Friday, November 3, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Strange Stalker

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. My November to-do list includes _________ and _________.

2. I was busy doing _________ 20 years ago.

3. _________ is a challenge I often face.

4. I'm proud to say that I overcame _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. My November to-do list includes writing a lot of words and preparing for Christmas.
(To be brief, there's an annual challenge in November known as National Novel Writing Month, and I'm trying to use that this year to really get me back on track with my passion of writing and working on the story projects I've been trying to complete for what seems like an eternity. As for the Christmas preparations, that probably doesn't need much of an explanation other than I really want to get ahead on the festivities so that I can enjoy the season without too much hustle and bustle.) 

2. I was busy doing studies as a freshman in high school 20 years ago.
(I started high school 20 years ago, something that I can barely wrap my head around.)

3. Socializing is a challenge I often face.
(Especially when it's in-person, I'm not very good at or very fond of socializing. I know that's probably not considered a healthy mindset, but it's admittedly the truth. Nothing makes me happier than hanging out at home with my kitties and pup, and that's pretty much the best way I can sum it up.)

4. I'm proud to say that I overcame my fear of the eye doctor.
(I used to be terrified of having my eyes examined or treated in any way. This stems back to my childhood, when I had an eye condition called amblyopia, which caused me to have to wear an eye patch and glasses and just generally have a lot of eye exams and treatments by the age of 4 or so. I became petrified to visit the optometrist at that point in my life, and that extended into my teen years, even after I was no longer affected by my childhood eye condition. However, when I became an adult and started being seen by a new optometrist, who is very calm and generally just great, my fear of optometrists and their practices just sort of vanished. Now, if only I could accomplish the same when it comes to the dentist.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Today, your Eddy fix comes in the form of flashbacks that are another final hoorah for Halloween here on our blog. These flashbacks go back to a couple years ago, when Eddy was stalked by a certain jack-o'-lantern that is a year-round fixture at our house.

Of course, in her true style, this photo shoot was mostly bloopers with Eddy in all of her blurry glory.

That jack-o'-lantern truly does stay out at our house year round, along with some skeletons and other weird and wacky decor that I simply think lends a nice macabre vibe to my home. Don't worry, though, because at Christmastime all of the creepy decor starts donning Santa hats, scarves, and that sort of thing.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a happy Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle is a flashback from a couple years ago, when I wanted to scribble up the hodgepodge that November is to me. 

I'm already working on a new doodle with this same theme, because I'm truly over here confusedly celebrating three different holidays this month.

Tip of the Day

Our pet cancer prevention tip for today is about food. Quality food, that is as natural and nutrient-dense as possible, is important for our furbabies for a variety of reasons. One such reason is to promote a healthy immune system that can sufficiently ward away diseases, including cancer. Foods of poorer quality not only put a kitty or pup at risk of an unhealthy immune and other systems, but can also potentially contain ingredients that are less than beneficial to their health overall. For both our furbabies and ourselves, some artificial ingredients and preservatives in certain foods have even been found to be potentially carcinogenic. For this reason and others, if possible, please do consider a high quality diet for your furbaby. Foods with natural ingredients are most ideal, as these will of course provide natural nutrients that can help keep your furbaby healthy and happy all around. As most of you already know, food plays a large role in life for a vast number of reasons.


Eastside Cats said...

My dentist is extremely handsome!

messymimi said...

I'm glad you aren't afraid of the eye doc any longer, you went through a lot.

Eddy, I do enjoy seeing you each week, no matter how blurry.

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers. I am glad you got over your fear of the optometrist. My hubby still fears the dentist and I actually have to be right in the room with him for procedures. Adorable shots of Eddy. I think it is cool that the big pumpkin stays out. We are deciding if we should leave the 6 ft skeleton out and put a Santa hat on him. Great tips too. And I LOVE the drawing. Have a nice weekend. XO

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Great fill-ins, and the P.A. agrees with #3, she's not fond of it either!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable pictures! I love that you decorate your year round spooky decor for Christmas :) My big fear is doctors in general :(

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

1. My November to-do list includes Thanksgiving decorations and pruning shrubs.

2. I was busy doing high school 55 years ago.

3. Cleaning is a challenge I often face.

4. I'm proud to say that I overcame trying to fly by flapping my arms (LOL).