Monday, October 7, 2024

Mancat Monday with Megacolon

Evan had another eventful weekend, courtesy of his megacolon and his just generally confused intestines. His constipated colon was completely cleared out under sedation by his vet on September 27th. For nearly a week after that, even with increased meds to help his stool move through him, he didn't defecate at all. Then, this past Thursday, Evan suddenly started having blowout diarrhea. There was much laundry and cleaning this weekend, but we're slowly getting Evan back on track. I think. I hope.

That photo was taken soon after Evan's morning gabapentin dose, which is why his eyes look the way they do. I promise he's happy and purring in that photo, despite looking drugged out of his mind.

That Halloween kitty toy was freshened up with catnip right before these photos were snapped, and Evan had a great time roughing the poor thing up.

That toy is actually many years old, and it only looks so good and fresh there because it was very recently laundered. Before Evan's antibiotics for his recent UTI kicked in, he peed on that poor black kitty. Now that the kitty is all clean and catnipped, it's being heavily abused played with.

Happy Monday, friends!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

Today's new Halloween doodle stars the main kitty character in the main story I've been working on writing. The story takes place around Halloween, and this kitty loves going for walks, so this doodle could actually be a scene from it. I'm pretty sure I know what the kitty's name is, but I've been a bit wishy-washy with all the furry characters' names in my current work-in-progress. So, for now, here's the especially special main kitty character. Can you guess who inspired this little guy's creation?

Tip of Today

Today's Halloween tip relates to Halloween parties or other festivities of that nature. There are a number of potential dangers that such gatherings can pose. First, parties mean that guests are arriving, which means the door will be a busy place. When guests are arriving, keep your kitty or pup away from the door, such as by secluding them to a safe area away from the door, so that there is no chance of them escaping the house. Sometimes, it might also be best to keep your furbaby secluded to a safe area during the duration of Halloween or other similar party, for their continued safety. There will be extra foot traffic in the house when there are guests, which could potentially lead to your furbaby getting stepped on or otherwise injured.

In addition, there could be toxic foods present at a Halloween party, such as alcohol or chocolate. If your furbaby steals a taste of such foods, or if unwitting guests feed your kitty or pup treats of chocolate or other foods, there could be dangerous side effects. There is a variety of dangers to your cat or dog that can be present at festivities. Therefore, always do what you must to ensure your furbaby's safety during Halloween or other parties. Even if your kitty or pup is friendly and enjoys the company of others, there are still many dangers for a kitty or pup when gatherings are hosted at their home. If there is any doubt for their safety, or simply to prevent any accidental dangers, keep your kitty or pup confined to a safe area of the home during festive gatherings.


pilch92 said...

Poor Evan and poor you. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Evan, I wish I could give you a great big kiss! That doodle is beyond adorable. And I love that kitty...somehow I missed getting him the year he was available at Target. I love the little skull on his collar.

catladymac said...

Sending more purrayers to Evan (and you) that he can get back on track and feel better.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure hope all is okay and back to normal with you sweet Evan.