Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday: The Continuation of Halloween

Just like this here human, pup Astrid isn't quite ready to let go of Halloween yet. That actually works out fine, though, because today is All Saints' Day and tomorrow is All Souls' Day, these collectively being what's known as Día de lose Muertos, or Day of the Dead. That said, we'll be sharing a couple more Halloween posts.

To begin our Halloween continuation, Astrid wants you all to know that she's still flaunting her jack-o'-lantern sweater she showed off yesterday.

Oh, and do you see that thing there on the ground in front of Astrid? Do you?

That's one of Astrid's new Halloween toys she got a couple weeks ago. She sometimes goes a bit crazy with it.

In case you didn't get a good look at the creepy little toy above, here you go.

Astrid and all of us here hope you all had a frightfully festive Halloween filled with lots of treats!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle is inspired by my November 1, every single year. There's always leftover pizza from the night before, the aftermath of eating too much candy, and my hesitance to let go of Halloween even as the arrival of Christmas comes at us from every direction.

I do love Christmas as well, so for me November becomes this weird mashup of Halloween and Christmas, with Thanksgiving thrown in the middle of it all.

Tip of the Day

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. In the past, we shared a series of tips on the prevention of cancer in our kitties and pups. We're going to repeat that series of tips over the next few days in honor of this month's importance. We'll start with none other than spaying and neutering. Spaying and neutering your furbabies is not only important for of population control, but also because, like humans, they can develop cancers of the reproductive tract and related systems. This can include uterine cancer, mammary cancer, and prostate cancer.

What's more, timing of spaying and neutering can also be crucial. It is important to ensure that a kitty or pup is of course old enough and big enough for neutering, but also not too old. This is because, for example, there is an increased risk of mammary cancer in female cats and dogs who are allowed to go through one or more cycles prior to being spayed. We could go on and on about this topic, but let's suffice it to say that, as most of you certainly know, it's incredibly important to spay and neuter your cats and dogs for more reasons than one. We'll even say it again. Please spay and neuter your kitties and pups, and do so before they can be affected by an increased risk of cancer.


pilch92 said...

Astrid is a cutie. That is a very cool toy. I love the drawing. And your tips are great. XO

meowmeowmans said...

That sure is a creepy but fun toy. And Astrid, you look awesome and we love seeing you have fun. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I adore that doodle! Astrid, love your festive sweater and toy!

Helen said...

Astrid looks good in her sweater. My guys didn't like their costumes much.

messymimi said...

Astrid, that's one cool toy!