sometimes find their ways into buildings, including attics or other areas of homes. If you live in a house or apartment where bats are discovered, keep your furbaby away (and also, of course, try to keep yourself safe), and certainly do not allow your furbaby to chase or play with any bats. A bat can bite quickly and without notice, and rabies could potentially be transferred that quickly if the bat at hand is infected with it. If a bat is unable to be safely escorted out through a window, or in another safe means that does not mean direct handling, then contact animal control or another relevant organization for the safe removal of bats.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Woof Woof Wednesday: Spooky Sweater Weather

It's Woof Woof Wednesday, and pup Astrid wanted you all to see the nonsense she has to put up with. You know, like wearing cute and festive sweaters.

Astrid is pretty much my only furbaby willing to wear any semblance of clothing. There are certain things she doesn't enjoy and so I don't put her in those, but she does tolerate me putting her in cute sweaters and very basic costumes.

Given that the temperatures have sometimes dipped to 30°F this week, it's the perfect time for Astrid to don this frightfully festive attire.

Astrid and all of us here send you warm wishes!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Today's new Halloween doodle is another one with a furry and also feathered friends from the Halloweenish story I've been writing. We again have the Evan-inspired special needs kitty, as well as his parrot friend. The raven isn't actually real, but instead part of a piece of decor very similar to something I have sitting on my own desk at home.

Tip of the Day

We talked about sparing unwilling furbabies from dressing up for Halloween, and about selecting safe costumes for those furbabies who do enjoy dressing up. Today, we're here to remind you that, if you yourself are planning to don a costume for Halloween, to again take your furbaby into consideration. Any costume worn by yourself, or anyone else in the house, should be safe around your kitty or pup, such as by being free of parts and pieces that a kitty or pup might chew or ingest and thereby put themselves in danger. Earlier in the month we also talked about the toxicity of items such as fake blood, so of course it's safest to refrain from including that in any costume you wear.

Aside from costume dangers, also keep your furbaby's comfort and happiness in mind if you have any sort of costume for yourself. Wigs and masks, for example, might scare some cats or dogs, especially those who are already skittish. It's not only important to ensure that any costume you wear is safe around your furbaby, therefore, but that it also does not scare them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tonks Tuesday with a Used and Abused Cat-o'-Lantern

Recently, the kitties shared some flashbacks co-starring their beloved cat-o'-lantern basket toy. Back in day, the poor orange thing looked bright and immaculate. These days, he's looking rougher than rough.

Tonks is probably the kitty who loves that cat-o'-lantern the most. That said, all of the kitties enjoy it, and it shows. They especially love when catnip is placed inside of the basket toy and they get to shove their little faces in there and take a big whiff of the goods. Actually, you can see the paraphernalia all over the floor in that photo above, right next to Tonks and the used and abused cat-o'-lantern.

I'm positive Tonks will have more photos with that festive little guy to share with you all this spooky season. For now, though, have a terrific Tuesday!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Have you ever seen the Scream movies? Do you know the Ghost Face character in those? Today's new Halloween doodle stars a kitty version of that horror movie villain.

This is far from the last feline horror movie villain you'll be seeing this month. Can you guess what other kitty villains we might be sharing this spooky season?

Tip of the Day

Today's tip is an extension of yesterday's tip, when we reminded you to only put Halloween costumes on furbabies who tolerate or enjoy it. Now we're here to mention the importance of choosing safe and secure costumes for those kitties and pups who do enjoy wearing them. There are a number of considerations to make in order to ensure that a Halloween costume, or other item of clothing, is safe for your furbaby. For example, you of course have to make sure that there are no embellishments or other decorations on the costume that could be chewed off and ingested, as this could indeed be dangerous. You also want to make sure that no strings or other similar parts and pieces could lead to a furbaby getting tangled in the costume. What's more, make sure the costume is the correct size and fit. A costume with too small of a neck hole or with too small of leg holes could be not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for circulation. Dressing up our furbabies can indeed help you and them get into the Halloween spirit, but it is more so important to ensure their comfort and safety.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mancat Monday with Evan and a Jack

I've mentioned this before, but my sweet mama's boy Evan is my little shadow. And I love that. No matter what I'm doing, he's right there with me. I do at-home workouts, and during those he's almost always on some of his favorite blankets on the floor beside me.

