Monday, November 1, 2021

The Halloween Aftermath

Hello, friends! We hope you all had a happy, safe, and festive Halloween!

While in my Halloween sugar coma, which started embarrassingly early in the day yesterday, I again made the rookie cat mom mistake of leaving my laptop on, open, and exposed. Thimble yet again took advantage of the situation. My laptop now doesn't understand what the internet is. I tried the usual fixes and some other things yesterday, but couldn't figure it out and decided it was putting a damper on Halloween, and so I set it aside. I couldn't get it figured out this morning either, or now during a work break. My tech savvy sister can surely get it sorted out tonight, and so we're going to have our full promised Día de lose Muertos, or Day of the Dead, celebration tomorrow. Our blog is an absolute disaster area lately, I'll be the first to admit that. That is significantly being worked on this week, especially since my workplace is finally now fully staffed again as of today, and since I will not again make the mistake of leaving my computer at Thimble's disposal.

Now, for today's quick post that I'm creating on my phone, which I'm admittedly terrible at doing, how about some photos I have on my phone from yesterday's Halloween festivities?

Those are some of the Halloween toys the kitties and pup here got yesterday. The ropy kitty on the left is pup Astrid's new toy, and the others are a couple of the new ones the kitties got. And, of course, I got lots of help trying to photograph these.

Oh, and you know that strange stuffed black cat who's been hanging around our house these days? You know, the one this here human couldn't even bother to take a lint roller to despite it desperately needing it? Well, in a blurry series of bloopers, Tonks took down our visitor for Halloween.

Last, I thought I'd share the apple pie I baked for Halloween. Can you tell whose face I carved into its top crust?

Now, my work break is over. Tonight my sister will help me figure out what Thimble did to my laptop. Before Thimble took down my computer, I was getting ahead on drafting upcoming posts, because with work settling down with the new co-worker starting, I am more determined than ever to get back on track with blogging and all of my hobbies. When my laptop is resurrected tonight, I'll continue on that path. First of foremost, I'll upload all the images for our Day of the Dead celebration and we'll finish off our Halloween and spooky season festivities with a grand post tomorrow. Well, sort of. I'm not totally done with the season yet.

Since I can access my blog archives here on my phone, how about the Halloween aftermath doodle I scribbled up for the beginning of November last year? If you look at the TV in the doodle, it's playing the movie that inspired the above apple pie.

Happy Monday! Happy November! We'll be back tomorrow with our act together and our blog finally intact.


Eastside Cats said...

Are you sure it was Thimble?
You've got a ghostie there; maybe it was to blame!
Whomever messed up your laptop, I surely hope your sis can straighten it out.

pilch92 said...

Sorry about your computer. My cats have messed me up like that before too. I love the drawing with the kitty eating too much candy. I can relate. :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, TBT dressed up in his Wizard outfit, but no one came by. So he has a lifetime supply of Skittles.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love your Jack Skellington pie and Halloween decor! Bad girl, Thimble! We had a real damper put on our Halloween this year too :(

messymimi said...

May your workplace drama be over, and your future celebrations unhindered.