Friday, September 6, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Window View

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is a movie I would like to see.

2. _________ is a museum I would like to visit.

3. I've been complimented on my _________.

4. I once got in trouble for _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. Longlegs is a movie I would like to see.
(I'm pretty sure I mentioned this movie in another recent fill-in. It's a new movie that I've heard is a creepy, psychological horror-thriller. It also stars Nicolas Cage, and I've really been enjoying a lot of the new movies he's been in. I mostly wait for movies to be available on the streaming services I have access to, which is why I'm still waiting to watch this one. I'll be excited when I can give it a try.)

2. The Halloween Museum of Salem is a museum I would like to visit.
(I don't know why, but I've always found museums a bit boring. I enjoy learning, and so I've never fully known why I feel this way, but it is what it is. That said, I wouldn't mind someday visiting Salem, MA, including the Halloween Museum there. There are also some Salem witch trial museums there that I would probably find interesting as well. I don't like traveling, mostly because I simply prefer being home and with my kitties and pup, but if someday I do travel, perhaps I'll visit Salem and the museums it offers.)

3. I've been complimented on my creativity.
(I've gotten compliments when others have seen my drawings or read my writing. I always appreciate the compliments, as there are times I wonder if others can understand or enjoy what my brain and hands come up with. I know I have some weird and out-there ideas sometimes, so I appreciate knowing that my creations bring others even a little bit of joy.)

4. I once got in trouble for getting distracted by a cat.
(Honestly, this has happened more than once in my life. Whether it was a family or school or other sort of event, I've more than once been told to focus on a task at hand rather than pet and fawn over a kitty, or a pup. There's little chance I'll readily obey that sort of order. I'm generally a pretty focused person, but when a cat or dog enters the picture, that goes right out the window.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Today's Eddy fix comes yet again from her post at her favorite window. This time, though, Eddy climbed to the very top of her cat tree to get a higher vantage point.

I've said this before, but I just love when Eddy's snaggletooth co-stars in her photos. Just look how cute it is!

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

While we're supposed to get another heat wave later next week, the next few days we'll be enjoying very autumnal temperatures. That makes it feel like Halloween is right around the corner, which makes me happy, and which made me think of this flashback doodle.

Tip of the Day:

Today's autumn pet safety tip relates to those leaves, sticks, and other debris that ends up on the ground this time of year. Though they might seem harmless, it is possible for even simple fallen leaves to pose a variety of risks. If your pup or kitty is accustomed to chewing on or ingesting leaves, sticks, acorns, and other bits and pieces that frequently fall from trees during the autumn, for example, then medical issues could result. There is a chance that your cat or dog could end up with gastrointestinal distress if they eat leaves and the like. In worst case scenarios, ingestion of large amounts of leaves, sticks, or acorn material could lead to perforation or obstruction of the bowels.

Another similar risk might come from sharp leaf stems or sticks. If your furbaby is playing out in the yard where leaves are thick and obscure what's beneath, for example, then it is perhaps possible for them to sustain injuries to the eyes, legs, or other areas of the body. This might occur if a stick or leaf stem scrapes or pokes them while they are walking or playing in fallen leaves. In order to prevent injuries and other potential medical emergencies, you can try to keep on top of picking up leaves, sticks, and the like in your yard, so that dangers are less likely to lie in wait. It is also, of course, important to monitor your kitty or pup while they play in the yard or make their way on walks. This way, you can try to help them stay safe from injury from autumn debris on the ground. Of course, though, despite our best intentions, sometimes furbaby emergencies still do occur. If anything of the like occurs, do not hesitate to seek veterinary assistance.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Pretty Cute Thankful Thimble Thursday

Welcome to Thursday, friends! Thimble is of course here and ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

This tabby girl is, as always, grateful that she's pretty cute. Pretty and cute, more like it.

Even though that photo is a bit too dark, which is absolutely the fault of this here human's lacking photography skills, Thimble is still adorable. And there is indeed a Christmas tree behind Thimble there. That's Eddy's year round tree, since she loves climbing them so much. Eddy admittedly doesn't climb it as often as she used to, probably because it's not new anymore, but I still let her keep it there. And Thimble loves posing with it, so there's that.

