Friday, November 10, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins and Unblurry Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I never know _________.

2. I know I should _________, but I don't want to.

3. Is it strange that I enjoy _________?

4. _________ is my least favorite chore to do.

My answer is below in bold.

1. I never know what canned food Tonks will deem acceptable.
(I've mentioned this before, but Tonks is my kitty who begs for canned food. And then when I give her some, she often just sniffs it and walks away. She has some favorites, but even some days those are snubbed. Luckily, she'll usually come back later and snack on it, or Evan will come through and scarf it all down.)

2. I know I should probably stop giving Thimble baby food as a treat, but I don't want to.
(I used to give my geriatric angel Rosie her medications in baby food. Thimble was a kitten back then, and she'd always come in and give me the cutest little beggar's face when I was preparing Rosie's meds in the baby food. So I gave Thimble a taste of it way back then and, well, she got hooked. And she still gets baby food as a treat to this day. I should reserve that sort of treat for when Thimble might need something special to take meds in when she's older, but I don't have the heart to stop giving it to her. She just loves it too much.)

3. Is it strange that I enjoy watching my kitties sleep?
(Given how cute kitties are, when they're sleeping and all the time, surely this isn't actually strange. I might look a little stalkerish as I stare at my blissfully unaware kitties snooze away with a smile on my face, but I bet a lot of you fellow cat lovers do the same thing.)

4. Putting laundry away is my least favorite chore to do.
(I really don't mind the first part of doing laundry. Loading up the washer and dryer is something I don't mind doing. It's putting it all away that I find little to no joy in. I mostly despise having to hang up and put away clothes. I don't exactly know why I dislike it so much, I just do. I'll pick dishes, vacuuming, cleaning litter boxes, and all sorts of other chores over putting laundry away.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? We bet you are. The lighting might not be ideal in Eddy's photo today, but she's at least not all that blurry.

Eddy and all of us here wish you a happy Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip in our Thanksgiving series is indeed about pie. As we've said on many occasions over time, plain pumpkin contains fiber and other nutrients that can have benefits for our furbabies and their health. That being said, though, not all components of Thanksgiving pies are as equally beneficial. For example, another popular Thanksgiving dessert is pecan pie, but do be cautious with this around your furbabies. Pecans are not particularly safe to feed your pup or kitty. One reason is simply that pecans can cause an upset gastrointestinal tract, and could also lead to bowel obstruction. Also take into consideration any other pies you make and what ingredients they contain. For example, chocolate pies or those containing raisins are of course dangerous to cats and dogs. What's more, when it comes to any kind of pie—whether it be pumpkin, pecan, or another—added sugars and other potential added ingredients can be less than ideal for our kitties and pups to consume. So, when you're making or eating those Thanksgiving pies, keep dangerous ingredients and the final products well out of reach of your furbaby.


Yvonne said...

I definitely don't think it's strange to watch kitties sleep. They all look so sweet.

Have a great weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Watching kitties sleep is very calming. Isn't baby food kind of a squeezie consistency? I bet that's why cats love both of them.

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers. Joanie is a big fan of baby food, but I try to limit it because it is constipating. Sleeping kitties are adorable. Great shot of Eddy. And I love the drawing, the mug detail is well done. Excellent tips too. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

messymimi said...

My Sweetie can't help but give our cats extra treats, too. He spoils them and it's not good for their health, but it's hard to convince him.

messymimi said...

And I almost forgot to say, thank you, Eddy! It's always good to see you.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Furbulous fill-ins, and watching kitties sleep is a furry relaxing thing to do! Happy Caturday to mew all, and Eddie is looking epic today!

Eastside Cats said...

We all watch our sleeping cats; there is a deep beauty there.