Friday, July 26, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Photo Fail

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I have changed _________ in the past year.

2. I need to get moving on _________.

3. Though it might seem childish, I _________.

4. _________ wasn't as _________ as I thought it would be.

My answers are below in bold, along with unnecessarily lengthy explanations.

1. I have changed my morning routine in the past year.
(Over the past year or so, Evan has been put on a variety of new medications, mostly for his urinary and intestinal issues. He gets anywhere from six to nine medications every morning, and half as many every evening. Prepping Evan's medications and administering them to him takes a bit of time, in part because a number are crushed and/or dissolved, some are liquid suspensions I draw up in a syringe, and one is given transdermally. What's more, Evan is not the biggest fan of medication time, so a tiny little battle ensues every time. Before work, my mornings also include feeding the furry babies, scooping litter, tending to feral kitties in our neighborhood, walking pup Astrid, and doing a workout. With Evan's new medication necessities, I've started getting up 30 minutes earlier than I used to, usually in the 5 o'clock hour, so that I can fit it all in. I'm a morning person and so I don't really mind, but the mornings I fall behind turn into pure chaos.)

2. I need to get moving on my writing projects.
(I've been saying this for years. I love writing. I've always wanted to be a writer, an author. And for years now, I've been planning and writing stories in the same fantasy world I created quite some time ago. The stories keep shifting and evolving. Earlier this year I had a huge revelation for my stories. A missing piece of the giant puzzle finally crawled out of the depths of my brain. All that to say, I've reworked some things and now have a new starting point for my stories. I've been chipping away at it, but I have some publishing goals, and even some publishing experimentation I want to try, and so I need to really get to writing.)

3. Though it might seem childish, I went to a kids' summer showing of How to Train Your Dragon.
(I've mentioned before how How to Train Your Dragon is one of my favorite movies. It came out when I was in college, when I was already an adult, but that didn't stop me from falling in love with it. I have watched that movie dozens upon dozens of times. I have memories of my angel Rosie watching the dragons fly around the TV screen, and now Thimble does the same thing. All that to say, on Monday of this week, a local theater had a free, midday showing of the movie. It was targeted for kids, though anyone was welcome, so I left work early for the day and went with my sister and mom. It was one of the most fun things I've done in a while.)

4. My most recent horror read wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
(I'm one of those people who likes the horror genre. I like books as well as movies that can give me a good scare. So, I recently looked for a new book that was deemed scary by the majority of its readers. I found one by a new author that many people said was as scary as Stephen King's Pet Sematary. Given that Pet Sematary is one of only two books that have ever truly scared me, I was all for it. But, I didn't find this other, new book scary whatsoever. It wasn't a bad book, and it even starred a canine character who does not die in the end, which gets a thumbs up from me. But, it just wasn't the scare I was looking for. If anyone's curious, the book I'm talking about is Mean Spirited by Nick Roberts.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

You better believe your blooper queen Eddy is ready for the event. If you're looking for blurry and off-center, Eddy's got you covered.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Yesterday, Thimble shared some photos of her watching a momma opossum eating on our back porch, while carrying 9 babies on her back. That reminded me of this drawing I scribbled up a couple years ago, and which I'd honestly love to recreate with upcoming holiday themes. Because what's more festive than an opossum.

Tip of the Day

We've given tips on cats and their litter boxes multiple times before. The litter box plays such a crucial role in not only your cat's daily life, but also their health and happiness. That's why we've decided to refresh and repeat an entire, comprehensive series of tips on that box of litter.

The first tip in this series is all about selecting the type of litter box. You wouldn't think a litter box could come in all that many varieties, but the litter box aisle at the pet store begs to differ. Litter boxes come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and configurations. That means there are a lot of considerations to make when selecting that litter box.

So, let's start with size. Is your cat of the larger variety? Especially in the case of a large cat, it is important to make sure the litter box is big enough. Out-of-box behavior, even if in the form of accidental misses, can occur if the box is too small for the cat. Sometimes, you'll even need to make sure to get a box that is not only large enough but that also has tall enough sides. Some cats are more prone to raising their rear end when urinating, for example, which would mean that a box with tall sides is a far more ideal option.

The above being said, also take into consideration if your cat is small. If you have a petite cat or a kitten, you might at least have to start with a small box. Being able to climb over the edge of the box in order to get inside is of course important. A kitten might very well outgrow their first litter box, but when they're small, they of course need to be able to comfortably climb into the litter box. In truth, though, no matter the size of your cat, stick to whatever size of box they seem to prefer and do well with. Some cats might be large, but also might prefer and do just fine with a small box. Take any such preferences your cat has into consideration.

