Friday, October 4, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Haunted Eddy

Hello, friends! We're here for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I would love to find an easier way to _________.

2. My October list includes _________, _________, and _________.

3. I know better than to _________.

4. _________ should be illegal.

My answers are below in bold, and are this week yet again accompanied by unnecessarily long explanations. 

1. I would love to find an easier way to keep Evan's colon regular.
(Evan's colon can't decide whether to be severely constipated or whether to have blowout diarrhea. Depending on which end of that spectrum his intestines are on, he gets variable doses of cisapride, miralax, and lactulose. I also give him at-home enemas in cases of stubborn constipation. Since he won't eat specialty foods for this conditions, he gets probiotics and fiber supplementation as well. His vet and I have been racking our brains and trying other things here and there, but the vet is pretty sure that Evan's fickle megacolon is simply victim to his hind limb paralysis. I'll keep doing whatever I can to make sure Evan stays as regular as possible, though it's certainly not a perfect process.)

2. My October list includes writing, drawing, and watching scary movies.
(Of course there are plenty of other things to do, like work and chores and all that good stuff. But, for this one I'm putting the things I really, truly want to spend as much time as possible doing. As always, I want to work on my writing and art projects, most of which are currently inspired by Halloween. And of course watching scary movies is a must in October, so I have a whole list of those I'd love to get through this spooky season. Of course, I'll happily be doing all of that with lots of furry company.)

3. I know better than to touch Eddy's belly.
(While Thimble and Tonks love belly rubs, Eddy's is almost always a trap.)

4. Abandoning animals should be illegal.
(Abandoning animals anywhere, whether it be tossing them at the side of a road or dumping them outside of an animal shelter, is such a heinous thing to do. Though I can't fully comprehend it, I know there are times when a person might not be able to keep their pet. If that's ever the case, though, they should go through proper avenues to surrender the animal somewhere safe. Not ensuring the safety of an innocent animals you're abandoning should come with punishment.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


It's Halloween at our house! And you know what that means? It means we're a bit haunted over here yet again.

That ghost comes out every single spooky season, and I've taken lots of photos of him with the kitties and pup over the years. As you can perhaps see, Eddy is not all that into these haunted photo shoots.

He's a friendly ghost, though, so Eddy usually warms up to him a bit. That, or she smacks him around and throws him to the floor. It's a toss-up.

Happy Friday, friends!

Not So Spooky Doodles of the Day

I mentioned with yesterday's doodle that I'd explain a couple of the silly, not so spooky characters that I've been scribbling up. Those characters also appear in two new Halloweenish doodles today.

The black kitty and the rogue arm and paw are a result of me seeing a lady draw a cat version of the Addams family, and she drew Thing as just a cat's paw. I loved that, so I created my own character similar to that. The black kitty in those doodles up there lost an arm, and it didn't want to part with it, so now the paw just hangs around doing its own thing.

As for the armless skeleton, that's thanks to some lady I saw driving around with an armless skeleton in her car. Apparently the piece of decor lost the limbs and she just went with it.

Truth be told, I now really want to write some story starring these characters, and ideas are already bouncing around in my head.

Tip of the Day

Our month-long Halloween tips continue. We've mentioned being aware of what decorations you use, and of course keeping in mind your furbaby's safety. Today, we're expanding on that. We're here to remind you to also keep in mind wildlife, as well as stray and feral cats, when decorating outdoors. Cords to light strands, for example, can be just as dangerous to outdoor animals as they can be to indoor animals. The same goes for candles, such as those in jack-o'-lanterns that you might set up on your porch. So for the safety of animals outdoors, keep cords outdoor-safe, and keep them as safely and securely hidden as possible. Just as we mentioned for indoor furbabies, you can use battery-operated or other artificial candles to prevent burns or fires when lighting jack-o'-lanterns outdoors. Again, though, do keep in mind that batteries and plastic pieces can also pose threats to animals.

One other particular outdoor Halloween decoration we want to address are artificial cobwebs. Please use these with caution. These fake cobwebs could lead to animals outdoors becoming dangerously tangled. What's more, ingesting them can lead to issues such as bowel obstruction. Decorations such as artificial cobwebs might be fun and festive, but always keep the safety of both indoor and outdoor animals in mind when using any such products.


Yvonne said...

Great Eddy pics and great fill ins. I wish I thought of #4, but of course I agree. I like watching scary movies at this time of year too. Have a great weekend!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed your answers except I feel so bad for Evan. I wish you could find an easier way too. I love both drawings. I was wondering what the paw was. :)
Eddy is a cutie and your tips are great. I don't use any cobwebs except the real ones that I leave up. :) XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable photos and doodles! I'm very thankful Mudpie loves tummy rubs, and it's never a trap.