Friday, July 13, 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Friday, friends! Is anyone up for some Friendly Fill-Ins? In case you missed the fill-ins yesterday, we'll share them again below. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. As a child, I feared _________.

2. Friday the 13th _________.

3. I think _________ is my best quality.

4. You can't go wrong with _________.

1. As a child, I feared the dark.
(Every night, my closet and the space beneath my bed became two of the most scary places in the world, at least in the mind of my childhood self. So, I slept with a nightlight that would illuminate both of those areas of my room. Guess what? I still sleep with a nightlight nearby. Nowadays, though, that's more because tripping over cats in the middle of the night has proven to be a real hazard.)

2. Friday the 13th is one of my favorite days.
(I am more or less the opposite of a superstitious person, and I honestly always look forward to Friday the 13th whenever one rolls around. I guess I just like odd and macabre concepts, like the ones often associated with Friday the 13th. I also adore black cats and will willingly walk in their path. And, I even walk under ladders and open my umbrella inside the house, because I'm a rebel like that.)

3. I think compassion for animals is my best quality.
(I am far, far, far from perfect. But, I have always been grateful that I was born with, and raised to have, compassion for animals. My parents tell me that even as a toddler, I wanted to pet, hug, feed, and take home every animal I came across. I have always wished that I could help all of the animals in the word to be safe, healthy, and happy. Sadly, I know I can't do that, but I do my best to help animals as best as I can. The desire to help animals is a constant motivator in my life.)

4. You can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate.
(Is there any better food combo than this? I think not.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


We would never forget to give you all your Eddy fix on Friday. So, I caught Eddy taking a nap on her beloved cat tree the other day, and I actually had my camera nearby. The thing is, though, that I got next to no photos snapped before active Eddy woke up and was back up and at it. Here's one of those very, very few shots that I managed, though.

It's amazing how just seconds after this sleepy shot was snapped, Eddy was flying around the room in her usual manner. Also, for our new readers, or for those who might not remember, Eddy's right eye never closes all the way. That would explain her adorable face in the photo above. Eddy was inflicted with a sudden and mysterious neurological issue as a kitten, and she had it when I met her and adopted her. She recovered very well from that, but does have a permanent head tilt and right-sided facial nerve paralysis, which I think make her even more adorable than she already is.

Eddy and all of us here hope you all have a fantastic Friday!

Our Doodle of the Day:

Do you remember how I said that in a couple of weeks I'll be participating in an art fair to benefit the American Legion? And do you remember how I said the theme of said art fair is Christmas in July? Well, that's why we'll be having a series of doodles like this coming your way!

Our Tip of the Day:

Yesterday's pet parenting hack was about using shower caddies or other similar shelving units to save on floor space when storing pet supplies. Do you know what other shower item could be of use for the furbabies in your life? A shower cap! For example, if your furbaby is in need of a bath and will allow for it, a shower cap could be used on their head to protect their ears from water and potential resulting ear infections. That's not all a shower cap could be handy for, though. A shower cap could even be kept in your car or in your pocket when traveling, and could be used as a makeshift water bowl for your furbaby. If you think outside the box, there are a great many daily items that could be used to benefit our furbabies. Of course, never forget to take into consideration whether certain items are truly safe for your furbaby, and to then proceed accordingly.


David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

I think the fear of the dark is very common in many people. I am not afraid of the dark so much as I am afraid of what I can't see in the dark. Things like snakes, etc. Have a blessed week.

Suzanne McClendon said...

Well, yeah, there is...shrimp and cheesecake, though not necessarily as a smooshed together combo like peanut butter and chocolate. :)

Regarding your answer to #2, howdy, pardner in rebel-ry! haha

We sleep with a nightlight, too, because we're prone to falling over even air these days. :)

Awww, you're adorable, Eddy.

I love your doodles and that snow kitty is cute! Best wishes to you with the art fair. I hope you have a wonderful time.

Have a blessed weekend.

Smudge said...

Awww, Eddy sure is adorable and looks sort of sleepy. I know first-hand how our energy levels can change in the blink of an eye, though. Even I, a larger, older lady, can be. Happy weekend, y'all.

Pam and Teddy said...

Super duper fill-ins....I have never been afraid of the dark but knew a whole lot of kids who were and grownups who still are. It's that "fear of the unknown" thing maybe? I love Friday the 13th because I think of it as a lucky day not a bad day. Here's to a GREAT 13th for everyone. Thanks for co-hosting "Fill-Ins" - it's one of our FAVE hops!

Love, Teddy and Mom too

messymimi said...

Have you ever thought of using your camera with the sound turned off to snap photos? On my phone, if i turn the sound off, the camera is silent, too. Not as good a picture, perhaps, but at least you get one.

Now that you’ve said that about a shower cap, i’m going to be looking at everything in my house and wondering what else it can be used for.

Peanut butter and chocolate, what a winner!

Unknown said...

Yes, peanut butter and chocolate is a great combo. Whoever invented peanut butter cups was a genius! Compassion for animals is a great thing too :)

Marg said...

Eddy, you are looking mighty good.Like your fill-ins a lot. Number three is wonderful. Have a great day.

pilch92 said...

Great fill-in answers. You have many wonderful qualities, but I agree compassion for animals is the best to have. Chocolate and PB do go well together. At Friendly's, I get a sundae with chocolate ice cream and pb topping- so good. We have the same fear :) Nice shot of Eddy, at least you got one. Cute drawing and excellent tips too. Have a nice weekend! XO

Cathy Keisha said...

Eddy is like me. TW says I go from a zero energy level to a 10 in seconds. I think, though, that tuna and salmon is a match combo if you ax me. TW has a little shower cap that she covers me food with before she refrigerates it. You might recall my post.

Yvonne said...

I'm superstitious but I've never been scared of black cats. I love all cats :) Chocolate and PB? Yum...definitely a great combo. Have a great weekend!

CMash said...

I combo...peanut butter and chocolate!!

Anonymous said...

Choclate and peanut butter is a great twosome mom says.

A shower cap for a water bowl...awesome. I just happen to be wearing one on our post today. Mom needs to know this.


violaetcetera said...

Fearing the dark seems to be common among children. And yes, Eddy is adorable!

Eastside Cats said...

We often forget how fragile kittens are; how illnesses can really wreak havoc on their wee bodies. Eddy obviously found her purrfect home with you and the others!

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Thanks for the share. One of the things we do love is peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. It's a really good combo. You wouldn't believe by that photo of Eddy. Just seconds later she would be running around having fun. We would guess it was going to be back to sleep. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
World of Animals

Elizabeth said...

Totally agree about peanut butter and chocolate. :)

Love Reese's Peanut Butter cups.

Have a great weekend, and thanks for hosting.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love your answers! #1 cracked me up (falling over cats). Love the sandy snowcat too!

The Island Cats said...

Eddy, we thought you were winking at us. ;) And the mom agrees about the peanutbutter and chocolate. :)

Kitties Blue said...

You and our mom are a lot alike on number #1, and she also loves black kitties (but not so much Friday the 13th. #3 is a most excellent quality to have. Eddy looks like she's winking at you. No matter what has caused the problem, she does look adorable. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

M Dawson said...

I love the sly look you get in the picture!!

Anonymous said...

Your Friday Fill Ins ROCK! I was amazed at how many people are/were afraid of the dark!
Eddy - are you winking at me? I am winking back!
And I LOVE the snow cat on the beach! Puurfect for Christmas in July
Marv (with help from Mom)