Monday, December 23, 2024

Mancat Monday: Is It Christmas Yet?

It's Mancat Monday, and today Evan admittedly has some bloopers to share. They're a result of Evan finding out that he still has to wait another night for Santa Paws to visit. He's quite frustrated.

Evan knows he has been a very good boy and shouldn't have to wait any longer for Santa Paws to fly in and bring him some goodies.

In case you can't tell, Evan is hanging out under the Christmas tree in those photos. He's staying as festive as possible while waiting for Christmas to take its sweet time to get here.

Despite Evan's impatience, he's still wishing you all a merry Monday!

Festive Flashback Doodles of the Day

If all goes according to plan, for the Twelve Days of Christmas, which start on Christmas Day itself, I hope to share a brand new festive doodle every day. I know it's late in the season, but leading up to Christmas has been unsurprisingly chaotic. But also, is it actually late in the season, what with Christmas only being the First Day of Christmas?

All that rambling aside, today we're sharing flashback doodles in which I scribbled up the houses from some of my favorite Christmas movies. We've shared them before, but even so, can you tell what movies they're from?

One thing that always bothers me when I see that doodle above is how I forgot to draw the Christmas tree in the window of the house. Not the end of the world, obviously, but my recovering perfectionism notices.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip relates to the spirit of gift-giving during the holiday season. In particular, we're talking about the practice of giving cats, dogs, and other little critters as gifts on Christmas morning. The important thing here is that anyone giving a furry friend as a gift realize the significance of such a gift. Obviously, a living creature requires proper care and commitment. For this reason, if you or someone you know is intending on giving a cat, dog, or other critter as a gift, be sure that all considerations have been made. Does the recipient want a furry friend? Do finances, time, age, location, and other such factors allow the recipient to properly care for a furry friend? These are just the basics that need to be considered, as cats, dogs, and other animals come with far more factors than this. After all, pets are a commitment that can be with you for many years.

The long and short if it is that while it is wonderful to think of an animal finding a home on Christmas morning, it is still important to ensure that said animal will not end up without proper care, or back at a shelter or abandoned. There are of course times when giving or receiving a cat, dog, or other critter as a gift works out perfectly fine. Such cases might include when a husband or wife gifts a furbaby to their spouse who wants and can care for it, or when a parent knows their child wants and is capable of assisting in the care of a cat, dog, or other pet. If you or someone close to you is planning to surprise someone with a furry friend on Christmas morning, just as with any gift, do take into consideration whether a pet is appropriate for the recipient in question.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Won't be long now!

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie. Nice drawings and great tips.

Eastside Cats said...

Santa will be here before you know it, Evan!

messymimi said...

Evan, I'm glad you are sleepy, Santa won't come until you're really tucked in.