Friday, January 8, 2021

Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello and happy Friday! Who's ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins? We sure are. If you'd like to join us but missed the fill-in statements, we'll share them again below. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I hope _________ never changes.

2. The luckiest I have ever been was _________.

3. I never thought I would _________, but I did.

4. I'm waiting for _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I hope the joy I get from art never changes.
(I enjoy art in various forms, especially drawing and writing. I don't see myself ever losing my interest in my favorite art forms, though sometimes life and work and various other factors make finding time for them very difficult. That being said, especially in this new year, I am I trying to prioritize finding time for my favorite hobbies and passions, of course including art in various forms. After all, these things mean a lot to me. The older I get and the more wisdom I try to gain, I realize that it's the things that bring us joy that we must fill our lives with. One of my other main passions in life is animals, but there is no way I could ever lose that love.)

2. The luckiest I have ever been was every single time one of my furbabies entered my life.
(All of my furbabies have entered my life in different ways. Pup Astrid showed up in my uncle's yard. Evan was abandoned at the front door of a cat clinic where I used to work. Thimble and her brothers, Toby, Trapper, and Talon, were found as tiny kittens by my grandma's neighbor after a feral cat in their area gave birth to them. Eddy is the only of my furbabies I actually adopted, as she was a special needs kitty in need of a home at a local rescue. Tonks and her sister Winky and brother Flitwick were born to the same feral kitty in my grandma's neighborhood as Thimble and her brothers, and that kitty has now finally been trapped and spayed. When all of these furbabies came into my life, and when every single one of my furry angels came into my life, those were the luckiest moments I'll ever have.)

3. I never thought I would enjoy getting socks as gifts, but I did.
(I loved getting socks as one of my Christmas gifts this year. I loved getting socks for Christmas last year, and the year before that. As a kid, getting socks as a gift was, well, not all that fun. As an adult, though, I absolutely love getting socks as a gift. Maybe this is because there seem to be sock gremlins at my house that steal all of mine, or maybe it's just that I've simply grown fond of socks. I love getting bright and fun socks, fuzzy socks, plain and practical socks, and really just socks of all types. I actually ask for socks for Christmas. Is this what being an adult feels like?)

4. I'm waiting for some lost packages to find their way to me.
(I know the holiday season can be hectic and that the USPS is doing their best, but I'm really curious where these lost packages are hanging out. Have they entered the Twilight Zone?)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Today, Eddy wanted to share some sunshine with you all.

We haven't been getting very much sunshine these days, so when we do, Eddy and the other kitties bask in it.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a sunshiney sort of day!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Our Christmas doodles may be over, but that doesn't mean we can't share a cozy scene with a fireplace, and of course cats and books. That was my exact thought when I scribbled up this doodle soon after Christmas 2019.

Tip of the Day

Yesterday's tip was to do regular checks of outdoor cat shelters, such as to ensure that the shelter is not leaking, broken, or dirty. Another tip in this same line of thought, but that we failed to mention yesterday, is to ensure that shelter doorways do not become blocked by snow or anything of this sort. If it snows, check the shelter and clear away any snow that might threaten to block the doorway. This will ensure that the feline inhabitants can enter and exit safely and without feeling trapped. Also check for anything else that might block the shelter entrance or cause a similar issue, such as if a thunderstorm or wind knocks down or blows around tree limbs or other debris. In such cases, of course ensure that the shelter entrance is not blocked, but also that the shelter did not suffer any damage. When you are caring for ferals and other outdoor cats, offering them shelter might mean you have yet another little home to look after, but it will be for a very good cause.


Pam and Teddy said...

Great filling in! We hope you never get tired of your artwork because WE sure won't! We're also missing packages that were sent to us - the mail carriers were overwhelmed this year with everyone sending things through the mail or ordering things online. Hopefully everything will reach us before NEXT Christmas!

Hugs, Pam

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins and we love your artwork! Hope the late parcels turn up soon xx

Yvonne said...

I always enjoy Friday Fill Ins. Your answers are great and I get to see another beautiful Eddy picture! Have a great weekend!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We really like your fill ins and Dad laughed at your Sock liking. He did not get any but would not mind one whit. So you are in the USPS mess up group too MOL

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

My mum agrees so much with #1 and #2.

Lovely doodle and pic x

Marvelous Marv said...

Your fill-ins are terrific, Thank you for writing them each week with Ms Ellen! We relate! And Socks! We LOVE socks! Especially ones that are unique! Eddy looks surprised! We like the tooth peeking out of the right size of her mouth! And the Fireplace doodle is purrfect!
Have a Happy Day!

pilch92 said...

I love your answers- we had the same for #4. And I should have put the same for #2 because I am blessed with all my cats and most just showed up.
Socks are fun, especially cat ones. :) Cute drawing and great shot of Eddy- no blooper this time. Have a nice weekend. XO

Mike Golch said...

Mines is up,come for a visit and a chuckle!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We had some sun today too! Package delivery this year was absolutely ridiculous. I'm still waiting for some as well.

messymimi said...

Your art brings joy to me, also. Good luck with the packages, i hope they show up soon.

Anne Robinson said...

GReat answers and your photos of your dur babies are always so sweet. Have a great weekend and take care. THanks for sharing.

Smudge said...

Thanks for the sunshininess, and your flashback artwork is making dad get up right now and light a fire in the fireplace.

Cathy Kennedy said...


I hope the joy I get from sketching never changes, too. This hobby makes me really happy and I can't imagine not filling my free time doing anything other than scribbling on an art piece. I love socks, especially cozy fleece socks! The cuter the better, too. Your fireplace flashback illustration is fabulous. Here's to stay healthy and safe in the new year. Thanks for hosting the Friday fun, my furriend. God bless!

Eastside Cats said...

The PO'M was sunning himself in the sun today; sunshine has been rare recently.