Friday, February 7, 2025

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Gorgeous Eyes

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. My February plans include _________ and _________.

2. I should get rid of ________ because I never use them.

3. _________ is the most useful purchase I've made recently.

4. I would excel in the ________ category on trivia night.

My answers are below in bold. As usual, they're accompanied by lots of rambling that no one is required to read.

1. My February plans include drawing my furry cuties as Harry Potter characters and writing my story starring a kitty in a wheelchair.
(These are perhaps oddly specific answers, but they truly are my February plans for my favorite hobbies. I mentioned recently how I'll be seeing the first Harry Potter film in theaters for the first time as an adult this month, hence why I now must draw all of my kitties and my pup as characters from that world. I'll of course share these doodles with you all. More so, as always, I really want to get into a better habit of writing regularly so as to free all the stories that are stuck in my head. The one involving a lady with a wheelchair-bound kitty is the highest on the list of my story priorities, just because. I know this answer is not only wildly specific but also just kind of weird, but there it is.)

2. I should get rid of my mug collection because I never use them.
(That said, I will not be getting rid of my mugs. I have a couple of mugs that I indeed do use for my drinks. All the others are either sentimental or are ones that I find too cute to risk breaking. Some are even just straight up used as decor. I love mugs. I also have a tendency to break mugs. So, a plethora of unused mugs live at my house.)

3. A pack of giant potty pads is the most useful purchase I've made recently.
(When Evan had one of his recent bouts of diarrhea, which sometimes happens when all of his meds for megacolon-induced constipation kick in a little too hard, I got some humongous potty pads. I had tried potty pads in the past for Evan, but back then I got small ones that his obsessive kneading and digging tore to shreds in half a second. So, this time around I got ones meant for large dogs, to see if they're sturdier. They are. And they saved Evan's blankets and beds, and saved me lots of laundry. I will now be keeping these insanely large potty pads on hand.)

4. I would excel in the furry friends category on trivia night.
(I haven't played any trivia games in a long time. But, back when I played some all those years ago, I would do best with questions relating to animals and biology. That's what I studied in college and that's what I have always had a hefty interest in. I think it was the game Trivial Pursuit that my family used to play, and there was a biology category that I loved. I would include all sorts of questions about animals, including general feline facts, dog breeds, and so on and so forth. I loved that category.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Today, your Eddy fix is a flashback I like to share at least once a year. This is because these photos are some of the best I have to show off Eddy's gorgeous eyes, not to mention her adorable snaggletooth.

Eddy has the the most gorgeous aquamarine eyes. Despite how lovely they are in these photos, you really have to see them in person to get the full extent of their beauty. Even so, I love these photos of my sweet and sassy girl Eddy.

Eddy hopes seeing her beauteous face helped make your Friday fantastic!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

A few years back I did a witchy winter series of doodles. You saw one of them yesterday, so here's another one today.

Tip of the Day

As part of our series of tips for National Pet Dental Health Month, today we'll be discussing some of the symptoms to look out for related to dental disease. First up, of course, is halitosis, or bad breath. This can signify any number of issues, including an infected tooth or gum disease. Of course, bad breath can also come with certain diseases, such as oral cancer or even kidney disease. For these reasons and more, never ignore abnormally rank breath in your cat or dog. Moving on from bad breath, though, if your kitty or pup is suffering from certain dental issues, they may also of course have a decreased appetite, or seem pained or have difficulties when eating. In some dental cases, you also might notice blood or excess drool coming from their mouth. There is also the chance you might visibly notice broken teeth, loose teeth, discolored teeth, or even tartar buildup. Also don't forget that the teeth are in close proximity to and therefore often linked to the eyes and nasal cavity, and so discharge from either of these can also potentially signify an oral concern. All in all, if you smell, see, or in any way notice concerns relating to your furbaby's mouth, or any part of their body, do be sure to have them examined by a veterinarian. Dental health can even be linked to heart health and other systems of the body, so this is again one of those cases in which it is always better to be safe than sorry.


messymimi said...

I hope you find more time to work on your creative pursuits.

Eddy, thank you for letting us see your beautiful self.

Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. Your #1 sounds like fun. Eddy is so adorable.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Eddy is a beauty! OMG, I have SO many mugs it's ridiculous, and I keep buying them. Like you, most I don't even use.

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed your answers. I look forward to your book about a kitty in a wheelchair. Glad your puppy pads worked out. I recently ordered some to put under litter boxes because someone ( Penelope) pees over the edge. :) Eddy is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips too. XO

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Eddy, mew are looking most epic today! And supurr fill-ins, we can't wait to see your Harry Potter-CatFest, it's sounds pawesome!

Katie Isabella said...

I am so glad to meet you and Eddy. You got me at you mention of beautiful eyes! And by, they are!!!