Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday: 'Tis Almost the Season

Friends, Astrid would like you all to know that she's donning now her festive apparel.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States. The day after Thanksgiving, we fully deck the halls for Christmas here at our house. 'Tis almost the season, friends. We're so close.

Astrid and all of us here wish you a wonderful Wednesday!


Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Do you know what holiday food we haven't yet mentioned in this Thanksgiving series? Cranberries! This here human loves cranberries, but are they safe for our kitties and pups? In moderation, plain cranberries can be given as a small treat to a dog or cat who enjoys them. That being said, it is best to steer clear of cranberry sauces and juices, as those contain excess amounts of sugar and other potential additives that might not be the best for your furbaby. Also be careful with special cranberry dishes, in case they contain not only excess sugar but potentially also toxic ingredients such as alcohol. As always, when in doubt, simply don't offer it to your furbaby.

Since we're on the topic of fruits, we'll go ahead and run through a couple of other fruity treat options for your kitty or pup. If fed in moderation, berries such as blueberries and strawberries are healthy for cats and dogs, as are bananas. Apples are also generally a healthy treat option, but only if you are careful to refrain from feeding your furbaby the seeds. That being said, keep in mind that when fruits like apples are made into pies, added ingredients such as sugar are not so healthy for your furbaby. Of course, also remember that fruits like grapes and raisins are toxic to cats and dogs, so never feed those. Even cherries can be dangerous, especially if consumed in large quantities, as cyanide poisoning can result due to the contents of the stem, pit, and even leaves. So, to be safe, don't feed your furbaby cherries, cherry pie, and most certainly not chocolate covered cherries this holiday season. Ultimately, if you are not certain that a particular fruit or other food is safe for your furbaby, simply don't feed it as a treat.


meowmeowmans said...

Woohoo! You're all dressed and ready to go, Astrid!

pilch92 said...

Astrid looks extra cute in her sweater. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You look adorable in that sweater, Astrid!

The Island Cats said...

You look good in your sweater, Astrid. Happy Thanksgiving!

messymimi said...

Astrid, I hope you enjoy the sweater all season long!