Friday, March 14, 2025

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Continued Window Whiffies

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I enjoy talking to _________.

2. _________ is something kind I did recently.

3. I wish I could _________ without any repercussions.

4. I've been complimented on my _________ but criticized for _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I enjoy talking to my dad about books.
(Obviously I talk to others in my family about all sorts of things and enjoy it. That said, my dad is the only other person in my family who truly reads, and we happen to enjoy the same types of books. So, he's my go-to for talking about books, and I love those conversations.)

2. Putting extra food out for newcomer neighborhood kitties is something kind I did recently.
(I wish I could think of something kind I've gone out of my way to do for a fellow human recently, but nothing is coming to my mind. I don't socialize much, as I prefer to be home with my furry babies, and so perhaps that's part of it. That's terrible, I know. That said, I do love being kind to animals. Recently, there has been a significant increase in the numbers of strays, ferals, and owned but outdoor kitties in our neighborhood. That breaks my heart, and I do my best to help them. I've therefore added some more feeding areas to my yard and started putting more food out. I've been buying more cat food than I ever have in my life, but I want the kitties who find my yard to know it's a safe place to enjoy a meal. I also really want to start trapping some of the ferals and getting them neutered.)

3. I wish I could steal animals from unworthy owners without any repercussions.
(Theft is a crime, of course. And I guess it's not really my place to judge others on their pet parenting. That said, I've known and met others who just don't seem like they deserve dogs, cats, or other companion animals. I'm talking about those kinds of people who don't properly take care of them, who stick them outside in poor conditions, don't give them meaningful attention, don't give them vet care, and that sort of thing. I wish I could steal those animals so that they could find homes with true love.)

4. I've been complimented on my pet parenting but criticized for poor communications skills with fellow humans.
(My vet has told me more than once that I'm a good pet parent, especially when I'm there with extra special Evan. I'm far from perfect, but I do my best. On the other side of things, I'm not so great with humans. Especially when it comes to responding to texts/messages, returning calls, just generally socializing, and that sort of thing, I'm pretty garbage. I honestly find those things a bit overwhelming, and especially my family members will call me out on it.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


It's Friday, which means you get yourself an Eddy fix. Today, just like last week, this girl is enjoying some window whiffies. 

We've been having some warmer weather, which the kitties love. When it gets over 70°F, that's honestly too warm for myself, as I much prefer cooler temperatures. But, the kitties seem to enjoy the window whiffies, sun puddles, and all that warm weather jazz.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback doodle relates to how I feed lots of ferals and other kitties outside, and said doodle doesn't even star a cat. This drawing instead stars a certain critter who also shows up every day/night to eat the kitty food I put outside. And that critter looks a little something like this.

Honestly, I don't mind feeding opossums. They're amazing animals who do a lot for the environment, such as by eating ticks, just to name one example. As long as they don't abuse the kitties I care for outside, they're welcome in my yard. Sometimes I even put extra food out just for the opossums, especially if it's the time of night they usually show up.

Tip of the Day

Today's National Pet Poison Awareness Month tip is about essential oils. There are a wide variety of essential oils on the market, and there are also a wide variety of reactions your furbaby might display if exposed to certain essential oils. Some essential oils can indeed be poisonous to our kitties or pups, kitties typically being especially sensitive to them. Depending on the type of oil and its concentration, exposure to and ingestion of an essential oil can lead to potentially serious side effects, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty walking, just to name a couple.

To prevent any accidental toxicity or emergencies, it might be best to simply prevent your furbaby from coming into contact with any essential oils, to ensure that your furbaby does not come into contact with one containing a toxic ingredient. This would mean refraining from putting essential oils on your kitty or pup, or placing essential oil diffusers anywhere near where your furbaby can reach. Also keep in mind that essential oils and their fragrances can also potentially cause respiratory irritation, with symptoms such as ocular discharge, nasal discharge, or signs related to asthma. When in doubt, keep essential oils, essential oil diffusers, and any other similar products well away from your furbaby, as their health and safety is not worth the risk.


Yvonne said...

Beautiful Eddy pics. Great fill ins. Your #2 is such a sweet thing to do. Have a great weekend!

messymimi said...

Some animals are better company than some people anyway.

Eddy is beautiful, I'm glad she's getting window time.

Opossums are amazing creatures, really, for all they aren't very beautiful. If they're doing no harm, I agree, let them stay.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I completely agree with you on #3. I feed neighborhood kitties too...and possums!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers and feel the same about #3. How sweet that you and your dad can talk books. Great shots of Eddy and I like the possum drawing. Excellent tips too. No essential oils allowed in this house. XO

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Looking furbulously pawesome Eddy, and there's nothing nicer than a few window wiffles! Supurr fill-ins, and totally on #3, some peeps should not have anipals at all.