Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: The Many Faces of Tonks

Hello, friends! Today, Tonks wanted to give you all a glimpse of a her many adorable expressions.

That's a pretty cute one, huh? How about an adorable little glare next?

Despite not being shy at all, Tonks has also perfected her coy expression. See?

Tonks hopes seeing these versions of her adorable face helped make your Tuesday terrific!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip is to find ways to exercise and entertain your furbabies indoors when it is cold outside. Walks and other lengthy outings can be a dangerous thing in frigid temperatures. As we mentioned in previous tips, frostbite and hypothermia can happen in a matter of a couple short minutes when temperatures reach significant lows. So, if your kitty or pup is used to walks, outdoor playtime, and so forth, find ways to improvise indoors on cold winter days.

You can of course play games with your kitty or pup, such as by grabbing a toy and initiating a game of fetch. For some kitties and pups who might not be easy to engage in a game of fetch, sliding treats across the floor can be a good way to get them to move and exercise, with an incentive. Another way to play with your furbaby can be a game of hide-and-seek. Of course, only play such games with furbabies who enjoy them, and who do not become confused or agitated by having to chase or look for you.

What's more, there are also a large variety of interactive toys available on the market that can help keep a kitty or pup entertained and active when walks or time outdoors is not an option. One plain and simple option is an interactive treat dispenser. These popular toys come in many forms, and can be rolled around or otherwise played with all while dispensing treats. The list of interactive toys certainly doesn't end there, though. You know your furbaby best and might be able to guess what kinds of toys they like, so search for interactive toys accordingly. For example, does your kitty like to bat things around? If so, perhaps get them a ball track toy, and roll it a few times for them in order to attract their attention to it. There are also a number of other interactive toys that will toss, roll, wave, fling, flit, and otherwise move items around for your furbaby to chase. Do, of course, be very careful when selecting interactive toys. For example, do not leave your furbaby unattended with any toys that contain dangerous parts and pieces, such as strings. It is important to keep those kitties and pups happy and active even on cold winter days, but only do so with toys that are safe.