There are also different shapes of cat litter boxes. There are rectangles, squares, circles, ovals, and even some triangular ones that can fit into corners. When selecting the shape of the litter box, you can base your decision on concepts such as how the shape might affect your furbaby's ability to get comfortable when in the box, or how the shape might affect the way it fits in your home. Then again, as mentioned above, your cat might reveal a preference for litter box shape, and if so, go with that.

Next up is an oft debated litter box detail. And that is, do you get a covered box? Or, do you get an uncovered box? Let's go right ahead and touch upon the fact that, ultimately, the cat gets to pick. Some cats prefer a box that is covered, such as for the sake of privacy. Other cats do not like covered boxes. That being said, covered boxes can harbor smells far more easily than uncovered boxes. Imagine walking into a portable toilet, one in which all of the smells just sit and fester. No one enjoys using a portable toilet, and that might be how some cats feel about a covered litter box. Again, though, the truth of the matter is that the cat should get to pick what kind of toilet they use. If your cat will not enter or use a covered box, but will willingly urinate or defecate in an uncovered box, then an uncovered box it is. If your cat urinates or defecates outside of an uncovered box, but will willingly go into a covered box and use it, then no matter what your thoughts on this topic are, your cat just gave you their answer.

So, when it comes to selecting the type of litter box your cat will use, of course take into consideration their size, whether the box will harbor smells, and other such details. That being said, though, just like us, our cats often have preferences and opinions on various matters. The litter box might very well be one of these matters. That's why, when it comes to any of the details of the litter box, if your cat shows a preference, take note of that and run with it.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday with the Opossums

We've reached Thursday, and of course Thimble is here to partake in Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is grateful for some of the visitors we get. She loves meeting and watching newcomers.

That was just yesterday. I'd fed the feral kitty who visits our yard every day, and he left behind some food that this momma opossum enjoyed as her 9 babies crawled all over her. 

We get a lot of opossum visitors, since I do feed kitties outside of my house, but this it he first time I've ever seen a mother carrying babies on her back. Thimble was very intrigued, as was I.


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I have changed _________ in the past year.

2. I need to get moving on _________.

3. Though it might seem childish, I _________.

4. _________ wasn't as _________ as I thought it would be.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

It's a Merry Christmas in July sort of day!

Tip of the Day

If you ask our humble opinion, having kitties and a pup in the same home can be a wonderful thing. It's even better when they all get along. Sometimes, though, the biggest trick is getting a pup to leave the kitty food alone. There are some methods to try, though, if you find yourself in such a situation.

First, you can try placing the cat food somewhere the dog cannot reach, but of course where the cat can reach it. You can try a counter, cat tree, or shelf, for example, as a cat can often climb to these heights, while a dog typically remains landbound. Another option is to get some form of sturdy box, setting it upside down on the floor, cutting a hole in it through which a cat can fit but not a dog, and feeding your cat within. There's even a chance that some pieces of furniture would allow for this form of feeding. Of course, this technique primarily works for larger dogs, as small dogs might still be able to access cat food with this method.

A more fail-safe way to feed a cat without a dog's intervention is by feeding them in separate rooms. You can keep the cat's food in a room where the dog does not have access, even if just during feeding time. You can also keep the cat's food in a room that is permanently closed off to the dog, but where the kitty can visit by way of something such as a kitty door. One more similar option is to feed the kitty in a separate room where the door is left ajar, but is kept that way with some sort of door attachment. There are such products available on the market, that allow for a door to remain stuck ajar, so that a cat can pass through, but not a pup. You can even rig your own sort of setup, such as by using certain types of brackets, just as long as the setup is still safe for the furbabies. Again, though, these last couple of options will work best if the dog is larger and therefore cannot squeeze through to reach the cat food.

It is more than possible to have both cats and dogs living under the same roof. Once you get past the introductions and everyone is one big happy family, sometimes the main issue then becomes keeping the dogs out of the cat food. This is an important thing to do, though, as eating food not intended for their species can potentially result in gastrointestinal distress. So, if you have both cats and dogs, and food thieves run rampant, simply think on what type of feeding method would work best for you, your furbabies, and your overall home setup. It may take some trial and error, but it is doable.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Adventures with Astrid: Water under the Bridge

There's a creek that runs all over our neighborhood, which means there are lots of bridges to cross during our walks. Astrid loves her bridges.

Isn't that a nice little view? Astrid sure thinks so.

We've almost certainly shared this bridge before, as I believe Astrid has by now shown off all of her beloved bridges. But, even so, Astrid is happy to show it off again.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Does today count as Christmas Eve in July? Yes? No? Maybe so? Well, in case it does, here you go.

