Monday, November 20, 2023

Mancat Monday: Another New Hairdo

Happy Monday, friends! Evan is trying to stay happy, even though he's getting shoved in a carrier for yet another grooming day. When he gets home, he'll look freshly like this.

Evan's sanitary shaves always leave him looking like a little kitty baboon, but I think he's absolutely adorable. The shaves also keeps this urinary incontinent boy clean and healthy, so that also makes me happy.

I always take photos when Evan gets home from being groomed. He looks identical every time, but I still love having photos of his new hairdos.

Have a wonderful day, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We've been discussing the safety of our furbabies when it comes to common Thanksgiving foods. This topic would feel incomplete without a mention of none other than stuffing. Is this Thanksgiving staple safe for your furbaby? More than likely, it is best that you simply avoid feeding any of that stuffing to your kitty or pup. Why? Because many stuffings include ingredients such as onion, garlic, salt, butter (which could especially be a problem for furbabies with lactose intolerance), and other components that could have uncomfortable or dangerous side effects. If the stuffing is plain, without any potentially dangerous ingredients, then a small taste might be fine for your furbaby. But, more than likely, that Thanksgiving stuffing will contain some ingredients that are best avoided in your cat or dog's diet.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Evan, has anyone ever told you that you have really cute legs???

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie. I love the drawing and your tips are great too. XO

messymimi said...

Evan, you look great no matter what.