Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.
1. _________ was the highlight of my _________.
2. A new book (or movie or TV show) that I highly recommend is _________.
3. _________ makes me feel like a kid again.
4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I'd choose the song _________.
My answers are below in bold.
Eddy's happy to be inside where it's warm, but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy watching the squirrels and birds eating and running around in the snow.
My answers are below in bold.
1. Finding out that our local movie theater will be re-showing the first Harry Potter movies in February was the highlight of my week.
(My sister and I grew up in the Harry Potter craze of the '90s and early 2000s, and we loved both the books and movies. We got our love for the fantasy genre from our dad, so we were smack dab in the target audience for the Harry Potter phenomenon. We of course went to the theater as to see all of the movies when they were first released, and we were still just kids when the first few came out. While I do indeed re-watch the movies all the time at home, you better believe my sister and I will be going to watch the first Harry Potter movie in a theater for the first time as adults. I've already bought the tickets.)
(My sister and I grew up in the Harry Potter craze of the '90s and early 2000s, and we loved both the books and movies. We got our love for the fantasy genre from our dad, so we were smack dab in the target audience for the Harry Potter phenomenon. We of course went to the theater as to see all of the movies when they were first released, and we were still just kids when the first few came out. While I do indeed re-watch the movies all the time at home, you better believe my sister and I will be going to watch the first Harry Potter movie in a theater for the first time as adults. I've already bought the tickets.)
2. A new TV show that I highly recommend is Hysteria!.
(I tend to be way behind on watching the newest stuff, and this show actually came out on Peacock back in October. It's a supernatural horror sort of show, which is right up my alley, though I know plenty of people might not be into this sort of thing. That said, it takes place in the '80s, and music plays a significant role in the show, which I really enjoy. The answer my co-host Ellen gave to this fill-in is a much newer show that I'm looking forward to watching soon.)
(I tend to be way behind on watching the newest stuff, and this show actually came out on Peacock back in October. It's a supernatural horror sort of show, which is right up my alley, though I know plenty of people might not be into this sort of thing. That said, it takes place in the '80s, and music plays a significant role in the show, which I really enjoy. The answer my co-host Ellen gave to this fill-in is a much newer show that I'm looking forward to watching soon.)
3. Watching my favorite childhood movies makes me feel like a kid again.
(This answer heavily relates to my #1 above. I simply find a lot of joy and comfort in watching movies that I first discovered and enjoyed as a child.)
4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I'd choose the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen.
(This is one of my favorite songs of all time. I know all the words, but I also simply can't help but sing along when I hear it. So, might as well.)
(This answer heavily relates to my #1 above. I simply find a lot of joy and comfort in watching movies that I first discovered and enjoyed as a child.)
4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I'd choose the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen.
(This is one of my favorite songs of all time. I know all the words, but I also simply can't help but sing along when I hear it. So, might as well.)
Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.
You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.
This week, just like last week, Eddy is enjoying a winter wonderland view from her favorite window.
Eddy and all of us here send you lots of warm wishes!
Flashback Doodle of the Day***
Tip of the Day
We've given a variety of tips regarding today's topic, but we're going to compile them and mention them again today. Today's tip is to keep a close eye on your kitty or pup's water bowl and food bowl during the cold winter months. What do we mean by this? To begin, make sure the water bowl remains full and fresh. To keep warm on cold winter days, we of course run the furnace, or turn on heaters or the fireplace. This is of course crucial for helping our furbabies and ourselves remain warm when it's cold, but this can also lead to increased evaporation of water. This is just one reason to regularly check on your furbaby's water bowl, even on, or especially on, cold winter days. In addition, the furnace and other heat sources can lead to dryness, such as of your kitty or pup's coat and skin. This is another reason why it is crucial to ensure they have sufficient fresh water, as they very well may drink more in order to remain moisturized and comfortable in the dry winter air.
The food bowl might also be affected by the cold weather in the winter. This concept more heavily relates to furbabies who live outdoors or who spend time outdoors in the winter, such as ferals, strays, or those who go outdoors to use the restroom or go on walks. Those who spend time in the cold will often eat more in the winter. This is because when the body breaks down consumed food, it produces energy and heat, which can be crucial for helping a furbaby remain warm in the cold. Therefore, if your furbaby spends time outdoors, keep an eye on their food intake. They may require more food in the winter in order to remain warm and comfortable. Of course, if you have any concerns regarding your furbaby's diet, weight, and overall food and water intake, then do discuss this with your veterinarian.
The food bowl might also be affected by the cold weather in the winter. This concept more heavily relates to furbabies who live outdoors or who spend time outdoors in the winter, such as ferals, strays, or those who go outdoors to use the restroom or go on walks. Those who spend time in the cold will often eat more in the winter. This is because when the body breaks down consumed food, it produces energy and heat, which can be crucial for helping a furbaby remain warm in the cold. Therefore, if your furbaby spends time outdoors, keep an eye on their food intake. They may require more food in the winter in order to remain warm and comfortable. Of course, if you have any concerns regarding your furbaby's diet, weight, and overall food and water intake, then do discuss this with your veterinarian.
Those are beautiful pictures of Eddy!
I enjoyed all your answers. My niece is around your age and was the same way with Harry Potter. She plans to reread them all with her kids. I need to look into that show as I love music from the 80's.
Nice shots of Eddy. I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO
My kids grew up with Harry Potter, with my Sweetie (their dad) leading the way. I hope you enjoy the show.
Eddy, I'm very glad you get to watch squirrel/bird TV. You are beautiful.
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