Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday Fun

It's probably no surprise to most of you that we're starting today with the fun Fill-Ins challenge, which is of course hosted by Ellen of 15andmeowing and Annie of McGuffy's Reader.

These are the fill-ins our hosts came up with us for this week:

1. Before you _________, you need to _________.
2. After _________.
3. Winter _________.
4. Spring _________.

And here are my attempts at filling them in:

1. Before you assume, you need to learn the facts.
(After all, we all know what happens when we assume, don't we?)

2. After a long day, furbaby cuddles are the best remedy.
(I couldn't decide what to put for this one, so this seemed the best way to go.)

3. Winter is a dangerous beauty.
(I love the thought and sight of winter and snow because of its beauty. At the same time, though, I know how dangerous it can be, and not just because of the road conditions it creates. I feel for those animals and humans who do not know the comfort of a home in the cold of winter.)

4. Spring is a time for new beginnings.
(I love the feeling when you finally walk outside one day in March or April, and you realize that winter really has retreated and everything is growing anew. Sometimes you can even smell it in the air, and I love that feeling.)


Now, this post would most certainly not be complete without a little dose of Eddy!

Yesterday, Thimble showed you how she's been enjoying some lovely sunshine, and Eddy wanted to do the same today. So, these are her blinding, sun-basking shots!

We hope all of our friends out there have a fantastic Friday filled with all sorts of sunshine!

Our Doodle of the Day:

Sometimes, when I can't decide what to doodle for the day, I go to my trusty 2018 Blogging Cats Weekly Planner for inspiration. That's what I did for today, and it was my planner that informed that today is none other than Panic Day. I'm not entirely sure of the history of this worrisome day, but I decided to try and go with it.

Our Tip of the Day:
Yesterday, as part of National Pet Poison Awareness Month, we discussed the danger of human medications if ingested by our kitties or pups. It's not just human medications that are potentially dangerous, though. Even veterinary medications designed for pets could lead to toxicity in certain circumstances. This of course can occur if a particular furbaby gets into a furry housemate's medication that he or she do not need. In addition, even a medication prescribed to a particular cat or dog can cause them issues, such as if taken in larger quantities than instructed. This could perhaps occur due to human error in administering, but also if the animal finds their medication stash and helps themselves. Some veterinary medications are formulated to smell and taste enticing to our furbabies, making them all the more desired by said furbabies. If your furbaby likes the taste of one of their medications, or even one of their housemate's medication, then they may try to sneak quantities out of the safe range, which could indeed lead to detrimental effects. So, of course, hide those medications away!

Don't only take into consideration oral medications, though. Even transdermal medications can result in toxicity, such as if your furbaby finds and in some way exposes themselves to large quantities of it. The short story is, just as you must keep your own medication hidden away from your kitties and pup, you also keep all veterinary medication hidden away so as to prevent any and all emergencies possible.


Marg said...

Oh Eddy, you are looking mighty good. We think your fill-ins are just terrific. Your doodle is just great too. Have a super duper day.

Anonymous said...

A great post - super fill-ins, great close ups of Eddy AND a cute "panic" doodle! It's "all good" !!

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

Unknown said...

Love your fill-ins--and your doodle. Now that is really a time to panic! Have a great day! :)

pilch92 said...

Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, you always have great answers. Very true about #1, I have noticed I am always wrong when I do assume something. Furbabies are great to cuddle with after a long day or any time :) I love the panic drawing and Eddy looks adorable- not even blurry. Good tip too. A few years ago, my nieces dog ate all of her liver flavored meds out of my niece's purse- it was good she realized it and got her to the vet for help.

Eastside Cats said...

Winter means 'worry' to me, since The O Cats are out there. Even though I've got the insulated Cat Hotel, and a warming pad and TONS of's winter and they are outside! And every year, they prove me a silly worrywort. But who makes their friends sleep outside? Well, they won't come in, so there. Manny and Chili Bruce knock over tons and tons of things, and push newspapers on the floor, chew every box they find, and generally cause havoc. I feel for the kitties in your doodle!

Sandee said...

Love your answers and especially about spring. I'm waiting for that too.

I linked this post to Feline Friday. I just couldn't help myself.

Have a purrfect day and weekend. ♥

Kathe W. said...

Eddy is so dang awwwdorable!

Katherine Kern said...

Eddy, you are completely adorable despite trying to look so serious! We especially love your little fang!

The Island Cats said...

Eddy, you can't fool us with that scowl! ;)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Eddy, you're so adorable! Love the art...some kitty is in trouble :)

Jeanna said...

I love the angle of Eddy looking at you, how cute and funny.

Cathy Keisha said...

Hi Eddy! Enjoy the sunshine. We rarely get sun these days. TW doesn't like it when I get on the table where she keeps her med bottles. I did a funny blog post years ago about the time she dropped 3 months worth of pills on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Eddy is adorable. So is your art.

Your answers are great, as always. I agree with you. Hugs.