Now, Thimble has one more bit of gratitude, and that relates to how cute she is even when she gets excited and therefore blurry.

Thimble hopes her pretty, cute, adorable self helped brighten your day!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is a movie I would like to see.

2. _________ is a museum I would like to visit.

3. I've been complimented on my _________.

4. I once got in trouble for _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today I'm sharing a flashback doodle that relates to my current endeavor of decorating my house for Halloween.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumn pet safety tip is about none other than snakes. Depending on your location and the types of snakes, it might be baby snake season, or it might be the time when snakes are prepping for hibernation. In such cases, more snakes might very well be out and about and therefore pose a risk to furbabies and humans alike. Of course, not all snakes are dangerous. However, some snakes could indeed pose a risk or could be venomous. The types of snakes that are around of course depend on the area in which you live. So, it might be wise to a bit of research on the types of snakes in your area, and to also research which ones are dangerous to animals and humans. All in all, though, if in doubt, monitor your furbaby when they are outside to ensure that they don't run into any snaky danger. If you do see a snake, remove your kitty or pup from the area, especially if you know the snake is dangerous, but also if you are unsure of the risks it might pose. If your cat or dog is bit by a snake, do not hesitate to seek veterinary care to help ensure that no toxic reaction or infection results.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Adventures with Astrid: Scenery and Shopping Carts

Today, pup Astrid of course wanted to take you along on another one of her walks. We have some nice and scenic paths near our house, which Astrid seems to appreciate just as much as I do.

Astrid loves this path. She hardly ever used to take me on this particular one, but now she chooses it multiple times a week.

Oh, and soon after we walked down that path up there, we found another shopping cart. Because that's a normal thing to find on a sidewalk in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

We recently shared a very similar shopping cart here on our blog, as someone in our neighborhood apparently enjoys shopping at that somewhat nearby grocery store, bringing their goods home in a cart, and then just leaving the poor cart to fend for itself. Astrid always checks in with any shopping carts we stumble upon. Unfortunately, none of the carts we've found have ever contained any treats for poor Astrid. How rude.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

I've been going through all the doodles I created over the past few weeks to make sure I've shared all of the summer-ish ones, and I found yet another that never made it here to our blog. This one would have made more sense to share on my hind limb paralyzed boy Evan's Mancat Monday post, but Astrid is fine sharing it on her day. So, here's extra special Evan enjoying a summer evening in the moonlight.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumn pet safety tip is about those mushrooms we often seeing growing all over the place this time of year. The honest truth is that the majority of mushrooms that we see growing outside don't pose a huge risk to our furbabies. However, a small population of them are a real danger. What's more, it's often difficult to distinguish between the different types of mushrooms, especially if you don't know all that much about these fungi. Therefore, especially if you aren't familiar with types of mushrooms and the level of risk they pose to your furbaby, do be sure to monitor your furbaby when they are in your yard, on a walk, or anywhere mushrooms are growing. Prevent your kitties and pups from gnawing on and ingesting any mushrooms, so as to ensure they are safe from any hazards certain mushrooms might pose.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: Snoopervising in the Sun

It's Tonks Tuesday, and today the calico is admittedly a tad bit distracted.

Tonks not only found a highly sought-after sun puddle in this photo, but she also simply had to snoopervise the neighbor dogs playing in their yard. She's sorry she didn't look at the camera, but she's quite the busy little lady.

Also, do you see that tongue sticking out there? We have even more photos to share of it soon, as Tonks is known for stopping mid-bath and just letting her tongue do its own thing. It's adorable, which you probably already know.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

Before I start sharing our autumnal, kooky, and spooky doodles, I have a couple more summery ones that I forgot about. Today's was scribbled up during a recent heatwave, during which my kitties seemed to enjoy basking in the hottest of sun puddles (like Tonks above, as that photo was taken on a 95°F day). So, obviously, my brain figured why not draw a kitty happily melting in the sun?

Tip of the Day

As part of our autumn series of pet safety tips, we recently mentioned keeping school supplies out of your furbaby's reach. In addition to this, there are further potential dangers that might pose a risk especially as the weather cools. One such hazard is, as you all certainly know, antifreeze. Without going into the chemistry of it, coolants such as antifreeze contain components that are highly toxic to cats and dogs. At the same time, it also can smell or taste sweet and enticing to our furbabies, making it all the more dangerous. For such reasons, try to avoid all emergencies by simply keeping antifreeze, and other similar products, hidden away where your cats and dogs cannot reach.

