Happy Tuesday, friends!

Today's tip is to be careful and cautious with your furbabies when outside in cold weather, and to be aware that our furbabies' tolerances to cold can vary. Some animals are more susceptible to getting cold, such as those with a thin coat or no fur, those who are very young or very old, and those who are ill or in any way compromised. Sometimes, it comes down to the fact that some animals simply tolerate cold better than others. In any extreme weather, such as cold winter days, it is important to keep a very close eye on any animal who is outside. If your pup or kitty is outdoors taking a bathroom break or on a walk, monitor them closely. If you notice any shivering, restlessness or anxiety, or anything out of sorts, get them inside where it's warm.
One simple rule of thumb to follow, especially when in doubt, is that if it's too cold for you, then it's likely too cold for your furbaby. Hypothermia and frostbite can affect our cats and dogs just like it can affect us, so don't risk these medical emergencies. Don't leave your furbabies outdoors in the frigid cold. Do not set out on long walks on cold days, but instead stay close to home and be vigilant regarding your furbaby's comfort, health, and safety. If you care for feral cats or other outdoor animals, try to ensure that they have some form of shelter that is out of the elements and off of the ground. If possible, offer some form of warmth in the outdoor shelter, a topic we very recently discussed.
Tonks doesn't seem to mind. I used to cover things with waterproof mattress covers. Right now, knock on wood, I have no squirters. :) Cute drawing and great tips. XO
Mess happens, we all expect it. Tonks looks perfectly happy anyway.
We used to pin puppy pee pads up the wall behind every litter box, as Celestial Chuck had the habit of 'aiming high'.
We do what we must, and none of us is Martha Stewart.
You gotta do what you gotta do!
Moms have ta do what they have ta do. Sometimes it is plastic to protect furniture...
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