Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thankful for the Tooth Fairy on Thimble Thursday

It's Thursday, and you better believe Thimble is ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Just like Tonks did on Tuesday, Thimble wants to share her gratitude and joy over the goodies Ellen the Tooth Fairy sent our way after Thimble and Tonks had their dental surgeries last week.

Also like Tonks, Thimble was so excited that she mostly has blurry bloopers to share. Her cuteness makes up for it, though, of course.

Thimble loves the toys Ellen makes. She has also always loved the mats we've received from Ellen. To Thimble, they're like her own personal little thrones.

I wish I'd gotten a shot of Thimble looking at me with her adorable face, but she was so focused on keeping the other kitties off the mat that she just couldn't focus on a photo shoot. Don't worry, though, because eventually sweet Thimble did let all of her kitty siblings and housemates have a turn. The toys have all been dispersed around the house by happy kitties, and the mat has been napped on countless times. Thank you so much, Ellen the Tooth Fairy!

Oh, and Thimble and Tonks are doing great following their dentals. Despite losing 3 canines and a premolar, Tonks bounced right back and has been her usual self pretty much since she got home. Thimble is also doing great, though I can tell eating still feels a bit strange to her, since she now has nothing but her tiny little incisors on the bottom of her mouth. That said, overall, they're both doing great. Thank you all for the purrs and prayers you sent their way last week before, during, and after their dentals!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen (the Tooth Fairy!) of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I _________ when I feel overwhelmed.

2. My favorite streaming service is _________.

3. I try to help _________ when I can.

4. I could tell a scary story about _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Not So Spooky Doodle of the Day

I actually have a handful more doodles to share related to the Halloweenish story I'm currently writing, but apparently I have yet to scan and upload those. So, today you get a different one of my new Halloween doodles.

Tip of the Day

We're on the 10th day of our 31 days of Halloween tips. Now, we simply couldn't go this entire Halloween month without mentioning none other than pumpkins! As most of you likely already know, pumpkin can make for a healthy treat for a kitty or pup. Plain, cooked pumpkin can be an excellent source of fiber. This can help to keep the bowels regular, and so could be something to keep in mind for those furbabies with irregular bowel movements. Pumpkin and the fiber it provides can also help move hairballs more easily through those kitty intestinal tracts. Fiber, such as that from pumpkin, can also help a kitty or pup feel full for longer, which means that it can also potentially aid in weight loss. All of these benefits are also on top of the fact that pumpkin is also high in a variety of beneficial nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C.

That all being said, do of course ensure that you only feed your furbaby cooked pumpkin of the plain variety. You can feed your furbaby pumpkin puree from a can, of course ensuring that it contains no spices or other added ingredients. You can also cook up your own pumpkin and feed it to your kitty or pup as a treat. What's more, these days, there are many types of dry and moist foods, as well as treats, that contain pumpkin as an ingredient. These such foods might assist certain furbabies with bowel regularity or weight loss. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your furbaby's diet and digestion, discuss options such as pumpkin with your veterinarian.


The Island Cats said...

The tooth fairy brought you some fun gifts!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable doodle! And such fun tooth fairy gifts!

messymimi said...

There's no doubt, a visit from the Pilch Tooth Fairy Department is the best!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Fun, fun, fun! Yes, the Tooth Fairy is just the best. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

pilch92 said...

Thank you for the shout out. I am glad Thimble is enjoying the toys too. Also glad they are both feeling better. Nice drawing and great tips too. XO