Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thankful Thimble Thursday: Blanket Forts with a Blurry Tabby

Hello and happy Thursday, friends! Thimble is beyond excited to be joining in on Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop today.

Today, Thimble has an extra special bit of thanks to give. After all, these days, she's grateful not only for blankets, but also for the blanket forts they provide. See?

Thimble used to never be a blanket burrower. She only started this recently, and it's downright adorable.

The only problem is that when Thimble hears me approach, she can't bring herself to stay under the blanket. This girl loves attention and cuddles. I'd happily give her both while she's under the blanket, but when I walk into the room where she's made herself a blanket fort, she always ends up doing something a little like this:

We definitely have some blurriness going on here, but the cuteness still shines through.

Thimble hopes you all get to enjoy a cozy blanket—and hopefully a blanket fort—today!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ was the highlight of my _________.

2. A new book (or movie or TV show) that I highly recommend is _________.

3. _________ makes me feel like a kid again.

4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I'd choose the song _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Though we're more than a tad bit late in the season to give this tip, we're going to give it nonetheless. Today's tip relates to the furnace, and we want to remind you to have a professional inspect your furnace before use every year, or as needed. An inspection could help detect any issues that might make running the furnace a risk. This in turn of course gives you the chance to have any necessary repairs or replacements made, so that neither your furbaby nor yourself are put in unnecessary danger.

Also relating to the furnace, don't forget to replace the filter regularly. A clean filter not only allows the furnace to run optimally, but also helps eliminate allergens, dust, and other such debris from the air. Ensuring ideal air quality with a clean furnace/air filter is something to especially take into consideration if your furbaby, or yourself, has asthma or other respiratory issues. The furnace plays a crucial role for your furbaby and yourself on cold winter days, so don't forget to give it the care and attention it needs.


messymimi said...

Blanket forts are the best!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thimble, you are TOO cute!!!

pilch92 said...

Blanket forts are fun. Thimble is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips. XO