I am very much a morning person. I love to get up before everyone else in the morning, when the house and the world outside are still quiet. That's when I take my time to read, exercise, etc., etc.
However, I'll confess that I'm also a night owl. Whereas I love using my mornings for catching up on a good book, working out, etc., etc., I love to use my evenings for another hobby dear to me - arts and crafts. I'll often turn on the TV or some music and start working on this or that piece of art. Doing so, I more often than not lose track of time, only to look up at the clock and realize that I should have been to bed long ago.
So, what do my furbabies think of this schedule of mine? Well, they love to get up early with me, especially my feline furbabies. They love that the first thing I do is open all the blinds and straighten out their window spots:
Evan and all of my other furbabies love to gaze out the back window and therefore get very excited when the morning window-opening ritual occurs. (My back yard is where two of the roaming neighborhood cats often hang out, and my furbabies love to watch them eat the food I leave out there.) |
And what about my night owl tendencies? Well, my furbabies love to run and romp around at night. But, even they have their limits. On my especially late nights, I more often than not find my furbabies a little something like this:
Astrid tried to tough it out through my night owl art time last night. But, alas, she was no match for my faulty circadian wiring. |
This picture is a bit dark (since, you know, I was up late) and hard to make out, but in it Thimble's on the couch giving me her scolding "you're up past bedtime again, Mom" look. She much prefers when I go to bed early, as she loves to snuggle then. |
Since Eddy's just a blurred streak in all of my most recent pictures of her, I'll just say that when I'm home, whether morning or night, she's usually running around and playing. She sleeps all day while I'm at work, and I often even have to wake her for cuddles during my lunch hour. Early in the morning and at night, though, she's just a blur (with the occasional pit stop to fill up on food or cuddles).
So, what about you? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Or both?