Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thimble Thursday

Isn't Thursday such a wonderful day? It just so happens to be one of our seven favorite days of the week. After all, on Thursdays we get to rhyme, thanks to Angel Sammy.

As always, our host helped us along by offering a photo prompt. This week's is this intriguing image here:

As I've mentioned before, I'm trying to make all of my December poems relate to none other than Christmas. I just can't help myself. As usual, my poem is all shades of silly and makes little to no sense, but here it is nonetheless:

Christmas on Cat Island

Have you heard of the famous Cat Island?
It's full of furry friends and will certainly leave you smiling.
You'll never regret making a trip to this isle,
And you'll certainly end up staying there for more than just a while.

A certain woman named Sue knew all about the island of cats.
Her trips there numbered ten, or maybe even more than that.
She oft enjoyed Cat Island in the heat of summer,
But then Sue realized something that would be a bummer.
What if she never experienced Christmas on Cat Island?
She had heard that winter festivities on this isle were far from Hawaiian.

And so her mind was made up right then and there.
Sue would be setting sail to Cat Island for Christmas with no time to spare.
She did not know how long she would stay,
But it would certainly be longer than a mere few days.

In the summer months, Cat Island was full of sunbathing.
Sue would bask on the sand with cats in numbers always escalating.
As soon as Sue arrived to Cat Island that winter, though,
She realized there would be no sunbathing, no.
But Sue did not mind that even one bit.
After all, it appeared that Christmas and Cat Island were a perfect fit.

She arrived at the island on a quaint little boat.
Christmas looked beautiful on Cat Island, Sue was happy to gloat.
The island's shores were no longer covered in sand.
Instead, snow now covered every inch of the felines' land.

The wonderfully decorated house where Sue would stay,
It boasted festive decor that would shine whether night or day.
A tree decorated for Christmas stood not far from where Sue disembarked.
This tree stood merry and bright in the festive vacation home's front yard.
It was decked out with ornaments, a star, and a lovely cat she recognized as Clark.

On Cat Island, Christmas proved to be something grander than grand.
Sue did not even miss the sun or the sand.
After all, she was spending her festive season with furry friends galore.
She even built snowkitties numbering one, two, three, and more. 

Sue began to lose track of how many days she celebrated Christmas on Cat Island.
She didn't care, though, and simply spent all of her days smiling.
Sue had thought nothing could top summer on Cat Island,
But now Christmas there was her favorite, that there was no denying.

Sue found joy and peace putting up dozens of Christmas trees during her time on the isle,
Each one merry and bright and decorated in a perfectly feline style.
Sue learned something knew during Christmas on Cat Island,
And what she learned only turned her smiles even more giant.
She was led to this new knowledge with the help of cats like Mittens, Sally, and Nigel.
 What Sue discovered was that her merry and bright trees did even need ornaments.
After all, tree-climbing kitties made for perfect Christmas adornments!

Needless to say, Sue did not leave Cat Island for quite some time.
She indeed spent Christmas there, her stay numbering days far exceeding nine.
Every day, the cats of Cat Island convinced her to remain in manners quite clever.
Eventually, Sue thought with a smile that perhaps she would just stay forever.


Are you ready for Thimble and her Thankfuls? Yes? Good.

Thimble is just about the only kitty in the house who will sit and watch the television. This time of year, she is incredibly grateful for Christmas movies, because they're constantly playing on the TV and give her something to watch every evening.

Can you tell which movie Thimble is watching above? It's a favorite around here, and it plays on the TV far more than once every Christmas season at our house.

We're of course also thankful for all of you. Thank you for your friendship!


Last but not least, let's share the statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, shall we? Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ stresses me this time of year.

2. My favorite holiday film is _________.

3. If you ask me, _________ makes this season merry and bright.

4. _________ brings back memories.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Tip of the Day

This time of year, we often enjoy having our homes smell festive. We recently mentioned how using candles to scent your home can pose obvious risks to our furbabies, and today we're here to discuss how using potpourri or essential oils to fragrance your home can also be dangerous to your furbaby. If you use liquid potpourri or essential oils to make your home smell like Christmas, or if you use them year round, be extremely cautious using them around your furbaby. Both ingestion and skin contact with some of these scented items can be extremely dangerous and toxic to your kitty or pup, causing anything from skin irritation to symptoms such as vomiting, difficulty breathing, and weakness. Just some of the essential oils and other similar products that can cause illness are those derived from cinnamon, pine, peppermint, and citrus. Therefore, if your holiday season includes using oils or potpourri to make your home smell festive, be extremely careful to keep all such products safely out of your furbaby's reach.


Eastside Cats said...

I enjoyed your story/poem!
I may even try to build a snowcat when we get enough snow; Da Boyz will watch from the windows and wonder what the heck is she doing?!?
No doubt, The PO'M will be nearby to snoopervise my activity...

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your poem was totally purrfect! That's pretty cool sweet Thimble, we enjoy Home Alone too, well, the movie we enjoy, not being home alone. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

OH yeah, Home Alone is a must watch around here too!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful poem. I wanted to visit Cat Island and maybe stay there for a few days.

Thimble is a clever kitty. I'm not into TV myself unless I get right up with my nose on the screen. My nose males a funny mark on the screen. mol

Thanks for the sentences for te Fill ins.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thimble, you're just too cute. And I would never leave Cat Island.

pilch92 said...

Great poem! You are so creative. I definitely know that movie is Home Alone- one of my favorite Christmas films. Thimble is a cutie. Trouble likes to watch tv too- I put youtube cat videos on for her :)

Pam and Teddy said...

Such a wonderful story poem this week and YES we've heard of Cat Island - I often wonder how they are all doing and get a little weepy thinking of how dedicated those people who ensure they are alright are. I used to think I'd like to visit Cat Island but I'm afraid I'd want to return home from a visit with a boat load of kitties to keep!

Hugs, Pam

messymimi said...

Christmas Island sounds like a great place! You have a wonderful imagination.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Your movie quiz intrigued me. We love movies but don't watch TV except our own DVD's of fave movies. I lofe a happy ending movie at Christmas.