We'll also mention one more toxic group of products that is often more commonly used once the weather cools. We're referring to rodenticides. When the temperatures outside start to lower, critters like mice might very well try to find ways to enter our homes in order to find warmth. This might result in some people using rodenticides. However, these products can be highly toxic to our furbabies. Not only is it dangerous if a cat or dog finds and ingests the chemical itself, but they can also become sick if they ingest a rodent that has eaten the rodenticide. All of that being said, it is likely best to avoid using rodenticides altogether, to ensure that your furbaby is not affected by them at all. Of course, keep in mind that snapping mice traps can also pose a risk, especially if they contain  enticing cheese or peanut butter and are somewhere that your furbaby can potentially access. One safer option is to look into using humane mouse traps, such as catch-and-release types. Of course, it is still wise to place these somewhere hidden away to avoid complications with your furbaby.

As lovely as autumn is, it can still pose risks to our kitties and pups. As the seasons change, think of any and all new products that you might be using. Then, consider how such products might affect your furbaby and their health, and then only use and store them in manners that keep your furbaby safe.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mancat Monday: Lazing Away on Labor Day

It's Mancat Monday, but it's also Labor Day here in the United States. So, Evan hopes everyone out there enjoys a nice, restful day!

If it's not Labor Day for you, or if you're hard at work, Evan and all of us here still wish you a happy and safe Monday!

Doodle of the Day

Our autumnal, kooky, and spooky doodles will be starting up very soon. For today, though, we have a simple one that I drew at the same time that Evan's photo above was snapped. I just wanted to draw something quick and of course with a kitty, and this is what ended up on the page.

Tip of the Day

Since we've reached September, we're all excited for autumn and are therefore doing a series of autumnal tips. Since autumn means the beginning of the new school year, yesterday we mentioned keeping school supplies out of your furbaby's reach. Today's tip also relates to those furbabies potentially affected by a new school year starting up. School starting up can mean a new routine, which can include a cat or dog suddenly being home alone more often, or for longer periods of time. For some furbabies, this type of change in their routine can lead to anxiety, which can in turn lead to destructive behavior, increased vocalization, and other behaviors that are out of their ordinary.

There are some potential ways you can help combat a cat or dog's separation anxiety, such as that which might result from the start of a new school year. First, you can try to introduce changes to your furbaby's routine slowly. If you are a teacher or have children with whom your cat or dog is used to playing, then leading up to the school year, transition your furbaby to being home alone by going out of the house more often slowly over time. In addition to this, you can set up interactive toys to help keep them busy when their humans are away. Of course, ensure that any such interactive toys are safe and will not cause any harm to an unattended furbaby. You can also try using diffusers with synthetic pheromones that can potentially help a cat or dog feel calmer. All of the above being said, in some cases, the safest thing might simply be to ensure that your cat or dog is kept secluded in a safe area where they cannot harm themselves, or the house. This might mean keeping them contained to a safe room or a crate of a sufficient size while you are away from home.

What's more, if your cat or dog does display signs of anxiety that do not relent, it is of course wise to discuss this with a veterinarian. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that there is not an underlying medical reason for anxiety in a cat or dog. Once medical issues are ruled out, anxiety in a cat or dog might require medication, which can help calm them or help balance out their mood and behaviors. Anxiety can lead to an unhappy and unhealthy furbaby, so if you notice any signs of anxiety in your cat or dog, do not hesitate to seek advice from a veterinarian, and to implement anti-anxiety techniques to help your furbaby feel happy and healthy.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Rainbow Bridge Birthday Bash

This past Wednesday, August 28th, was Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, initiated by Deborah Barnes of Zee & Zoey in 2015.

While I did indeed take more than a little bit of time to remember my angels on that day, and every day, I decided to push my full post until today, September 1st. That's because today it is the birthday of two of my angels, Rosie and Sammy.

