Friday, January 19, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Snow Day

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I am glad I got rid of _________.

2. I wish I had kept _________.

3. _________ would be _________ if _________.

4. _________ is too close for comfort.

My answers are below in bold, and are of course accompanied by my usual rambling.

1. I am glad I got rid of social media apps on my phone.
(I admittedly did keep Instagram on my phone, as I enjoy looking at quick photos of cats and the like on occasion. But, I don't have Facebook or any other social media apps on my phone, and it helps me feel so much less bombarded. My phone is essentially always with me, and I used to constantly get notifications and distractions from it. Now I get very little of that, and it makes me feel far less overwhelmed.)

2. I wish I had kept my Teddy Ruxpin cassette tapes.
(Does anyone know what Teddy Ruxpin is? He's an animatronic, storytelling teddy bear that came out in the '80s. Here, let me show you with a photo I took a few weeks ago when I stumbled across my Teddy Ruxpin.

One of my uncles gifted me one when I was a toddler. You can stick little cassette tapes into him, and that will prompt him to tell stories. As a kid, those stories brought me so much entertainment, happiness, and peace. I'd honestly love to hear the stories he tells again, but I can't currently find his cassette tapes. Truth be told, I'm almost positive I still have the cassette tapes, but I think they got shuffled in with some items stored in my garage, and with the heat of summer and cold of winter that the garage is subjected to, I assume that even if I find them, they probably don't work anymore. So, I guess my true answer to this fill-in is that I wish I'd simply kept my Teddy Ruxpin cassette tapes safe.)

3. Medicating Evan would be easier if he didn't rage pee.
(I'll begin my saying that I'm more than happy to medicate my sweet orange boy. He gets 4 to 5 medications per day, and they all keep his health issues at bay and ultimately make him a happy boy. That said, he's not a fan of the act of getting medicated. He's not aggressive, though. At least, he's not aggressive with his teeth or claws. Oftentimes, Evan will try to aim a nice stream urine at me when I'm medicating him. I started calling this rage pee awhile back, and it stuck, especially once my family even started calling it that. When Evan is feeling unhappy about the injustices of being medicated, he rage pees. He also sometimes rage poops, in case you were curious.)

4. Astrid and Evan's 11th birthdays are too close for comfort.
(I don't want to fear celebrating my pup and kitties and their birthdays, but I'd be lying if I said them aging didn't scare me and make me constantly worry. Astrid's birthday is in February and Evan's is in April. They're my two oldest and will indeed both be 11, and I'm so happy and grateful for every year I've had and will have with them. The bigger numbers just sometimes bring about some anxiety.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? We're sure you are. Today, Eddy is enjoying the snowy view out the window.

Eddy loves snowy days. She seems to just really enjoy watching the white stuff fall from the sky. She also enjoys watching the birds and squirrels munch on the food I toss into the yard for them.

We know a lot of you are also experiencing some kind of winter weather these days, so we're hoping you all stay safe and warm!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's winter safety tip regards none other than frozen water. If you and your furbaby go out for walks, be careful of frozen ponds, lakes, and so forth. If you live or walk in an area where there is any sort of body of water, be very careful that you are aware of its location. Snow and ice can easily camouflage the frozen surface of water, beneath which danger awaits. To be better safe than sorry, simply avoid walking in areas where you know or think there are ponds, lakes, or any body of water. It is of course also safest to keep your walking pup or kitty on a leash and near to you, so that they cannot stray far and inadvertently find themselves on or in frozen water. A white winter scene can be beautiful, but it can also hold many dangers. Be aware of these dangers, and plan walks and other activities with your furbaby accordingly.


Yvonne said...

Good idea to get away from social media. I should do that too. It can be so nasty.

Eddy is just so cute. The snow seems to fascinate her.

Have a great weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

So pretty, Eddy! I remember Teddy Ruxpin. Rage pee...too funny! Mudpie will be 11 this year too. I can't even think about it.

messymimi said...

A silent phone makes me happy, too. Those apps are too much sometimes.

Poor Evan, I wish there were a way to help our pets understand what their meds are for.

Yes, I'm always ready for an Eddy fix, thank you.

pilch92 said...

Those are all great answers to the fill-ins except I am sorry Evan pees on you. They should invent peepee teepees for cats like they have for baby boys. :) I bet you can find some cassettes for Teddy Ruxpin on ebay. Eddy is a cutie. I like the drawing and your tips are excellent too. XO