Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year's Eve! (And Merry Seventh Day of Christmas!)

Tonks wants to know if you'd like her to tell you a scary story?

Once upon a time, Tonks's human of a mom called her over, promising toys and treats. But then, that lying human pulled out a nail trimmer, and Tonks's claws were brutally cut. See? Isn't that a scary story? And for poor Tonks, it's unfortunately a true one.

Tonks considered telling a different sort of scary story to round out 2024, but she decided otherwise. So, instead, Tonks and all of us here are wishing you a Happy New Year's Eve! We hope 2024 has treated you with much happiness and many blessings.

Oh, and Merry Seventh Day of Christmas!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

This year's plan of making new New Year's Eve and New Year's Day doodles didn't happen, but I'm telling myself that's okay. I do have this one I've shared for the past few New Year's Eves, so why not share it again.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip on winter feral care is to remember to put water out for ferals and strays you care for. This sounds and often feels impossible, given that water freezes in cold temperatures. However, it is often possible to make water accessible to ferals or strays even in the winter months. You can start by simply checking the water as often as possible, and removing ice or refreshing the water to ensure that it remains a liquid and not a frozen solid. You can also warm the water bowl, or even put out warm water, to delay its freezing. Other options include putting microwavable heat pads beneath the water bowl, using an electric heated bowl, or using another heat source in the area where the water is kept. With all such options, though, always keep safety in mind, and only choose and use heated products that best prevent burns and fires.

There are a couple of other considerations to make when putting water outside for ferals and strays in the winter months. To begin, as is possible, try to keep water bowls elevated off of the cold ground, to help keep it from freezing rapidly. In addition to this, using a deep bowl inside of a wide bowl will also help it to freeze less rapidly. Another option is to have a source of running water, such as by offering water in some sort of fountain, as moving water does not as easily freeze. And yet another way to help keep water from freezing rapidly in the winter is to put the bowl in the sun.

It also important to note that, as is possible, try to avoid putting water directly in a location where ferals or strays might sleep. This is because spills can indeed happen, and bedding material can make warmth and comfort difficult. So, there are many considerations to make when successfully offering water to ferals and strays in the winter months, but it is indeed possible, and of course also beneficial to them and their health.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Mancat Monday: Merry Sixth Day of Christmas!

Hello, friends! I certainly haven't gotten out all the festive posts I wanted this season, especially this Twelve Days of Christmas, but that's okay. Besides, we're here on this Sixth Day of Christmas with a festive little Evan.

These are pretty bloopery photos, but Evan is cute enough to make up for it. Obviously.

Evan and all of us here wish you a Merry Sixth Day of Christmas!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

There aren't many more days I can share a red truck with this license plate, so here it is for today.

Tip of the Day

We're starting a series of tips on how you can assist strays and ferals during the cold winter months. Today's tip regards feeding strays and ferals, and it is to make sure you understand the pros and cons of feeding dry versus moist food during the winter months. Dry food often takes more energy than moist food to digest, and animals need to conserve as much energy as possible to stay warm in the winter. However, that being said, moist food that is not immediately eaten can freeze during the winter months due to its high moisture content. For this reason, it is typically best to ensure that dry food is offered to strays and ferals in the winter months, as it will not freeze and therefore will be readily available even after sitting out for some time. All in all, though, it is possible and often beneficial to feed both dry and moist food to outdoor strays and ferals. Moist food can be fed where there is a heat source, for example. But, having dry food readily available does ensure that strays and ferals don't have to contend with frozen food.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Blurry Eddy on the Third Day of Christmas

Hello, friends! I'm so sorry for this exceedingly delayed post. My entire family ended up with the flu on Christmas, and we're all still struggling a bit with it. I've been sleeping the better part of the last two days, and I only just realized I didn't get this post scheduled. It's incredibly late now, but here it is.

It's of course time for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ was the highlight of my Christmas (or Hanukkah).

2. I ate too much _________ on Christmas (or Hanukkah).

3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I _________.

4. I'd still like to _________ before this year is over.

My answers are below in bold.

1. Watching my family open their gifts was the highlight of my Christmas.
(I enjoy giving gifts, and just generally seeing others receive gifts. Of course, I enjoy watching both my human and furry family members open gifts.)

2. I ate too much sugar on Christmas.
(I wasn't terribly hungry this particular Christmas, but I still ate cookies. Too many of them, to be exact.)