Tip of the Day

Do you want or need to monitor your furbaby, even when you aren't with them? Items such as baby monitors don't have to be used for only children of the human sort. Baby monitors, or similar products, can be used for our furbabies as well. Depending on what type of monitoring you need, you can look into monitoring devices that allow you to hear, see, or locate your furbaby. For example, there are monitors and cameras that you can place in your home that allow you to view your furbaby and what they're up to, even if you're away from home, such as by using the internet, apps, or other similar means. There are even devices on the market that can be attached to your furbaby's collar and that take video of what they've been up to. Another method of keeping track of your furbaby includes more or less putting some form of tracking device on them. For example, there are GPS or other similar devices that can go on your furbaby's collar. This is something that might come most in handy if you have a dog or cat who goes outdoors.

All in all, if you want or need to keep an especially close watch on your pup or kitty, such as when you're away from home, there are ways to do this. You might wish to keep an eye on a new puppy or kitten, a sick or geriatric furbaby, a cat or dog with separation anxiety, or something else along those lines. In such cases, determine whether monitoring, such as when you're away from home, might be beneficial, and then research the best types of monitoring systems for your particular situation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: 100 Days until Halloween

Today marks 100 days until Halloween. This probably means next to nothing to most people, especially given that we're still in July. But, it is indeed 100 days until Halloween, and I love Halloween. Tonks also loves it, and so she decided to share a photo she snapped with one of our year-round Halloween pillows.

Tonks is wishing you all a wonderfully spooky 100 days until Halloween!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Of course we have another flashback spooky summertime doodle in honor of it being 100 days until Halloween.

Tip of the Day

When there's rain rather than shine, it can often make it difficult to take our pups or outdoor kitties outside. For those furbabies who might need to go outdoors, such as for a bathroom trip or a walk, you can try to find ways to keep them as dry as possible in the rain. There are indeed products on the market specifically designed to help keep your pups or even kitties dry. For example, there are leashes available that have umbrellas attached to them, so that your furbaby can stay dry beneath the umbrella while on their leash in the rain. In addition, there are also rain ponchos available for pets. With such products, you of course have to ensure that you get a product that matches your furbaby's size. An umbrella or poncho fit for a mastiff won't fit a small dog or cat.

There are also, of course, other options for helping your furbabies stay dry when they go outdoors in the rain. You can try the simple trick of holding a typical umbrella over your furbaby. Another option is to have an area of your yard that stays dry, such as beneath some sort of canopy, where your furbaby can comfortably enjoy the outdoors even in the rain. For furbabies who might refuse to go outdoors in the rain, yet who are not litter box trained, you can also train them to use pee pads in the house if plausible or if in dire straits. So, there are a variety of ways to potentially help furbabies stay dry in the rain, which is especially crucial for those who go outdoors to use the restroom yet who also don't like getting wet. Simply take into consideration what methods might be most useful for your particular situation, and then try viable options until you find a solution that works best for your furbaby and yourself.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mancat Monday with Evan and His Ear

I realized that I haven't given any recent updates on the status of Evan's ear. For those who don't know or don't remember, Evan had an upper respiratory infection in January of this year. When he had that, he was doing a lot of sneezing, head shaking, and ear rubbing, which resulted in a hematoma on his right ear. Given all of Evan's already existing issues, his vet and I agreed that rather than put him under anesthesia to drain the hematoma and pin the ear flap shut, we'd let it heal on its own, as hematomas will usually do.

Well, Evan's aural (ear) hematoma decided it didn't want to heal in the normal way that most do. Evan just really doesn't like doing things the normal way, apparently. Through to early April or so, Evan's hematoma did shrink quite a bit, especially given that at its worst his entire ear pinna was swollen with the hematoma. But, then it reached a point where the hematoma hardened into what may now be some sort of scar tissue. Since April, it seems to have remained exactly the same, neither shrinking nor getting larger.

Do you see Evan's little cauliflower ear there?

You might remember how, earlier this year, first the hematoma and then this resulting scar tissue were causing Evan to get chronic infections in that ear. Since that ear is now weighed down and folded over, the ear canal can't get much airflow. So, moisture would build up in there and cause ear infections every 2 to 4 weeks. I was removing a lot of debris out of Evan's ear every day, and he was pretty much living on antibiotics. 

One of the vets at our clinic mentioned that if the ear infections continued, and especially if the ear was indeed stuck in this state, we might have to remove it. Before proceeding with anything that drastic, though, we decided to try having me clean his ear with a specially formulated antimicrobial ear cleaning solution every day. And guess what? Evan has not had a single ear infection since I started cleaning his ear with that.

Evan's ear is now staying clean and without infection, and has been for over 3 months now. He no longer seems bothered by it at all. That makes me so happy. If ever the vets were to think this state of his ear were to be a cause for concern for another reason, we could revisit the whole ear removal option. But, for now, using the antimicrobial ear cleaning solution twice a day has been keeping Evan and his ear happy, so I'll happily continue with that.

