Who's birthday is it, you ask? It's this girl's birthday!
That's right, it's Thimble's 4th birthday!
Thimble and her 3 brothers—Toby, Talon, and Trapper—came to us at 3 weeks of age. My grandmother had found them abandoned in a bucket, where they had been placed by one of her neighbors. They had somehow survived without food or water for 2 to 3 days, the tough little cookies they were. Thimble was the runt, and very sickly. But, with some bottle-feedings, lots of vet visits, and oodles of TLC, Thimble and her brothers are all now happy and healthy 4-year-olds. Also, they're all still in the family.
Fun fact (that some of you may already know)? My family took in these 4 kittens with the initial intent of finding them homes. You know, other people's homes. Obviously, that didn't happen. We sort of got attached.
Anyway, if you visit us often, you probably know that Thimble's brother Toby owns this here human's sister, and that they live with us.
Can you see Toby's resemblance to Thimble? Yeah, neither can we.
Talon and Trapper (Trapper being Thimble's giant look-alike) both own my parents.
Talon sure has some resemblance to his brother Toby.
See how much Trapper resembles Thimble? He also may or may not outweigh her by 11 lbs.
We're pretty sure these kitties' mom got around, and that Thimble and Trapper might have a different father than Toby and Talon. Did you know that can actually happen? Those kitty queens can have multiple baby daddies, all for the same litter of kittens. That being said, don't forget to spay and neuter your kitties!
Anyway, Thimble, my sugary sweet cuddle bug, your mommy loves you! Here's to a happy, happy, happy birthday to you! And here's an equally happy birthday to the sweet boys known as Toby, Talon, and Trapper!
Now, all of your furiends of our are all welcome to join the birthday bash! Thimble insisted there be lots of yummy goodness, and of course an endless supply of nip. Help yourselves, furiends!
Needless to say, today, we are so very thankful for Thimble, and for her brothers, and that they found their way into our lives.
Now, we'll take a short break from our birthday bash to share with you all what we have for this week's Thoroughly Poetic Thursday challenge, of course hosted by Angel Sammy and Teddy.
Each week, our fantastic hosts share with us a photo prompt, to help inspire or poetic endeavors. This week's photo goes way, way back. See?

As a kid, I always loved learning about dinosaurs. I don't know why, but I did. Has anyone heard of the children's book Danny and the Dinosaur? I remember reading that story many times as a child. I always enjoyed it, and that's probably why it sort of inspired my yet again weird and random poem this week.
Benny and the Brontosaurus
Benny was bored,
Something which his patience could not afford.
None of his friends could come over to play,
And that had just about ruined his day.
He gazed out the window, Benny did,
And pondered how he must be the loneliest kid.
He sadly watched the flight of some bugs,
Until he noticed a man working on the garden's shrubs.
With nothing else to do,
Benny ventured out beneath the sky so blue.
He made his way to the hedges,
Out of which the man was now cutting wedges.
With his hands and trimmers the man continued to work.
Sometimes he would step back, look, and smirk.
"What are you doing?" Benny asked.
The man said, "Cutting the shrubs is this task."
Benny was still boreder than bored,
And so he decided to watch this man and his chore.
Next Benny asked, "What kinds of bushes are these?"
"Boxwood," the man said as he cut and cut like a breeze.
Benny already knew his next question.
"Can you cut them into shapes?" was his suggestion.
"Like what?" was the man's reply,
As he turned to look at Benny with a curious eye.
"How about a brontosaurus!" the boy cried.
The man looked the hedge up and down.
Benny thought it a good sign that he did not frown.
"I think I can do that," the man finally said,
And then turned and got to work on the hedge.
The man chopped and cut and chopped some more.
Benny could not wait for what he had in store.
In a time quicker than Benny thought possible,
The man had created a dinosaur quite laudable.
Benny was filled to the brim with joy,
And scarcely noticed the man pack up his things and go.
Benny gawked and gawked at the brontosaurus boxwood bush,
And his excitement he simply could not shush.
But what happened next only made Benny's mood further improve.
After all, the dinosaur shook its leaves and started to move!
One leg forward and then the other,
The brontosaurus's steps felt like thunder.
"Um, hello!" Benny finally said.
The dinosaur slowly turned its head.
When it saw Benny, it made its way over,
And then it stopped and bowed its head lower.
Then it opened its mouth and said,
"Why, hello there, friend!"
Benny could not help but cheer.
This simply had to be the best day of the year!
Before long and with great ease,
Benny and the brontosaurus decided to go play in the trees.
That was not all they did that day, though.
Most certainly not, no.
They also visited the park,
Where people stared and dogs did bark.
Benny also took his new friend to the library,
Where the dino knocked over shelves and things got hairy.
Next they visited an ice cream truck,
Where they were met with far better luck.
They enjoyed their scrumptious frozen delights,
Even if all those around them seemed disturbed by the sight.
Next on their agenda was the water park,
Where they waded and swam like sharks.
But when the the brontosaurus got wet,
He grew over ten feet tall, Benny did bet.
After going on a stroll through town,
The sun was beginning to go down.
They decided that past dark they should not roam,
And so together Benny and the brontosaurus headed home.
