Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.
1. _________ is always _________.
2. Did you _________?
3. I know _________ all too well.
4. I can't explain _________.
My answers are below in bold. Yet again, they're all about the furbabies.
1. Home with my furbabies is always where I want to be.
(As I've said more times than any of you probably want to hear, I'm a major homebody who just wants to be home with her kitties and pup. It's really as simple as that.)
2. Did you know that Eddy was named by my dad?
(When I adopted Eddy from a local rescue, her name there was Daya. She was only 10 weeks old and didn't respond to that name, and it wasn't a personal favorite of mine, so I tried to think of a new name for her. For some reason, though, she had me stumped. At the time, Eddy had a neurological disorder that caused her to tilt and spin in circles. As I was brainstorming names, my dad just up and says, "Since she spins in circles, just call her Eddy." As you all probably know, an eddy is more or less another term for a whirlpool. And since I have the same sort of dark sense of humor as my dad, I thought that was a great idea, and so now I've got me a little tabby girl named Eddy.)
3. I know how to clean up cat urine all too well.
(Truthfully, I'm not yet a true pro at this, but I'm getting there. I still have some tricks I need to learn when it comes to cat pee on certain surfaces, mostly certain fabrics, but hopefully I'll eventually get the hang of even that. When it comes to blankets, cat beds, hardwood, laminate, and even most rugs, though, I've got my armory of cleaners and my steps I follow that usually take care of that lovely cat pee odor. These skills of mine are courtesy of Evan's urinary incontinence, mixed with his wild bladder habits ever since his urethral obstruction back in December.)
4. I can't explain how Evan's bladder can hold as much urine as it does.
(Evan's bladder has always been a thing of wonder, as weird as that sounds. He can pee in his toilet right before I'm ready to take him to the vet, and then he'll nervously pee as I put him in the carrier, and then he'll pee in the carrier, and then he'll pee all over the vets and vet techs, often multiple times, and each time it's a large amount. The vets and vet techs are always shocked and awed by his bladder skills. What's more, ever since his urethral obstruction, he's been on food that intentionally causes him to drink more water, and so now it's all even more shocking. Despite being on medications for it, some days Evan's now chronic urethral spasms cause him to urinate five or more times in a row, within a matter of minutes, each time being a large amount of urine. He also, as I like to call it, rage pees. When I give him his meds, he often gets mad at me and will pee in anger, and these rage pees are probably his urinations of the most volume. I feel like he could win a world record for how much a cat bladder can hold.)
Now it's your turn!
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You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Much to this human's delight, Eddy decided that today you all needed reminded of how adorable her snaggletooth is.
Just look at it! Eddy, her snaggletooth, and all of us here wish you a happy Friday!
Flashback Doodle of the Day
Today's flashback doodle is from a couple of years ago, and it's rather randomly one of my favorite doodles I've ever scribbled up. I don't really know why, I've just always liked it. That's probably why every spring my mind jumps to this freaky flowery fiasco and is inspired to create more like it.

Tip of the Day
And so continue our tips for National Pet Poison Awareness Month. We've mentioned before the benefits of having a first aid kit for your furbaby. What's more, a first aid kit would do well to take the potential for poisoning into consideration. For example, it could be beneficial to have 3% hydrogen peroxide as part of a pet first aid kit, as this can be used to induce vomiting, most commonly in dogs. For poisons that involve skin contact, dish soap could potentially be used to help remove the offending agent, and so even that could be included in a pet first aid kit.
All of the above being said, though, it is most wise to never try to treat a poisoned cat or dog without first contacting a veterinarian. This is because, depending on the type of toxic substance involved in a poison event, and even sometimes depending on the particular animal's overall health status, certain treatments could do more harm than good. For example, if your furbaby ingested a corrosive agent, inducing vomiting could cause even more damage. For reasons such as these, always contact a veterinarian immediately when poisoning is known or suspected. A veterinarian can inform you if or what first aid you can perform, and you can then use items from your pet first aid kit to offer immediate care as recommended. Of course, getting your furbaby to a veterinarian in an emergency is still crucial. But, first aid treatment can certainly help stall or treat the effects of a toxicity.
Great fill ins. Love your answer for #1. Great Eddy Fix too.
Have a great weekend!
I love how Eddy got her name!
As much as Evan pees, it almost sounds like diabetes insipidus, although i'm sure your vet has checked for that.
Great answers. I knew why Eddy had her name, but I didn't realize your dad named her. Glad you have all the tools you need to clean cat pee. Eddy is a cutie. Nice drawing and excellent tips. XO
Love that snaggletooth! And too cute about Evan's peeing :)
Hi Eddy! How cool, I wrote about poos and you wrote about pee. HAH!
Eddy has an epic name, and we love how she came by it, truly pawesome! Supurr fill-ins, and the P.A. can really relate to #3, with Smooch as the Phantom Widdler! MOL (Although it's only occasionally now, thank cod, we hope he keeps it in the holster permanently, unless he's in the litter box, of course!)
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