Friday, February 23, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Photo Fails

Hello, friends! It's Friday, and we're of course ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. We'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two

1. _________ is a movie I can quote by heart.

2. _________ is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.

3. I look forward to the return of _________.

4. Amongst my family and friends, I'm known as _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a movie I can quote by heart.
(I had trouble picking a movie for this one. That said, I grew up as a fantasy-loving kid in the heyday of the Harry Potter books and films, and I still to this day make my way through them on a regular basis. So, there's that.)

2. Not putting away clean laundry is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
(For some reason, the simple task of putting clean laundry away is one of my least favorite chores. I don't mind loading the washer or dryer, I just don't like having to hang clothes, fold blankets, or just generally put it all where it belongs. I really need to work on that.)

3. I look forward to the return of Wednesday.
(The spooky, kooky show Wednesday is right up my alley, and I can't wait until the second season comes out. I'm also looked forward to the final season of Stranger Things.)

4. Amongst my family and friends, I'm known as the cat lady.
(And I'm more than fine with this.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

As always, our blooper queen Eddy is ready for this event with all sorts of blurriness.

Even blurry, Eddy hopes seeing her adorable face helped brighten your day! Happy Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We're making these National Cat Health Care Month tips stretch until the end of February. So, today's (incredibly long) tip is another one related to feeding those kitties of yours. In some cases, you might have multiple cats with differing dietary needs. For example, you may have one cat who needs a low-protein kidney diet in a household that also contains other cats in need of higher levels of protein. Or, you might have one cat on a diet for weight loss in a household also with other cats who should not be on a restrictive diet. Or, perhaps you simply have one kitty who steals the other kitty's food. If any of these are the case in your house, there are some possible ways to succeed in feeding your kitties their separate diets.

First, if your cats are of different sizes or have different physical abilities, there is a chance you can take advantage of these traits to separate their feeding stations. For example, if you have a large cat and a kitten needing separate foods, you could cut a hole in an upside box in which the kitten can fit, but not the larger cat. This way, the kitten could be fed its kitten food in the box without the larger cat feasting on the food. You can also try feeding one cat its food on various elevated surfaces, if its housemate cat on a different diet is unable to reach those elevated feeding spots.

Of course, there are many cases in which the above options simply will not work. If this is the case, the primary option is to stick to scheduled feedings of some sort, and to physically separate the cats during these feeding times. First, determine times of the day when you are home and can oversee feeding time, such as morning, lunch, and evening. Then, at feeding time, each cat can be given their specific diet separately under your observation. This can be done in a number of ways. You can simply separate the cats in the same room, if you are able to closely observe them so that no kitty's food is stolen by another. You can also separate the kitty's in the same room while using something such as baby gates to ensure they remain separated while they eat. Another option is, of course, shutting cats in different rooms to each eat their meal on their own.

One last consideration to make are special bowls that could aid in separate feedings. For example, there are enclosed bowls on the market that can programmed to only open when a cat with a certain microchip approaches it. If this sounds like something that could benefit you and your cats, that is another option you can look into.

That all being said, if your cats are used to being free-fed all day and special microchip bowls are not an option and you find yourself needing to transition to scheduled feedings due to differing dietary needs, then do be patient and give this transition some time. A cat will have to get used to going from having access to food 24/7, to eating on a schedule. If need be, such as if your cats are not yet used to eating their meals at a scheduled time, then start this transition by feeding your cats more often, so that they will have more chances to eat their food throughout the day. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns with regard to feeding your kitties, do speak to your veterinarian.


Yvonne said...

Great answers and I love the Eddy pics. Have a great weekend!

messymimi said...

What is it about putting away the laundry that we resist it so much?

Thanks for the Eddy fix!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers. I need to check out Wednesday and we can't wait for Stranger Things too. Nice bloopers of Eddy. Cute drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those are some super cute bloopers, Eddy!

Eastside Cats said...

The Hubby and I often have a contest as to which one of us will put our clean clothes away first!
I usually get the beds made, but the clothes may sit for awhile.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins, and the P.A. is looking forward to the return of Wednesday too! We hope are having an epic weekend!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Great fails and art!