Saturday, April 4, 2020

D is for...

We're here with another installment for the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Going along with our theme of "A Day at Rosie's Restaurant", angel chef Rosie has yet another breakfast food to offer. This one starts with the letter D, and it's sugary sweet. Can you guess what she has for you all to enjoy?

Donuts! The middle plate there contains Dutch donuts, fried goodies containing raisins and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Then there are of course plain yet colorful donuts, and their donut hole counterparts. Rosie made plenty to go around, so help yourself to some donuts!

Of course, we're going to count this donut doodle towards Athena's always fun Caturday Art blog hop as well.

Happy Caturday to all!

Tip of the Day

In line with today's donut doodle, let's talk about dough. Obviously, making desserts such as donuts requires dough. When it comes to our kitties and pups, it's best to keep them away from any dough you might need for donuts, bread, or any other baked good. This is because if a cat of dog ingests unbaked dough, in the warmth of the stomach it can rise and thereby cause issues such as bloating and distended stomach. Symptoms of such issues include a visually protruding abdomen, as well as vomiting, weakness, lethargy, and a variety of other concerning symptoms.

Additionally, keep in mind that dough containing yeast offers extra dangers. If such dough is ingested by a cat or dog, fermentation of the yeast can occur, which in turn results in the production of alcohol. This alcohol can then be readily absorbed into the bloodstream, and at that point your furbaby could be fighting for their life due to alcohol poisoning. So, for more reasons than one, keep unbaked dough well out of your furbaby's reach.


Pam and Teddy said...

YUM YUM YUM for can carry them around - they require no "plate" to eat from - portable yumminess!

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

Pam and Teddy said...

P.S. We missed reading your wonderful story/poem this week! :(

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

pilch92 said...

Sorry Rosie, I have to wait until next week for donuts, I gave them up for Lent along with Doritos. Very cute drawing. And great tips too. XO

The Island Cats said...

We knew it would be donuts! Yay!

messymimi said...

Mind if i put one aside to go with my coffee tomorrow morning before we tune in online for our church service? ;)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Looks delish, Rosie!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

How sweet!

meowmeowmans said...

Woohoo! We love us some donuts! And we love us some Rosie, too! :)

Cathy Keisha said...

Yum! Donuts! TW is down with those.

Eastside Cats said...

I call them 'do NOTS!', in an effort to trick myself into avoiding them...
*eye roll*