Monday, December 6, 2021

Merry Mancat Monday

Today is Mancat Monday, so it's all about my mancat Evan around here.

Evan is my little shadow. No matter where I am, Evan wants to be there with me. And I love that.

When I sit down on the couch to watch TV, Evan is always up for keeping me company. His only complaint is when the TV wakes him up, which recently happened while I was watching A Christmas Story.

Evan's not the only one who found this movie to be loud. My sister was sitting in the other room while I watched it, and she ultimately said, "It sounds like you're watching a horror movie, with with how much the kids scream throughout it." I had to laugh, because she's not wrong. Between the main character and his brother fighting, and the main character and his friends stumbling upon the local bullies, there's a lot of screaming in A Christmas Story. It's still festive, though, and I still really enjoy watching it. But for Evan's sake, I'll turn down the volume.

Have a merry Monday!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Last year, I scribbled up a series of doodles starring some of the sort of famous houses from sort of famous Christmas movies. Our tour guide in this series of doodles was a little black cat, and one house he took us to was the one from A Christmas Story. Anyone remember this?


Tip of the Day

Continuing with our Christmas safety tips, today we're here to tell you to beware of ribbons. Ribbons can be dangerous in the same way that tinsel can. If ingested, ribbon can cause dangers such as obstruction or laceration of the gastrointestinal tract. This is why it is important to ensure that your furbaby does not have access to ribbon this holiday season. Avoid using ribbon when wrapping presents, or do not place presents with ribbon where your furbaby can reach them. Ribbon may seem like a fun and festive part of Christmas, but it can also mean dangerous situations for the furbabies in your life.


pilch92 said...

Evan is such a cutie and so sweet. My Sammy sticks by me all the time too. I do remember the drawing, but I thought you had the leg lamp in the window. Great tips too. XO

Grimoirely said...

Evan, you are so handsome. And some great tips as well, cats can get into anything if they wanted, best to keep them out of sight! Hope you have a lovely Monday.

catladymac said...

And Dad hollering at the furnace...

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Kids screaming drive Mudpie and I nuts too!

messymimi said...

Evan does look like he wants to go back to sleep.

Our family watches A Christmas Story over and over on Christmas Day as we're doing all the other celebrating and cooking and eating.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good werk, Evan! People need cat-time to keep them sane. Sleep calmly through movies...