3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I still celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas.
(As we've mentioned before, Christmas itself is just the First Day of Christmas. That makes it easy to extend the festive season.)

4. I'd still like to work toward some of my 2024 goals before this year is over.
(I had lots of goals for this year, including plenty related to my creative endeavors. I have not and will not be able to accomplish all of them at this point, but I still very much so want to continue to work toward them.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

Our resident blooper queen Eddy is of course here with some outtakes. And they're even festive bloopers, because 'tis the season.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a Merry Third Day of Christmas!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip is one that can affect our indoor furbabies, and most certain any strays and ferals you might feed outside. During the cold winter months, it can be beneficial to increase the amount of food you feed to the furbabies in your life. This is because animals typically eat more in the cold months in order to produce more energy and heat for their bodies. This is why you might see your kitty or pup heading toward the food bowl more often than usual in the winter months. Then again, eating more food to stay warm is something that far more affects outdoor animals than indoor animals, since the latter are able to maintain their body heat far more easily. And, of course, if you have any concerns about how much your furbaby is eating or should eat, any time of the year, discuss this with your veterinarian.

When it comes to outdoor strays and ferals, if you are accustomed to offering them food outside, perhaps do consider feeding them larger quantities of food, or feeding them more often, during the cold winter months. Their bodies use that extra food to stay warm. Over the next few days we'll be giving more detailed tips not only on feeding strays and ferals, but also offering them assistance in other ways.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Merry Second Day of Christmas!

Hello, friends! We hope you had a merry and blessed Christmas!

I came down with something on Christmas and am not feeling my best. Because of that, today's post will be a quick one mostly to make sure we share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ was the highlight of my Christmas (or Hanukkah).

2. I ate too much _________ on Christmas (or Hanukkah).

3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I _________.

4. I'd still like to _________ before this year is over.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

And Merry Second Day of Christmas!

Around here we do indeed celebrate the Twelve Day of Christmas. Christmas itself is only the First Day of Christmas, so there's still plenty of festive fun to be had.

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Did your kitty or pup get new toys for Christmas? We're thinking many of them probably did. Now that all such new Christmas gifts have been opened and are being enjoyed, consider going through your furbaby's toy stash, pulling out the ones they don't use, and donating them to a shelter or rescue. Many shelters will accept such toys as long as they are clean, as well as easily cleaned, and in good condition. Of course, it is nonetheless always best to do your research regarding an individual shelter or rescue's requirements for donations. Donating toys that your kitty or pup has accumulated but does not use not only keeps your furbaby's toy stash at manageable levels, but also of course benefits shelter kitties and pups who are awaiting their forever homes. This might also go for unopened cans of food your furbaby will not eat, and even clean blankets they do not use. Christmas is indeed the season of giving, and even though the 25th of December has passed, that spirit of giving does not need to come to an end.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

We wish all of our friends out there a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all of the warm wishes and winter blessings you could ever ask for. Thank you all for making this community the amazing and inviting place it is.

From all of us to all of you, peace, joy, and good tidings!


Tip of the Day

Christmas is often a time of remembrance, a time when memories find their way into our minds. This can sometimes make this time of year a bittersweet one, as we remember our loved ones, both human and furry, who are no longer with us. Today's tip is to of course remember lost loved ones with fondness during the beautiful holiday season, but also to find ways to include lost loved ones in the festivities, if this is something that would benefit you. There are a number of ways to keep lost furbabies' or other family members' memories alive and well during the holiday season, such as by hanging an ornament dedicated to them. One example of this includes picture frame ornaments, in which you can obviously place a photo of a lost loved one. Another example are ornaments sculpted or painted in the likeness of a lost loved one, and this of course includes ornaments made to resemble kitties or pups who have gained their angel wings.

In addition to memorial ornaments, you can also set up memorial stations in your house for lost loved ones. This memorial area can be a place where you set up photos of a lost kitty, pup, or human family member who is no longer with you. What's more, to maintain their memory and inclusion during the holidays, you can add festive decorations to the memorial area you have set up for them. You can festively light up the memorial station with lights or candles, as long as this is done in a safe manner. There are plenty of other options for using festive yet respectful decor to include a lost loved one in the holiday spirit.

