In part because she's not a fan of warmer weather, and also in part because her 12-year-old legs just aren't what they used to be, pup Astrid hasn't been asking for as long of walks as she used to. That's okay, though, because we still have happy little adventures.
It's not the easiest to see, but ahead of Astrid in that second photo is a female duck. There were actually multiple ducks as well as some geese hanging out here when we walked by, but that particular duck was the loudest and also the least afraid of Astrid, so it stuck around longer than the others. Despite how interested she looks in these photos, Astrid is actually very good with and kind to wildlife (except opossums, who are her greatest enemies in the whole world, but that's a story for another day). When she was young we had to train her to not chase squirrels and rabbits, but nowadays Astrid coexists with wildlife very well and doesn't chase them (except opossums, ahem). Even so, she was still very intrigued by her new feathered friend.
Astrid and all of us here wish you a wonderful Wednesday!
Doodle of the Day
Astrid's birthday was back on February 20. I always like to scribble up a birthday doodle for each furry baby, but I didn't finish Astrid's until the night of her birthday. That means I didn't share it here on our blog on her actual birthday, and I just recently realized I still haven't shared it. So, today you get Astrid's belated birthday doodle. As a bit of an explanation, on none other than Astrid's birthday, my sister and I saw the first Harry Potter movie in theaters for the first time since we were kids. In my excitement, I decided to scribble up a Harry Potter-esque doodle for Astrid's birthday. That means this drawing probably makes no sense whatsoever, but here it is anyway.
Tip of the Day
After yesterday's National Pet Poison Awareness Month tip on paint products, we wanted to also give a PSA on the dangers of certain glues. If we're to be honest, the primary danger of glue isn't necessarily poisonous effects. Nevertheless, we still want to warn of the life-threatening hazards of glue. Some glues, such as glues for wood or construction, as well as heavy-duty glues such as Gorilla Glue, can lead to severe side effects. Ingestion of these glues can cause symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, and decreased appetite. What's more, though, is that these types of glues can contain diisocyanates, which can mix with stomach acid and then expand. This can then lead to bowel obstruction. Bowel obstruction is nothing to take lightly, and often requires surgery. Needless to say, if your kitty or pup gets into glue, especially heavy-duty glue that contains diisocyanates, seek veterinary care immediately. Of course, to prevent such emergencies, take no risks and be sure to hide away any and all glues someplace where your furbaby cannot reach.
Astrid is such a sweetie. Nice drawing and great tips too. XO
That doodle is adorable! Astrid looks very happy on her walk.
I'm glad you like to treat the other animals as friends (except the possums).
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