On that particular day, Evan was getting in the spirit of the spooky season and spending time with the a well-loved jack-o'-lantern catnip toy.

Every kitty here loves that toy. It's easily one of the most used and abused toys in the house. Like the black kitty toy Evan shared last week, that there pumpkin was recently laundered. Why? Because, like the black kitty toy shared last week, it was the target of a urine attack while Evan was fighting his recent UTI. Evan is feeling much better now, though, and so are the freshly cleaned toys. This poor pumpkin looks rough even after laundered, because the kitties have really put him through it over the years, but at least he's still smiling.

Happy Monday, friends!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Today's new Halloween doodle is courtesy of some images I saw of plague doctors in history. So, I tossed a kitty in one of those plague doctor masks and here you go.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip is about none other than costumes. As you might see upon visiting a pet store this time of year, Halloween costumes are sometimes just as popular for kitties and pups as they are for children of the human sort. That being said, though, it is best to only put and keep a costume on a furbaby who tolerates and enjoys it. Some cats and dogs simply do not like wearing costumes or other clothing items, and those such furbabies should not be forced to wear a costume for Halloween, or any time of the year. If you do try a costume on your kitty or pup, watch for signs of stress, such as trying to remove the costume or restlessness. If you do notice any signs that your furbaby is not enjoying a costume you've chosen for them, remove it and simply let them don their birthday suit this Halloween.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Spookily Blurry Selfies on Sunday

It's time for the Sunday Selfies, and Thimble volunteered for this one. The only thing, though, is that she got a bit overly excited and just couldn't figure out how to sit still.

Hm, that's a bit blurry, huh? How about this?

Still blurry, but Thimble really just couldn't contain herself. Those shots were snapped when I was decorating for Halloween. Thimble always loves helping me decorate, hence the obligatory blur. She hopes you all still find her adorable, though she's certain you do.

Happy Sunday to all!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Today's new Halloween doodle is a basic one, but it's Halloweenish nonetheless.

Tip of the Day

We've made it to day 13 of our 31 Halloween tips. Today's tip is likely the last in our discussion on pumpkins, and it's also more than likely an obvious one. Nevertheless, we're here to remind you to take precautions and to keep your furbaby safe if you get festive by carving a jack-o'-lantern. Carving a pumpkin means pulling out knives or other sharp objects, which can of course be a danger to your kitty or pup. Do not leave any knives sitting where your furbaby might walk or jump, and certainly don't leave knives unattended. If need be, activities such as pumpkin carving can be, and perhaps should be, done in an area where your furbaby does not have access. This would allow for the prevention of any accidents. Also think about after you've carved the pumpkin, and do not leave the knives sitting dangerously in the sink or elsewhere. We've also already discussed safety around candles in jack-o'-lanterns, as flames are of course another danger. All in all, if you are carving pumpkins or partaking in other similar Halloween festivities, always be aware of your furbaby's proximity and safety.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Yet More Kooky Caturday Art

I still clearly need to work on my posting skills, especially on weekends. But, here we are, late but at least not never. And for today, we have some doodles that are a continuation of what we shared yesterday. I mentioned a fake spooky bakery and cat café that showed up in my brain one day, and which I've included in the Halloween-ish story I'm writing. Now, we have a couple more kooky goods to share from the menu. First up is what I call the Tombstone Scone.

It's been a long time since I've had a scone, and now I really want to remedy that. Maybe I'll even try to make one in the shape of a tombstone. The success of that is doubtful, but it might be worth a spooky try.

And, next, I call this one the Moonshine Muffin.

Happy Caturday, friends!

Tip of the Day

Can you believe we're still on the topic of pumpkins? We talked about the benefits of pumpkin and even pumpkin seeds. All of that aside, though, always keep in mind the age and condition of any pumpkins to which your furbaby has access. This time of year, pumpkins are indeed often used as beautiful outdoor decorations or spooky jack-o'-lanterns. Pumpkins won't stay pretty forever, though, and we're sure you've all witnessed the ultimate demise of pumpkins. That being said, old pumpkins can indeed begin to rot, and if pumpkins in this state are consumed by your kitty or pup, issues such as gastrointestinal distress can occur.