Some of you might very well remember Rosie, who was with me from the time I was 4 until I was 26. She was more or less the main star of our blog when we first started it all those years ago. Sadly, Rosie's brother, Sammy, only lived to 5 years of age due to undetected cardiac disease. But, like Rosie, he was still a huge part of my childhood and who I am today.

Rosie and Sammy were the best friends a girl could have when growing up. My sister and I were beyond blessed.

On the left of that ancient photo is my sister sitting with Rosie, and I'm on the right sitting with Sammy. If you're curious, the eye patch that childhood me was wearing was due to an eye condition called amblyopia. Rosie and Sammy never noticed the patch, and they loved unconditionally. They were also great reading buddies, and overall just wonderful furry friends for my sister and myself.

For today, I scribbled up a birthday doodle for Rosie and Sammy that relates to the fact that they were our loyal reading buddies. My sister and I grew up during the craze of the Harry Potter series being published, and we loved reading them and still enjoy the series to this day. While Sammy sadly wasn't around for a lot of this journey, both Rosie and Sammy were still a huge part of that aspect of our lives in their own ways. In the world of Harry Potter, magical children go to a school called Hogwarts, and according to Harry Potter lore, classes at Hogwarts begin on September 1st. Childhood me was so excited to read that fact, since my childhood kitties Rosie and Sammy shared that as their birthday.

All of the above rambling to say, here are Rosie and Sammy having a magical sort of birthday party at Hogwarts.



Since this post is indeed our Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day memorial, I also have to include my angelic childhood pups, Banjo and Shellie, who would keep me company and entertain me for hours on end.

I can't fail to mention that I also remember my childhood feathered friends, Pippin, Robin, and Sweetpea. And of course I also remember my aquatic angels, such as Lieutenant Legs and Oscar.

Though I sometimes cannot help but feel sadness that some of my dearest friends have made the journey to the Rainbow Bridge, I will forever be grateful for the unconditional love and memories they gifted me. I will forever remember them. I will forever love them.

Tip of the Day

I apologize to anyone who does not yet wish to unofficially begin autumn. For me, though, September 1st marks the day when I can really start celebrating my favorite season of the year. That's why, starting today, we'll be doing a series of tips on pet safety during the season of autumn.

Since the fall semester of school is starting up for students, that's what our autumnal tip for today relates to. If any students live in your home with your furbabies, be sure that care is taken to keep your kitties or pups safe from any rampant school supplies. Pens, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, tape, scissors, and any and all sorts of school supplies could potentially pose a risk if left where a furbaby can turn them into a toy or snack. Ingested erasers or other supplies, for example, can result in gastrointestinal upset or even perforated or obstructed bowels. Obviously, this is not ideal, and so school supplies should be tucked safely away, out of reach of cats and dogs. Keep this in mind throughout the school year as well. Backpacks, for example, might contain some of the aforementioned potentially dangerous school supplies, or even lunches or snacks that contain hazardous ingredients. Therefore, again, be sure to keep all such school items well out of reach of your furbaby. As we always say, i's better to be safe than sorry.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Photo Fail

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to _________.

2. The highlight of my summer was _________.

3. _________ is a fictional character I really relate to.

4. My interest in _________ began when _________.

My answers are below in bold

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to pressure wash my house.
(My house has needed pressure washed, or power washed, for a while now. For the past couple of springs and summers, I've told myself that I was going to do it. And so far that's always become one of the outdoor chores that never gets done before winter. I honestly don't know that it'll get done this summer, but it's still on the to-do list nonetheless.)

2. The highlight of my summer was finding my creative inspiration again.
(Earlier this year I found myself in a bit of slump when it came to drawing and writing. I wanted to do it, but I just rarely felt inspired to do so. This summer, though, after listening to some creative podcasts and watching some creative videos about others' art, I felt really inspired again. I have been drawing and writing like crazy for weeks now, often with my drawings being fun little bits of concept art relating to what I'm writing. I now have the constant urge to be doing one of my creative passions, which makes things like work and chores really drag on, but such is life.)

3. Garfield is a fictional character I really relate to.
(I honestly thought I'd think of some cat lady or other such relatable character to put for this. But, when it came time to actually answer, all I could think of was lazy, lasagna-loving Garfield. As a homebody who likes to stay in place, and who loves Italian food, I might as well just let Garfield be my answer.)