The dino returned to the garden,
Just as the sky really began to darken.
Benny bid his new friend good night,
And told him he would see him again in the daylight.
Indeed, the next day Benny and the brontosaurus adventured again.
With each other all their time they did spend.
All around town they would journey,
And past them their neighbors would hurry.
When the boxwood brontosaurus began to overgrow,
The man with the trimmers appeared to fix him up just so.
And so, the boy and his dino lived happily ever after,
Filling each and every day with nothing but laughter.
Our Tip of the Day:
Today's wildlife tip involves ways you can make your yard more wildlife-friendly. Of course, before you start making changes to your yard, ensure that the yard is still safe for your furbabies, and that your yard's attributes do not infringe on your neighbors. That being said, what are some ways you can make your yard more wildlife-friendly? You can of course add bird feeders, and areas where squirrels are fed. A bird bath is also very beneficial for both birds and squirrels, as long as you keep it clean and well tended. Bird houses are another possibility. You can also use the help of nature to make your yard a lovely place for wildlife to spend their time. Not only can you plant flowers for birds and insects to enjoy, but you can also maintain trees and bushes as areas where wildlife can seek refuge and nest.
Of course, we will again note that you must take the safety of both your furbabies and wildlife into consideration. Do not plant any flowers toxic to dogs or cats where your furbabies can reach. Also be cognizant of the location of bushes and trees. Why? For multiple reasons. Birds and other wildlife will not want to spend time in bushes or trees where dogs and cats frequent, as our furbabies are seen as predators. This also goes for the placement of bird feeders, bird baths, and bird houses. In addition, our furbabies can possibly be infected or injured by some wildlife. Our kitties and pups can acquire certain parasites from wildlife or in areas where wildlife frequent, and they could also be injured if they startle certain critters. These are also reasons why it's important to be aware of possible interactions between our furbabies and wildlife.
In short, there are ways that you can make your yard more wildlife-friendly. After all, this makes for great Bird TV and Squirrel TV! But, of course, you must also take into consideration the safety of your furbabies as well as that of the wildlife.
Happy birthday to Thimble and her brothers! I love that cute poem about the brontosaurus. So creative! :)
A very happy Birthday to you Thimble. We so hope you have a really good day. The poem is just the greatest. Well done. That drawing is so cute. All of you have a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday to Thimble! And Toby and Talon and Trapper! We're ready to party!!
Happy birthday to all of you! You chose great humans to own, that's for sure.
Happy Birthday to Thimble , Trapper, Talon and Toby!!! Maybe their mom needs to go on the Jerry Springer show for having too many baby daddies. ;)
Thimble, Toby, Talon, and Trapper.....we send best fishez, happee day wizhez N mice creem dizhez two ewe all fora total lee rockin awesum sooooper grate day !!! N joy, get inta trubull, eat sum pizza piez N donutz N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ~~~~~~~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♫♪♪♪♫♫♫♪♫♪
benny.....we loved yur storee two day and how kewl ta haza bronto az friend !! ☺☺♥♥
Happy Birthday beautiful Thimble and the Sibs! We didn't know your story and we love that you are all together! Benny is cool too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
What a wonderful story and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all three of you. We are thankful that your humans found you and gave you a wonderful furever home. And as to that sibling resemblance thing....my brother Oliver and I came from the same litter and there is absolutely nothing about us that looks alike.
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Happy birthday Thimble and your brothers!
Another great poem. You have such a wonderful imagination and I always look forward to reading them.
Happy birthday, precious Thimble and siblings!!! You sure hit the jackpot with your forever family :)
Happy Birthday Beautiful Thimble! And Happy Birthday to all your brothers too. I think it is wonderful that you all stayed in the family. Excellent poem, that was fun and for some reason made me think of Edward Scissorhands shaping the bush. :)
Cute drawing too. And as always, excellent tips. Right now we have 2 squirrels in the yard even though my hubby yells at them to leave when he sees them.
Furrst...I shall SING the song!
♫♪♥♥♥♥♫♪Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Thimble, Toby, Talon, and Trapper !!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
What a grreat poem! I LOVED it and I must say, I LOVED your drawing too!
We are expecting things to get back to something resembling normal over the next 2 weeks and I, Marvelous, shall be able to stop by and comment more often (instead of just reading your posts)
Happy birthday Thimble and Toby!
Happy Birthday Thimble and company! What a wonderful story that you and your brothers were rescued from a bucket to such a happy home forever. Have a great birthday. Speaking of GREAT - that dinosaur adventure is AMAZING as your Mom's stories always are. We just love it! Magic is all around us so who's to say that it couldn't happen one day; my Dad is always trimming our shrubs so I shall ask him to "trim me up" a dinosaur. Thanks for playing along with us every week - we'll look forward to next week's poem-story.
Love, Teddy
We were here to celebrate yesterday, but weren't able to finish reading your terrific, epic poem at the time, so didn't comment. Anyhoo, happy belated birthday 🎈Thimble, Toby, Trapper and Talon. Hope you had a terrific day with lots of love and treats 🎂. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Happy Purr-thday to Thimble and her four sibs ! It's nice to have them so close so you can keep up with them !
Happy birthday to you Thimble, Toby, Talon, and Trapper
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