Just one more of many options for keeping a lost loved one's memory alive and well during this holiday season is to make a donation or other gift in their memory. When it comes to an angel kitty or pup, you can donate goods to a shelter or rescue in their memory. You can also sponsor, or even foster or adopt, an animal in their honor. Though remembering lost loved ones during the holiday season can be a bittersweet thing, there are many ways in which to maintain a lost loved one's memory and include them in the festivities.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas Eve!

The kitties, pup, and this here human all wish you a Merry Christmas Eve! Around here, the furbabies are impatiently eagerly watching and waiting for Santa Paws to fly in tonight.

Merry Christmas Eve, friends!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We recently mentioned some ways to make Christmas special for both your own furbabies and those in shelters. Today, we want to remind you to remember those furbabies who are outdoors and in your neighborhood. Do you have stray or feral cats around your area? If so, for Christmas, or any day possible, try to give them any extra help you can. During this holiday season, or all year round, try to give strays and ferals extra food, treats, or even a toy. If possible, also try to offer them shelter in some way, even if it's something makeshift. This is something that can greatly benefit them during a cold and snowy winter. We'll soon be sharing some repeat yet also significant tips on offering assistance to outdoor strays and ferals, but for now we'll offer this simple reminder to remember outdoor furbabies during this holiday season.

Since we're talking about outdoor animals, perhaps also don't forget the squirrels and birds. For Christmas, you could throw some extra food out for wildlife, to allow them an extra festive day as well. Some places even make or sell especially festive suet cakes and other goodies for outdoor critters this time of year.

So, this Christmas season, don't forget to think outside of your own home and family. Of course Christmas is a time for family, but it's also a time to remember how lucky we are, and how others may not be so lucky. So, spread the love this Christmas season.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Mancat Monday: Is It Christmas Yet?

It's Mancat Monday, and today Evan admittedly has some bloopers to share. They're a result of Evan finding out that he still has to wait another night for Santa Paws to visit. He's quite frustrated.

Evan knows he has been a very good boy and shouldn't have to wait any longer for Santa Paws to fly in and bring him some goodies.

In case you can't tell, Evan is hanging out under the Christmas tree in those photos. He's staying as festive as possible while waiting for Christmas to take its sweet time to get here.

Despite Evan's impatience, he's still wishing you all a merry Monday!

Festive Flashback Doodles of the Day

If all goes according to plan, for the Twelve Days of Christmas, which start on Christmas Day itself, I hope to share a brand new festive doodle every day. I know it's late in the season, but leading up to Christmas has been unsurprisingly chaotic. But also, is it actually late in the season, what with Christmas only being the First Day of Christmas?

All that rambling aside, today we're sharing flashback doodles in which I scribbled up the houses from some of my favorite Christmas movies. We've shared them before, but even so, can you tell what movies they're from?

One thing that always bothers me when I see that doodle above is how I forgot to draw the Christmas tree in the window of the house. Not the end of the world, obviously, but my recovering perfectionism notices.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip relates to the spirit of gift-giving during the holiday season. In particular, we're talking about the practice of giving cats, dogs, and other little critters as gifts on Christmas morning. The important thing here is that anyone giving a furry friend as a gift realize the significance of such a gift. Obviously, a living creature requires proper care and commitment. For this reason, if you or someone you know is intending on giving a cat, dog, or other critter as a gift, be sure that all considerations have been made. Does the recipient want a furry friend? Do finances, time, age, location, and other such factors allow the recipient to properly care for a furry friend? These are just the basics that need to be considered, as cats, dogs, and other animals come with far more factors than this. After all, pets are a commitment that can be with you for many years.

The long and short if it is that while it is wonderful to think of an animal finding a home on Christmas morning, it is still important to ensure that said animal will not end up without proper care, or back at a shelter or abandoned. There are of course times when giving or receiving a cat, dog, or other critter as a gift works out perfectly fine. Such cases might include when a husband or wife gifts a furbaby to their spouse who wants and can care for it, or when a parent knows their child wants and is capable of assisting in the care of a cat, dog, or other pet. If you or someone close to you is planning to surprise someone with a furry friend on Christmas morning, just as with any gift, do take into consideration whether a pet is appropriate for the recipient in question.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Festive Fill-Ins and Festive Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for a festive Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ at Christmastime is such a pain to me.

2. I can't wait to see _________ open his/her gift from me.

3. I _________ on Christmas morning.

4. I _________ on Christmas night.

My answers are below in bold.

