Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Adventures with Astrid: To Grandmother's House We Go

Pup Astrid wanted to let you all know how abused and neglected she was over the past couple of days. This girl has only been getting to go on 5 to 10 or so minute walks, and sometimes those outings have simply been a quick little jaunt over to her grandma and grandpa's house.

Can you believe this abuse? This is the pout Astrid gave her grandma and grandpa when we got to their house. This pup sure does love her grandma and grandpa, but she would prefer to visit them after a long, adventurous walk.

There is something Astrid isn't telling you, though.

We had subzero temperatures from Sunday through most of yesterday. That's why Astrid's walks were so short. I promise we weren't withholding her long walks for no reason. It didn't seem all that safe to take her on her usual walks when the temperature outside was nearly -10°F, with even colder wind chills. We just couldn't get this poor girl to understand that.

Don't worry, though, because Astrid is finally back to her usual walks. It finally went back over 0°F yesterday, and we've now finally hit double digits again for the first time in days. Astrid is thrilled. She loves winter, and cold weather is her jam, but more so, she loves her a good, long walk.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's winter tip is one that you often hear in the summer, but that also goes for the winter months, and that is to never leave your pup or kitty alone in the car. Just like the inside of a car can get fatally hot in the summer months, the inside of a car can get far too cold in the winter for a furbaby to remain inside. Should you need to run errands where your furbaby is not allowed, leave them home where it is warm. Another option, should your furbaby for some reason need to be along when you run errands, is to bring someone along who can sit with them in the warm car.

In this same line of thought, if your furbaby is in need of a car ride, prepare the car for this. Should a vet visit be in store in the winter months, for example, warm the car before taking your furbaby outside for a ride. As we all know, a cold car is an uncomfortable place to be. So, try to ensure that your furbaby does not have to feel this discomfort.


pilch92 said...

Poor Astrid looks so sad. Nice drawing and great tips. I have a rule to NEVER leave a cat in the car even for a minute.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

She looks so dejected!!!

messymimi said...

Maybe she'd wear the puppy socks to protect her feet and you could take a middlish walk.