Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kooky Caturday Art

I know it's unreasonably late in the day, but I am determined to post every day in October. I especially hope to share a new Halloween doodle every day this month. So, here we are with a belated Caturday Art post.

Today's new Halloween doodle stars the black kitty and its missing leg that I sort of explained in yesterday's post. The short version is that a recently saw a piece of art that was the Addams family but in cat form, and Thing was just depicted as just a paw. That inspired me. That said, this doodle probably makes no sense whatsoever, and I am fully aware of that, but here you go nonetheless.

As I mentioned yesterday, this kitty is a character I'd love to write a story about. I hope to do just that at some point.

Happy Caturday, friends

Tip of the Day

We're just in the early stages of our October-long Halloween tips. Today, how about we get one of the most common Halloween tips out of the way? That's right, today we're talking about candy. The long and short of it is that you should never leave candy sitting out where your furbaby can find it and help themselves. Whether it be candy you're saving for yourself, or the candy dish you've prepared for those trick-or-treaters, always keep it well hidden from the kitties and pups.

As you all certainly know, chocolate can be very toxic to our furbabies. Another candy danger includes artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which can be found in sugar-free candy, among other foods and goods. This candy discussion can also include raisins, and the double whammy that is chocolate-covered raisins. After all, raisins are toxic to kitties and pups just like chocolate is. To be on the safe side, no matter what kind of candy you have around the house or are handing out this Halloween, keep it hidden away from curious paws and maws.

In the event that your furbaby finds the candy, know the potential signs of toxicity. These can vary, and might include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or even neurological symptoms. Should you think or know that your furbaby has gotten into your candy stash, or should you observe any signs of toxicity, do not hesitate to seek veterinary assistance. It also does not hurt to have on hand a poison control number, such as the ASPCA at 1-888-426-4435.