4. My interest in Halloween began when 5-year-old me snuck out of bed and found the movie Halloween playing on the TV.
(I might have mentioned this story in the past, but when I was about 5 years old, I indeed snuck out of bed one October night and tiptoed to the living room. My dad was watching the movie Halloween, and it was the scene when Michael Myers is just standing in the shadows across the street and the little boy character named Tommy sees him from the window and yells that the boogeyman is outside. I was ushered back to bed soon after that, but I remember having a mild concern about the white-masked boogeyman for years after that. Even more so, I remember feeling incredibly intrigued by the thrill of the scare. And I've loved all things Halloween and spooky since.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

You better believe your blooper queen Eddy is ready for the event. This time around, I was all lined up for a photo when, perhaps because she realized this day of bloopers was approaching, Eddy decided to dodge the camera. And, of course, she wouldn't let this day go by without a little blur in her photo.

Happy Friday, friends!


Spooky Summertime Doodle of the Day

It's Eddy's turn to have a spooky summertime doodle. This one started when my mom shared with me a photo of a chair decorated to look like a ghost. There's a chair in my bedroom that Eddy loves to sleep on, so I decided that she more than deserved for her spooky doodle to star her in her very own ghostly chair.

Tip of the Day

We're on our final tips in our series about kitty vet visits. Today's tip doesn't directly relate to the physical act of taking your cat to the vet, but it still can play a part in those vet visits. What we're talking about are a variety of ways that might help you pay vet bills. We have a number of thoughts on this topic, and so this will be a long one.

So, let's start with pet insurance. As most of you likely already know, you can indeed get insurance for your furbabies. Just as with humans, there are a variety of companies and policies to choose from, and so pet insurance can certainly involve some research in order to determine the best coverage for your furbaby. In the end, though, this research and the resulting coverage you select can potentially save you money. For example, depending on the policy you choose, you could possibly save a large sum of money in the event of an unexpected pet emergency that is at least partially covered by your pet's insurance.

All of the above being said, when it comes to pet insurance, do try to think ahead. If you are interested in starting your furbaby on a policy, perhaps do so when they're still young and healthy. One reason for this is that some companies and policies make it difficult to acquire certain coverage for an animal who is already geriatric or sick. So, early on, consider the benefits you might obtain from pet insurance, do your research, and then do what is best for you and your furbaby.

Besides pet insurance, another option is CareCredit. CareCredit is a credit card that can be used to pay medical bills, such as vet bills. Just like pet insurance, this one will likely require some research to ensure it is a good fit. For example, not all vet clinics accept CareCredit as a means of payment. Therefore, you would want to find out if your preferred vet accepts CareCredit before applying for it.

In addition to all of the above, if needed, some vet clinics also allow for payment plans. Some vets are especially willing to do this for clients in good standing, and who have proven trustworthy and who have shown a willingness and ability to pay for funds in a timely manner. If you have large furry family, if you are faced with a pet emergency, or if there are other such circumstances, perhaps consider discussing with your veterinarian the possibility of making payments to cover your furbaby's bills. If you do so, of course also ensure that you understand all of the terms, and that you are able to make payments on time and in agreement with the payment plan.

One last idea we're sharing today is to simply do your best to have some sort of "pet emergency fund" in which you save money over time. Such a fund can come in handy especially if you do not have pet insurance or CareCredit, and if you don't use a payment plan at your vet clinic. Accidents and emergencies can indeed happen, and they can happen when you least expect it. What's more, resulting vet bills can potentially start racking up. So, if and when possible, try to determine ways to save even just a little money each week or month in order to contribute to a "pet emergency fund", so that you won't be left scrambling to find funds for your furbaby. Ways to save a little extra for such a fund might mean cutting back on eating out, cutting back on the number of coffees you buy, cutting back on your clothes spending, or cutting back on other luxuries. Rest assured, though, that passing on a special luxury or two is well worth it for your furbaby's health and happiness.

Furbabies make wonderful companions, but they are also, admittedly, not free. They require care, just like humans do, and that care does come with a cost. Therefore, always include your furbabies in your budget or other financing plans. This might require some research and money-saving measures, but our furbabies are always worth it.