Friday, January 5, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Eddy's Twelfth Day of Christmas by the Tree

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. If you looked in my closet, you'd see a lot of _________.

2. When I'm having a bad day, I like to _________.

3. _________ is the best remedy for _________.

4. It's no secret that I _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. If you looked in my closet, you'd see a lot of skeletons.
(My skeletons are both literal and metaphorical, because you'll find some Halloween decor as well as secrets in there.)

2. When I'm having a bad day, I like to cuddle up with Evan on the couch.
(I'll happily cuddle any and all of my furbabies. That said, the one who's always most eager and willing to cuddle me for hours on end is my momma's boy Evan. So, after a long, difficult day, there's nothing that I want more than to get home to my couch cuddles with Evan and any other willing participants.)

3. Feline company is the best remedy for anything and everything.
(Obviously there are medical remedies that people should seek for certain ailments. That said, piggybacking off of #2 above, no matter the issue at hand, feline company can make it far more bearable. Also canine company, as I also love me some pups.)

4. It's no secret that I have lately been lacking when it comes to blogging and my other hobbies.
(While my full-time job is of course one factor keeping me from putting as much focus as I'd like on my hobbies, I've also been having a ton of technological issues. I mentioned recently how I haven't had a fully functioning computer at home in quite some time. A lot of my blogging and writing has been happening on my work computer during breaks and lunch, hence all of the late blog posts and all that jazz. Thanks to a Christmas gift from my wonderful parents, though, I will now finally have a new laptop, and it's due to arrive today. It's a more advanced laptop than I've ever had, so I can't wait to use it to get back to properly writing and scheduling blog posts, commenting on the blogs of you friends of ours, writing the stories still living in my head, and so on and so forth. I cannot wait.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Who's ready for the their Eddy fix? All of you? Good, because Eddy is here, festive and yet again refusing to look at the camera.

I tried to adjust the lighting during that photo shoot. I'll let you guess how good I am at that type of photography skill.

There's a reason Eddy is keeping her beloved Christmas tree company today. It's the last of the Twelve Days of Christmas. And so, Eddy and all of us here wish you a very Merry Twelfth Day of Christmas!

Don't worry, because we're actually still not quite done with Christmas. We're sorry for anyone who is sick and tired of the festive continuation, but we're also sort of not sorry because we love this season so much. One reason we're still not done with Christmas is because tomorrow is Epiphany, also known as Three Kings' Day. What's more, because of my work and general life schedule, we won't be taking down our Christmas decor until next weekend. I'm also still watching Christmas movies, and reading Christmassy books, and am simply not yet ready to bid the festive season farewell.

In addition to that, with the new laptop I'll be setting up this weekend, I'll finally again be able to more easily scan and upload my drawings. I have a few Christmas doodles that I haven't shared yet simply because of technological difficulties, so thanks to the arrival of my new laptop, I will be able to finally share those late Christmas doodles.

So, again...Merry Twelfth Day of Christmas!

Tip of the Day

We're still working through our series of tips on caring for outdoor feral and stray cats in the cold winter months, and we're currently still on the topic of shelters. If you do care for feral or other outdoor cats, if possible, try to offer more than one shelter. These could even be just multiple plain and simple shelters, and even makeshift ones that allow cats to find some form of respite from direct exposure to the elements. Having multiple shelter areas can allow for more cats to find a potentially safe and warm place to spend a cold day or night. Multiple shelters can especially, of course, help reduce competition, especially amongst cats who might not get along and therefore might not readily share shelter space. Putting shelters in multiple locations is also a way to reduce competition and to allow more outdoor cats to find a safe place to stay in the winter. You can also offer varying shelter types, such as those made from different construction materials and those with different internal layouts. This could help cater to feral or other outdoor cats who might be picky about where they are comfortable staying. Offering any shelter at all, even just one, is of course incredibly beneficial to outdoor cats in the cold winter. If you are able to offer more than one shelter, though, do consider this as a way to enable more cats to be safe and warm in the winter.


Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. I feel the same way about #3. Love the Eddy pics.

Have a great weekend!

messymimi said...

Cats can help, can't they. I'm glad you will have a new computer.

Thank you for the Eddy fix.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Have fun with the new computer! I laughed at your answer to #1 :)

pilch92 said...

Great answers to the fill-ins. I agree cats are the best remedy for everything. I am glad you got a new laptop, hopefully it will make your life easier. Cute shots of Eddy. I like the drawing and your tips are excellent. XO

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Epic fill-ins, and there's nothing worse the computer problems, we're glad that mew have it sorted now! We hope mew are having a totally terrific weekend!