Monday, December 2, 2024

Another Medical Mancat Monday

Hello, friends! Sorry we're yet again late. Very, very late this time. Evan had a bit of a rough weekend as well as a rough morning today. It was of course on a holiday that Evan started showing signs of yet another UTI. He's been urinating frequently, and he seems very irritated and restless both during urination and just in general. My poor boy. I was finally able to speak to his vet this morning, and given Evan's history with and typical symptoms of UTIs, the vet has already filled some antibiotics for Evan that I will be picking up after work today.

Despite him not feeling his best, I was glad that Evan was happy enough to offer his expert assistance as I put the Christmas trees up on Black Friday.

We use artificial trees, and Evan does admittedly chew on them. Luckily he doesn't eat any part or pieces of them, but he does sure give those bottom branches a run for their money.

Do you see his tongue there in that last photo? I thought that was extra cute.

Happy Monday, friends!


Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We seem to be repeating old tips these days. 'Tis the season, it would seem. That being said, over the next few days, we'll be repeating some Christmas safety tips that we gave last year. How about we start with that good ol' Christmas tree? To begin, if you put up a Christmas tree, make sure it is securely in place. This is especially important if you have a kitty or pup who enjoys climbing or otherwise giving the tree lots of attention. You can try putting the tree in a corner of a room, if that helps to keep it safe and upright against furbabies. Moreover, to be extra safe, you can find a way to anchor the tree to the floor, wall, or even a heavy, sturdy piece of furniture. There is also the option of weighing down the base of the tree, such as with weighted bags, as long as they are of a safe and secure sort. Another option, especially if your furbaby is overzealous in their love for the Christmas tree, is to block their access to it altogether, whether that be with baby gates, closed doors, or another means. Whatever it takes, if you put up a Christmas tree in a home with a tree-loving furbaby, do be sure to try and find a way to prevent a fallen tree and potential injuries.


pilch92 said...

Poor Evan I hope he feels better soon. Cute drawing and great tips. XO

catladymac said...

We send Evan purrayers and Power of the Paw and hope he feels better soon.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor baby. I'm glad he has the tree to enjoy now.

meowmeowmans said...

Poor Evan! We're definitely purring and praying that he is on the mend real soon. XO

messymimi said...

He's precious and I hope he feels better soon.

Fur Everywhere said...

Poor Evan! I hope he feels better very soon!!

I don't dare put a tree up yet. Giovanni WILL NOT leave it alone. I just know based on how he gets into everything he shouldn't. Hahahaha! Maybe when he's a little older we will try for a tree.

Sending love and hugs.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

So sorry you're still not feeling well, Evan. Will send Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soon🐾😽💞
We saw that little tongue, it's so awwdorable and you're such a great helper😜