In addition, also keep wildlife in mind with regard to this, as old, rotting food may not sit well for them, either. What's more, pumpkins that are left to sit outside and rot will sometimes ferment. If squirrels or other wildlife consume fermented pumpkins, they can potentially end up in a more or less drunken state. Therefore, be sure to compost or otherwise dispose of old pumpkins in a timely, safe, secure manner, for the safety of your furbabies and the wildlife.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Cat-o'-Lantern Flashback

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I _________ when I feel overwhelmed.

2. My favorite streaming service is _________.

3. I try to help _________ when I can.

4. I could tell a scary story about _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I plan when I feel overwhelmed.
(I have a planner in which I create daily to-do lists, brain dump my thoughts, and even scribble up most of my drawings. When I feel overwhelmed, it generally indeed helps me to write down my ideas, plans, to-do lists, and really anything that helps me get my thoughts together. I also will sketch up drawings in this planner that moonlights as a sketchbook, because that also helps clear my mind. I should share a photo of this planner sometime, because it's just a messy DIY notebook I put together for cheap, but it's a lifeline most days. Of course, all of this is accompanied by lots of kitty and pup cuddles, because that's also a necessity when I'm overwhelmed.)

2. My favorite streaming service is Netflix.
(This is such a basic answer, but in general, Netflix probably has the biggest variation of movies and TV shows that I enjoy. I regularly use a few others as well, mostly HBO/Max, Peacock, and the horror-centric Shudder. So, while Netflix is my top choice, those other three are my honorable mentions. I also need to give credit where it's due, because I use my parents' accounts for all of these. They're amazing like that. Thanks, Mom and Dad!)

3. I try to help animals in need when I can.
(I'm not perfect at this, and I always wish I could do more. That said, I try to donate to rescues when I'm able. I also always stop and try help any lost animals I find out and about, whether that be while I'm driving, walking Astrid, or any other time I see an animal who looks lost. I always put out food for ferals in our neighborhood. It's one of my goals in life to do a lot more related to animal rescue, but for now, I try to do what I can.)

4. I could tell a scary story about feline fecal matter.
(I really almost didn't put this as my answer. But, especially recently, this is the primary ammunition I have for scary stories. I won't give any graphic details here, but Evan's colon is currently very unpredictable, and that has led to some very horrifying happenings.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Next week, Tonks and Thimble will be sharing the current status of the kitties' beloved little cat-o'-lantern basket toy. It's looking especially rough these days, so evasive Eddy thought she'd share a flashback to give you all one last glimpse of the cat-o'-lantern in its prime.

There were so many bloopers in this photo shoot, because we are talking about Eddy, after all. We'll share one more, because why not.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a fantastic Friday!

Not So Spooky Doodles of the Day

In part for the story I'm writing that takes place around Halloween, and in part because this has always just been something in the back of my mind, I created a fake-but-I-wish-was-real spooky little bakery and cat café.

The way my brain has crafted it, this bakery serves a variety of spooky and kooky baked goods, some indeed being kitty-inspired. I've decided that the cupcake on the sign there is called the Frankenstein's Meownster. I even felt compelled to scribble it up a second time.

Tip of the Day

Yesterday's Halloween tip was about the benefits of feeding pumpkin to your furbabies. Today's tip is related to this, but is about a part of the pumpkin that isn't as often discussed with regard to a furbaby's diet. We're talking about those pumpkin seeds. If fed in a manner that is safe, pumpkin seeds can have health benefits for our furbabies, just as they can for humans. For example, pumpkin seeds contain valuable nutrients, and they can have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed by some that pumpkin seeds have some deworming properties as well.

All of the above being said, if you decide to offer pumpkin seeds to your kitty or pup, of course do so safely. First, feed them only as an occasional treat or food topper. In addition, if the seeds are a potential choking hazard, you can cut them into small pieces. Also, of course, ensure that the pumpkin seeds are plain, and that they do not contain any added ingredients, such as onion, garlic, or even salt or sugar. We'll again also add that, should your furbaby have any health concerns, of course first discuss adding anything such as pumpkin seeds to your furbaby's diet with your veterinarian.