1. Going to the post office at Christmastime is such a pain to me.
(I was at the post office the other day, and the lines were ludicrous. I don't know why I didn't expect it, since this happens every Christmas season. I'm guessing this is probably a pain for everyone at Christmastime, or perhaps all year round.)

2. I can't wait to see Tonks open her gift from me.
(I always enjoy seeing all my loved ones opening their gifts from me, and that of course includes my kitties and pup. This year, though, some of the gifts I got my kitties are rechargeable bird toys that chirp and flap their wings, and of all my kitties, I think Tonks is the most likely to be obsessed with it. I'm eager to see if she likes it as much as I hope she does. My sister's cat Toby, who will also be getting one of these toys, is the other kitty I think might really like it, so I can't wait to see his reaction as well.)

3. I host my family for breakfast, the opening of stockings, and festive movies on Christmas morning.
(This has been the tradition for quite a few years now. My parents, my sister, and I open the gifts under the tree and have our big Christmas bash at my parents' house on the night of Christmas Eve, but that doesn't mean Christmas Day isn't fun. On Christmas morning, I make a giant batch of scrambled eggs and sausage, and my parents, sister, and I all open our stockings and watch various Christmas movies at my house. We always watch the Snoopy and Garfield Christmas specials and often Arthur Christmas at my house on Christmas morning. This year I also grabbed a puzzle based on A Christmas Story for us to do while we watch the festive movies.)

4. I go to my parents' house to eat lots of food and watch Die Hard on Christmas night.
(This is another tradition we've had going for many, many years. On Christmas night, my sister and I go to our parents' house, and we finish the A Christmas Story marathon that plays on the TV on Christmas every year. When that's over, we watch Die Hard, because yes, it is a Christmas movie.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Today for your Eddy fix, this tabby girl is coming at you from her favorite chair beside her favorite Christmas tree.

That's actually a vintage chair my sister got me for my birthday years ago. Eddy immediately declared it hers, and so to protect its gorgeousness, I cover it with blankets so that it can survive while Eddy sleeps in it like she so loves to do.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a festive Friday!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback doodle was scribbled up last year and was a recreation of the older flashback I shared yesterday. Both star a certain character from one of my favorite Christmas songs. It's the same character keeping the furbabies company in our current blog banner.

Tip of the Day

Our past couple of tips covered what you can do to keep your furbaby happy and safe if you are traveling during this holiday season. On the other hand, what if your family is coming to your house for the holidays? First, as we've said many times before, practice door safety when guests are coming and going. If need be, block your kitty or pup's access to the door, or give them a safe room in which to stay. Consider whether your guests are staying for a short or long visit, and consider your individual furbaby's personality and behaviors when determining if, how often, or for how long they can safely intermingle with guests.

Of course, it isn't just your furbaby you have to worry about when guests arrive. Make sure that all guests know any important rules when it comes to your furbaby. If your kitty or pup is staying in a safe room while guests visit, for example, then make sure guests know if they are to refrain from visiting that room in the house. On the other hand, if your furbaby is a social butterfly and is out and about with guests, make sure that your guests understand what they should and should not do to keep your kitty or pup safe. For example, make sure guests are aware of the potential for escapes if the door is kept open. In addition, guests should know whether you allow your furbaby treats, and what human foods are dangerous and should not be fed to your kitty or pup. Also take safety precautions if guests are staying overnight. For example, make sure guests know to keep all medications or other potentially dangerous items well out of reach of resident cats and dogs.

It is possible for your house to be inhabited by both your furbabies and guests during this holiday season. At the same time, it's also important to make sure that all precautions are made to ensure that guests' stays are safe for everyone, including the furbabies of the home. So, simply think ahead, and prepare both your furbabies and guests for a safe Christmas.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Another Treeside Thankful Thimble Thursday

Hello and happy Thursday, friends! Little tabby Thimble is of course ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble's gratitude is simple. She's thankful for the Christmas season. She's thankful for the Christmas tree and all the festiveness around her.

This happy tabby girl really does get so excited to have the Christmas trees up and to be part of all the extra stuff going on around the house this time of the year. Want to see a blooper of Thimble rubbing her cute little head against the Christmas tree? Of course you do, so here it is.

Thimble hopes you're all enjoying the Christmas season as much as she is!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ at Christmastime is such a pain to me.

