Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Of Canines and Cat-o'-Lantern Heads

Last week, Astrid pouted out the window alongside one of our new pieces of black cat Halloween decor. This week, that same feline find is helping Astrid keep an eye on our yard. In other words, they're snoopervising the neighbors and wildlife.

Hmmm. The cat seems to be more concerned about smiling for the camera than guarding the yard. Astrid informs me the cat is a slacker. Or, perhaps it's just unable to see past all of the canine nose art smeared all over the window. Who knows.

Happy Wednesday!


Doodle of the Day

We have another doodle in our Sleepy Hollow series of doodles. In this doodle, we put a bit of a twist on the Headless Horseman, as well as on Ichabod Crane, the star of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". So, what do you think of this Halloween scene?

Tip of the Day

Today's Halloween tip relates to Halloween parties or other festivities of that nature. There are a number of potential dangers that such gatherings can pose. First, parties mean that guests are arriving, which means the door will be a busy place. When guests are arriving, keep your kitty or pup away from the door, such as by secluding them to a safe area away from the door, so that there is no chance of them escaping the house. Sometimes it might also be best to keep your furbaby secluded to a safe area during the duration of Halloween or other similar party, for their continued safety. There will be extra foot traffic in the house when there are guests, which could potentially lead to your furbaby getting stepped on or otherwise injured.

In addition, there could be toxic foods present at a Halloween party, such as alcohol or chocolate. If your furbaby steals a taste of such foods, or if unwitting guests feed your kitty or pup treats of chocolate or other foods, there could be dangerous side effects. There is a variety of dangers to your cat or dog that can be present at festivities. Therefore, always do what you must to ensure your furbaby's safety during Halloween or other parties. Even if your kitty or pup is friendly and enjoys the company of others, there are still many dangers for a kitty or pup when gatherings are hosted at their home. If there is any doubt for their safety, or simply to prevent any accidental dangers, keep your kitty or pup confined to a safe area of the home during festive gatherings.


The Island Cats said...

Astrid is doing all the work! She should get extra treats.

Eastside Cats said...

What is a party?
The Eastside Cats hasn't had a visitor in so many months...we are beginning to feel that we live in a hovel...
Astrid, you just keep on being the bestest Astrid as you can...the posing-for- photos thing is a human invention.

pilch92 said...

That is a cute shot of Astrid and her new friends. I like the drawing and excellent tips. We usually only have one party a year on Christmas Eve, but I doubt we will this year. When I do though, all cats are locked in bedrooms. And all food and beverages are put away before I let them back out.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm loving this doodle series! And Astrid, your new little friend is adorbs!

meowmeowmans said...

Astrid is doing two jobs at once. She should get paid with extra treats!

messymimi said...

Astrid, you are certainly alert! The cat needs a lesson or two from you.

AngelicClowder said...

Sorry that lazy cat isn't any help Astrid!