Friday, October 18, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Shining Eddy

Hello and welcome to Friday! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. My favorite Halloween movie is _________.

2. People always ask me for my recipe for _________.

3. I go to _________ when I need help.

4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, I would bring _________ with me.

My answers are below in bold

1. My favorite Halloween movie is Halloween.
(This answer is brought to you by nostalgia.)

2. People always ask me for my recipe for brownies.
(I'm not the greatest cook, and while I'm much better at baking, I'm still far from a pro. I also mostly bake for my parents and sister, and occasionally extended family, so my food isn't eaten by many. All that to say, the couple of times anyone has asked me for a recipe, it's been for the brownies I make. I think a family member also once asked me how I make my apple pie.)

3. I go to my parents when I need help.
(I'm 35 and, yes, I still go to my parents when I need help. I do my best to help them with things they need as well. I'm very grateful for this dynamic.)

4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, I would bring a furry friend with me.
(I'm a lot more brave when I have a kitty or pup with me. They know a lot and I believe see a lot more than I can, so I wouldn't feel comfortable in a haunted situation without their company and insight. I don't know if that makes sense, but in reality I would want my security blanket of a kitty or pup.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Eddy has what might not look like a spooky shot today, but my mind turned it into one. See this little cutie giving me so much privacy in my bathroom?

I almost always have an Eddy, Thimble, or Evan outside that door beating their way in. It always reminds of that scene from The Shining, when the main character Jack smashes a hole in a door and then peers through looking all shades of unhinged. For some reason, that scene always comes to my mind when my kitties beat their way into the bathroom whenever I have the audacity to close the door. It's a sliding door, so they don't have to use an axe to get through like Jack did, but even so.

All that said, today's new Halloween doodles is one that I scribbled up after snapping that shot of Eddy. I figured, why not turn Eddy's version of The Shining into a Halloween tale?

Truth be told, that doodle did not turn out even remotely how I wanted it to. I scribbled it up on a whim and had a ton of slipups and other mishaps during the process. I almost trashed it more than once, even during just the initial pen outline stage. I made myself finish it, though, even if just because I wanted Eddy to have her scene. It's a hot mess, but it's a hot mess that I didn't abandon.

Have a frightfully festive Friday, friends!

Tip of the Day

We know we don't have to tell you wonderful folk that all of those superstitions about unlucky black cats simply aren't true. That being said, there are unfortunately those out there who do believe such things. There are also, sadly, people out there who might even think to play unjust tricks on black cats on or around Halloween. This is why today we are here to remind you to ensure that your sweet and innocent black cats, and all of your furbabies, are safe inside on and around Halloween. Even if you live in what is believed to be a safe neighborhood, please do keep your black cats, and all of your furbabies, inside and under close observation during the Halloween season. This will help ensure that they don't fall victim to the tricks and pranks of any callous or superstitious people out there. As always, it's better to be safe than sorry.


Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. We had the same answer for #1. The pic of Eddy had me LOL. She's such a cutie. Have a great weekend!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers. I am sure Astrid would protect you in a haunted house. :) I love the drawing and your tips are great. I am very superstitious, but not about black cats- I LOVE them. XO

messymimi said...

Having a pet with you makes everything easier and better.

Eddy, you love your mama, don't you!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That picture is adorable! Isn't it strange that I've never had a cat insist on accompanying me to the bathroom?

Gidget Blue Sky said...

here's Eddy!!!!!!