Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.
1. _________ is not complete until _________.
2. I _________ to _________.
3. _________ is my dream _________.
4. I wish I could remove _________ from my daily routine.
My answers are below in bold, accompanied by plenty of rambling.
1. Next week is not complete until I've read the awaited book that releases on Monday.
(I just had to make this work for one of my answers. I mentioned earlier this year how I discovered and was reading an absolutely wild and chaotic dystopic fantasy series about a man and his talking tortie Persian cat. Their names are Carl and Princess Donut, and they star in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series by Matt Dinniman. If you look it up, you'll probably think, "Um, she reads this? Is she okay?" And yes, I am okay because these books are my cup of tea and the seventh book in the series comes out on Monday. It's over 700 pages long and I cannot wait.)
2. I share my life with furry companions to stay happy and sane.
(My kitties and pup are the best parts of the my every single day. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that sentiment.)
3. What you might call "creative entrepreneur" is my dream job.
(I know I've had so many fill-in answers similar to this one, but here it is again. Also, I have a love-hate relationship with term "creative entrepreneur". For one reason or another, it sounds kind of like a cop out career to me, but at the same time, it also very much so describes what I'd love to do every day. I'd love to be able to earn a full-time income by seriously pursuing my drawing and writing endeavors. This is indeed a dream, and something I really do know I'd have to work really hard to achieve.)
4. I wish I could remove leaving my kitties and pup from my daily routine.
(I work full-time out of the home. As I've mentioned before, I'm grateful for the income. That said, and going hand-in-hand with #3 above, I'd admittedly rather be working from home with my furry babies. This is in part because I'm a homebody, but now even more so because Evan has become increasingly special needs. He's in need of over a dozen medications a day, regular cleanings, and so on and so forth, and I wish his care schedule wasn't based on me being away from home for 8+ hours every day. Again, I'm beyond thankful for the income, I just find myself in a situation that makes me feel guilty for being away from Evan as well as my other furbabies.)
Now it's your turn!
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You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Well, today this girl wants you all to get excited with her.
You see that Christmas tree behind Eddy? That's her year round tree in my bedroom, and the day after Thanksgiving it'll be lit up with lights and get Eddy's favorite festive chew toy a red ribbon to top it off. That always gets Eddy extra excited about the tree.

Eddy hopes you're all getting as excited for the next festive season as she is!
Flashback Doodle of the DayToday's chosen flashback doodle is brought to you by the fact that, though it's November, I'm still finishing a Halloween horror series of books that I started in October.
P.S. I look nothing like that scribbled up girl, but she's reading a Halloween story like I am, so it seemed fitting enough.
Tip of the Day
Today is the final of our Pet Cancer Awareness Month tips. We've discussed a variety of ways to potentially help prevent cancer in your kitties and pups. Now we're here with a reminder we're sure you all know, and that is to be knowledgeable of signs that might indicate cancer, or other diseases, in your furbabies. As you're all certainly aware, the symptoms of cancer and other diseases can vary in more ways than one. That being said, always keep a close eye on your kitty or pup, and use petting sessions to do regular checks for masses or other abnormalities of the skin, eyes, mouth, and so forth. Also, of course, be aware of any other changes in their appearance, activity, or behavior. Note any changes in their weight, coat, appetite, energy level, mobility, bathroom habits, and anything and everything in between. What's more, if you do notice any changes or concerns, never hesitate to contact your veterinarian.