All that to say, above you can see how adorable Evan and his ear are. It's not a "normal" ear anymore, but is being normal really that great? Evan thinks not. And, of course, Evan is still my adorable little momma's boy. I don't care how his ear looks, as long as he and it are as healthy as possible, all things considered.

Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Many of us have furbabies who enjoy a cozy bed, and who also enjoy making a bed out of their human's clothes. That's why today's pet parenting hack of a tip is to use your old clothes to make a pet bed for your kitty or pup. You can take on old shirt, for example, and stuff it with a pillow or other type of filling. You can sew it shut, or even just safely and securely tie it shut. Not only will the soft filling make this a cozy bed, but it will also smell like you, something that many furbabies enjoy. There are a great many options for creating beds in this manner, using shirts, pants, robes, and so forth. The options are endless, and you can even find ideas and techniques online for creating a variety of such pet beds.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Derriere

Hello, friends! It's time for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I refuse to shop at _________ because _________.

2. _________ is my screensaver.

3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say _________.

4. Even though _________ isn't until _________, I'm already _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I refuse to shop at Starbucks because I personally see it as an overpriced status symbol.
(This is very much just me and my opinion. This is certainly not a judgement on anyone who enjoys Starbucks items. To each their own. I personally will just never buy anything from there. Starbucks was incredibly popular when I was in high school, but it always seemed like it was popular for the wrong reasons. Some students would show up every day touting their Starbucks cups and would carry them around all day. It was a thing. And, admittedly, that kind of thing immediately makes me dislike something. Also, the prices just seem insane to me.)

2. Evan is my screensaver.
(I of course have images of all of my furbabies all over my devices and all that jazz. But, my momma's boy Evan has been my screensaver for years.)

3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say spooky things.
(I might teach him some of my favorite lines for Poe's works or my favorite quotes from horror books and movies. This is in part because I just love these kinds of things, but it could also be incredibly useful if someone were to break into my house and hear a creepy little voice say, "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.")

4. Even though Halloween isn't until October, I'm already enjoying horror movie marathons and putting out creepy home decor.
(I technically do this kind of stuff all year round, but with Halloween creeping up on us, I've been picking up my pace with it all. I'm sure my entire house will be decorated for Halloween before August is over.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Eddy apologizes that your view of her for today is a bit, well, you can just see for yourself.

Eddy didn't intend on giving you a rear view, but this mom of hers opened the window because it's been beautiful outside lately, and so Eddy just had to investigate.

Don't worry, the window only stays open like that if I'm standing right there. My angel Rosie once fell out of a window when the screen busted out, and though she was fine and we got her back inside, I now trust no open windows to keep my kitties safe.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's pet parenting tip relates to the dreaded vacuum cleaner, but at the same time, it doesn't. Especially if you have a furbaby who is fearful of the vacuum, you can do them a favor by using other methods to clean carpets and rugs, when possible. For example, did you know that a squeegee can be used to remove pet hair from carpets and rugs? That being said, there are also actual rug brushes on the market, which can similarly be used to remove hair from carpets and rugs. So, especially if you have a furbaby who is fearful when you vacuum, you can use these alternative, far quieter such methods when possible. Though the vacuum cleaner may not always be avoidable, when it is, such methods as the aforementioned ones can help remove hair from carpets and rugs while causing far less fearful reactions from your kitties or pups.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday with Angel Tickey

It's Thursday, so you better believe Thimble is here and ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is thankful for the outside attention her adorable self draws.

That kitty in the background was our neighbor kitty, Tickey, who passed away last July. He was beyond sweet and visited us almost daily. We miss him a great deal, but Thimble and all of us are so very glad and grateful for all the visits we got to enjoy with him.


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I refuse to shop at _________ because _________.

2. _________ is my screensaver.

3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say _________.

4. Even though _________ isn't until _________, I'm already _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's pet parenting tip is one that relates to that dreaded vet's office. As you all certainly know, it is recommended that your furbaby be seen by a veterinarian at least once a year. But, if you're anything like me, all throughout the year you find yourself questioning this or that about your furbaby. Of course, if you notice any abnormalities that are a concern or that are in need of immediate attention, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, sometimes we find ourselves with questions that we know are not emergencies and that are not truly in need of immediate attention, but that do pique our interest. That's why today's tip is to, if needed, keep a little notebook or note sheet handy, such as on a counter or on the refrigerator, where you can write down questions to ask your veterinarian at your furbaby's next exam. Whether it be a general question about food, exercise, grooming, behavior, or anything else, write it down when you think of it. That way, you can take your notes with you to your furbaby's next exam and sort out any questions you have in one fell swoop.