Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Fun Times

There's aren't many feelings better than realizing it's Friday. On this Friday, as we do every Friday, we are having some fun participating in the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by none other than Ellen of 15andmeowing and Annie of McGuffy's Reader.

This week's fill-ins are all about family and springtime fun.

1. I am the _________ in my family.
2. I have _________ sibling(s).
3. I am looking forward to _________ this Spring.
4. The first sign of Spring this year was _________.

Here's what I managed with these fantastic fill-ins:

1. I am the tallest woman in my family.
(I could still be contested on this one, as I have some younger cousins who are still growing. I'm thinking at least one of them is going to get me beat. I'm 5'7", so I'm really not even that tall. I just come from a family of otherwise shorter women.)

2. I have one sibling.
(I have one sister, who is one year older than me. For those who don't know, my sister lives with me, along with her mancat Toby. That's why this handsome mancat often stars on our blog.)

3. I am looking forward to enjoying some fresh air this Spring.
(I think I'm looking forward to window whiffies just as much as the kitties and pup around here. I also love spending time outdoors on sunny spring days, before the scorching summer days roll around. We're having something like our third winter right now, but I have hope that spring is just around the bend.)

4. The first sign of Spring this year was the crocus blooming in my yard.
(A crocus popped up in my yard at the very end of February. Then there were more crocuses, and some daffodils, and then they all got buried in snow. Since then the snow has melted away, at least, and the spring flowers are still doing their best to grow. So what if it's below freezing outside? Spring can't hide forever!)


As is customary for our Friday posts, you will now of course get a dose of Eddy. And you know what? She actually briefly sat still for her photo shoot this week!

I probably shouldn't get used to Eddy sitting still like this. After all, this girl is usually all about those action scenes.

All of us here are wishing all of you out there a fabulous Friday!

Our Doodle of the Day:

This is another doodle I scribbled up before heading to the Crazy Cat Lady Fashion Show tomorrow, an event I'll be volunteering at for the benefit of our local rescue group Hospice Hearts. There's only one thing that could get me interested in fashion, and that is kitties!

Our Tip of the Day:
We're nearing the end of National Pet Poison Awareness Month, but we still have a couple more such tips to share with you all. Today's tip is about those pots and pans in your kitchen. Primarily, be cautious when using nonstick pans, such as those with Teflon, as heating these to high temperatures can lead to poisonous fumes for some pets. As many of you likely already know, this is primarily a concern when it comes to pet birds. Still, to be on the safe side, be careful when heating such pots and pans around any pets, especially those that are small. For that matter also be careful with other similar kitchen items, such as aerosol cooking sprays and self-cleaning ovens, as it is not impossible for fumes from these to also pose dangers. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and simply do not use it.


Lone Star Cats said...

Luv your expression there Eddy!

Anonymous said...

Great close ups Eddy! Have fun at the Crazy Cat Lady Fashion Show - hope you take lots of photos!!

Hugs, Pam (and Teddy)

Marg said...

Oh Eddy, so good to see still. Good girl. Great pictures of you. You all have a great Friday and a good week end too.

Sandee said...

Eddy is a most photogenic kitty. I linked this post to Feline Friday.

Love all your answers and was waiting for you to be near 6 foot tall. My mother was 5'3. I towered over her.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Eddy. ♥

The Swiss Cats said...

You're beautiful, Eddy ! Purrs

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

When I was growing up I was always the tallest girl in my class and doctors predicted I'd get to about 5'10" (just like my aunt). Thankfully I stopped at around 5'7", just the right height, IMO.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Hi, Eddy! Up until middle school, I was the tallest kid in my grade - but I didn't grow at all after 5th or 6th grade. After I got into basketball, I was really sad that I didn't grow more!

The Island Cats said...

Eddy! We're so glad you decided to sit still for your photo shoot. So nice to see you!

Eastside Cats said...

We cannot wait for Spring! Cute doodle; cats in pearls. Eddy is looking good!