Wednesday, September 21, 2022

An Update on Astrid...and a Hobbling Adventure

We mentioned in yesterday's post that pup Astrid was at the vet getting evaluated after refusing to use her back right leg. Most of us thought it would be related to Astrid's hip, since this has been her leg with a problematic hip for pretty much her entire life. Instead, it would appear the girl tore her cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL. This is essentially the same as a human tearing their ACL.

That's one of the last walks we took the other day, soon after she suddenly stopped using her back right leg. You can't really see it in the photo, but Astrid is hopping on three legs there. Maybe you can tell, though, as a closer look might let you see that both of her back legs are off of the ground in that photo, because she's in the middle of a three-legged hop. And she's still hopping on three legs as we speak. The day of that photo, Astrid was begging to go more than just down the street despite her condition, and I made the poor decision of letting her convince me to take her farther. She happily made it, smiling the whole way, but boy did it make her tired to hop on three legs the whole way. It was difficult to see her so worn out from one of her usual walks. Now, the poor girl gets no more walks until she has had her surgery and is done with recovery. Sorry, pup Astrid.

You heard that right. Astrid is going to have surgery to fix her leg. Given that Astrid is an incredibly active and mobile girl, even at 9 years old, her vet heavily recommended surgery as the best treatment for her torn CCL. Cage rest can help some dogs, but in active Astrid's case we'd probably end up in this same boat yet again in a couple of weeks or months if we don't get it surgically repaired. So, surgery it is.

Our usual veterinary office does not currently have a surgeon on staff who performs this particular surgery. So, we were referred to another local vet who specializes in it. We have the consult at that vet tomorrow, and we'll get the surgery scheduled after that.

Astrid wanted you all to see that she can still sniff other dogs' pee even when she's standing on three legs. So, there you go.

Thank you all for the purrs, woofs, prayers, and good thoughts you've already sent us! You all are such wonderful friends, and we're so very lucky to have you.


Flashback Doodle of the Day


Tip of the Day

We're in the midst of a series of tips for National Disaster Preparedness Month. Yesterday, we discussed preparing emergency supplies or a travel kit, so that you and your furbaby will be ready to handle a disaster, evacuation, and so forth, should the need arise. Today, we're here to remind you to go yet another step further and to have a plan. In other words, in the event of a disaster or other emergency, how and what will you do in order to ensure the safety of both your furbaby and yourself? For example, if you live in an area where disasters might make evacuation a possibility, have a safe a safe destination secured, not only for yourself but for your furbaby as well. Do you know of a motel or hotel, or another similar shelter, where animals are allowed? Or, do you have friends or family where your kitty or pup will be allowed to stay? If necessary, research veterinary offices, boarding facilities, or other similar facilities out of harm's way, where your furbaby could be taken in the case of an emergency.

Emergency plans don't just relate to possible evacuations, though. For example, if you live in an area where tornadoes are a possibility, have a plan for what part of the house both you and your furbabies can safely hunker down. Pick a safe room in the center of the house, for example, and have a plan for getting your kitty or pup there in a hurry. If needed, have leashes, carriers, or other necessary tools ready. Depending on where you live and what your situation is, always think ahead to how you will keep both your furbaby and yourself safe in an emergency situation.

One last comment we'll make on this topic is to, as needed and possible, practice your emergency plans. Make sure that everyone in your home knows the plan, and that everyone will know their part in the action. Doing a trial run or two can never hurt, to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that everything will run as smoothly as possible in an actual emergency.


Eastside Cats said...

Purring for Astrid!
I love pumpkins, and a neighbor has a stack of turban squashes as decoration on their porch; so cool.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Ouch, that poor sweet pup. Purrs and POTP from all of us too.

pilch92 said...

Poor Astrid. I will be praying that surgery goes well and she has a speedy recovery. Very cute drawing and excellent tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor baby! Purrs for a super quick recovery.

catladymac said...

POTP to Astrid for a safe recovery !

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no! Poor Astrid. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for a successful surgery and a easy recovery. XO

The Island Cats said...

Poor Astrid! I hope the surgery is successful and she has a complete recovery and is going on those walks again soon. ~Ernie

messymimi said...

Praying she gets the surgery soon and recovers quickly.

Sandee said...

Hugs and prayers for sweet Astrid to have a successful surgery. ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for a successful surgery. Our Beau 9 months ago had the same thing, but ws not a candidate for surgery because of displasia of hips. he is 9 and Dane/catalhoula. a big dog. Vet said he was done walking, except on leash for potty breaks. after 8 days he was not limping and has not missed a day walking since then. i stared him on day 9 walk down 2 houses, and each week added 2 to 4 houses. until he could walk 3/4 mile. I am not saying for you to do this, I am saying there is hope, and with surgery Astrid should be fine. hugs

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We are sending lots of love, prayers and good thoughts for your surgery