Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tonks and Her Toys on the Second Day of Christmas

The Christmas season is far from over. After all, Christmas Day is just the First Day of Christmas. I know a lot people who think that the Twelve Days of Christmas refer to the twelve days leading up to Christmas. But, in fact, they only start on Christmas Day. So, you'll have to excuse us as we continue to celebrate this festive holiday for many more days.

As for Tonks, she'll be celebrating by snapping blurry bloopers with some of her new toys.

We also received some wonderful goodies from our Secret Santa Paws, and we'll be sharing those this week as well. The kitties can't wait to show you the jackpot they hit.

Merry Second Day of Christmas, friends!

Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Since Christmas movies continue to play nonstop here at our house well into January, here's a little kitty friend reminding you roughly what the house from A Christmas Story looks like. This movie is one of the main ones that we re-watch many times throughout the Christmas season.

Tip of the Day

Did your kitty or pup get new toys for Christmas? We're thinking many of them probably did. Now that all such new Christmas gifts have been opened and are being enjoyed, consider going through your furbaby's toy stash, pulling out old ones they don't use, and donating them to a shelter or rescue. Many shelters will accept such toys as long as they are clean, as well as easily cleaned, and in good condition. Of course, it is nonetheless always best to do your research regarding an individual shelter or rescue's requirements for donations. Donating toys that your kitty or pup has accumulated but does not use not only keeps your furbaby's toy stash at manageable levels, but also of course benefits shelter kitties and pups who are awaiting their forever homes. This might also go for unopened cans of food your furbaby will not eat, and even clean blankets they do not use. Christmas is indeed the season of giving, and even though the 25th of December has passed, that spirit of giving does not need to come to an end.


Eastside Cats said...

We LURV seeing you enjoy yourself, Tonks!

pilch92 said...

Tonks is a cutie. Glad she got lots of presents. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

meowmeowmans said...

Tonks, it's so wonderful seeing you enjoying your new toys!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We got that kitty toy in jammies too! It's SO cute!

messymimi said...

Some of those toys are probably not long for this world.