2. I can't wait to see _________ open his/her gift from me.

3. I _________ on Christmas morning.

4. I _________ on Christmas night.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today we have our final tip on traveling with your furbaby this holiday season, or any time of the year. When traveling, always think ahead to your final destination and your plans for the entire trip, and then prepare accordingly. Will you be staying with family or friends? Do they have other animals? If so, does your furbaby get along with the other animals? Will your kitty or pup need to remain in a separate room or in a cage? Or, are you staying in a hotel? If so, did you ensure that it's a pet-friendly hotel? What are their requirements for a pet staying at their facility? Consider any and all such factors, and then think ahead to what you might need to prep for your furbaby's stay at your final destination.

In all of this planning, of course also don't forget the basic necessities. Bring plenty of your furbaby's food, especially if they are on a prescription or other special diet. Bring bowls and even water as needed. If your furbaby is on medication, bring ample amounts of it, especially in the event of any unexpected delays. Don't forget any potentially necessary items, such as cages, leashes, harnesses, seat belts, blankets, toys, and even cleaning supplies. Though it may not be a pleasant thought, also be sure to make plans and preparations for any emergencies that might arise. For example, take your furbaby's medical records with you, your veterinarian's information, as well as contact and other information on veterinary hospitals located in your travel destination. It never hurts to be over-prepared, so as space allows, plan and pack anything and everything you might need for the comfort and safety of your furbaby during your travels.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Woof Woof Wednesday: The Red Truck Ribbon

It's time for the annual showing of the Christmas ribbon on Astrid's collar.

That ribbon of course doesn't look that good all the time. Astrid often has it all crumpled up and abuses it plenty, but it still keeps her and her collar looking good and festive.

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today is another one of our tips on how to travel with your furbaby this holiday season, or any time of the year. When traveling with your furbaby, consider how you will be traveling and what all therefore might be necessary. Are you and your furbaby traveling by car? Plane? Train? For a plane, train, or other public transportation, do your research and understand what all that particular company might require for your furbaby to board and travel. Is a carrier required? If so, how small or big of one? Is a health certificate required, and/or proof of particular vaccinations? Look into all of this and plan well in advance so that all can be squared away before you and your furbaby head out on your travels. Of course, this is all also important to keep in mind when traveling in your own car. Proper, safe restraint is important even in a car, of course. Have secure carriers for kitties and small dogs, or leashes and seat belts for larger dogs. Even in your own car it can also be important for your furbaby to be up-to-date on vaccines and other medical care, in case you should be stopped and asked for proof of their health status, depending on what state or region you're in. So, while it is often possible to travel with your kitty or pup, do of course ensure that you allow proper time to find out what all you will need for safe and legal travels.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: Cookies and Christmas Trees

Just as with the Halloween cookies I bought at the pet store for Astrid during the spooky season, Tonks made to sure to inspect some of the pup's Christmas cookies I brought home. The calico may or may not have taken a tiny little taste as well.

The cookies passed Tonks's tests, whatever those may be, and so she quickly went back to her beloved Christmas tree.

Tonks and all of us wish you a festive Tuesday!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

I've been working on wrapping gifts this week, so today's flashback doodle seems apt enough.

I am indeed working on some new Christmas doodles, though I'm feeling discouraged having not shared any of them yet. This time of year just always gets away from me, and so I'll start sharing those new Christmas doodles soon. Luckily, Christmas Day is only the First Day of Christmas, and so we still have plenty of the season for festive doodles.

Tip of the Day

Yesterday we mentioned how to prepare your furbaby if you are leaving them to travel for the holidays. Today, we are starting a short series of tips on what to do if you are traveling with your furbaby. First and foremost, if you plan to take your furbaby with you on a trip this Christmas, or any time of the year, talk to your veterinarian. Discuss with them your furbaby's health and whether traveling is safe for them. Some furbabies, such as those who are geriatric or who are suffering from an illness, might not be good candidates for traveling, especially long distances. If you are in need of traveling with such a furbaby, though, have a detailed discussion with your veterinarian on what you must do to take all precautions to keep your furbaby as healthy and happy as possible during travels. In some cases, even for young and healthy kitties or pups, some form of sedation might be in their best interest for traveling. This is another detail that you must discuss with your veterinarian. It is always our furbaby's best interest that we must have in mind, so ask your veterinarian any and all questions you have regarding keeping your furbaby happy and healthy during travels.