Friday, March 10, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're here and ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. Be sure to _________ because _________.

2. I would never give _________ to _________.

3. I got _________ from _________.

4. Just because I _________ doesn't mean I _________.

My answers are below in bold. Yet again, I decided to focus on the furbabies this week.

1. Be sure to love on your furbabies every chance you get, because you never know how much time you have left.
(This might seem morbid, but I think we all know this is the truth when it comes to any of our loved ones.)

2. I would never give Temptations treats to Evan, at least not without more research.
(As indicated, I have not done full research on the matter and don't know all the stats or all the facts, but I have seen or heard more than one claim that some cats have ended up with urethral obstructions after eating Temptations treats. My boy Evan ended up with such an obstruction back in December, and just a couple of months before that I'd started giving my kitties Temptations treats for the first time in a long time. Evan was still hospitalized when a kitty-centric Facebook group I'm in included a post about Temptations potentially being linked to urinary blockages, and I have not given Evan Temptations since. He's also now on a special diet for urinary tract health, so his vet would probably frown upon the Temptations for that reason anyway.)

3. I got the gift of sleep deprivation from my sweet girl Thimble.
(My adorable little tabby named Thimble thinks that sleep is overrated. She thinks nighttime is more for stomping on her human, poking said human in the face, also purring and drooling in that human's face, and all around just not sleeping whatsoever during normal sleeping hours. I'm tired, but Thimble is really dang cute, so that's fine.)

4. Just because I love animals doesn't mean I could share my home with all types.
(I have a fondness for all animals and wish them all to be healthy, happy, and safe. That said, I of course wouldn't be the best choice for sharing my home with all the different kinds of animals the world has to offer. Pet mice, for example, freak me out just a tiny bit. Also, mice would never survive my house, especially not with master hunters Eddy and Tonks living here. Then there are animals like tarantulas and snakes, which are just a great big no thank you from me.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Yes? Good, because this tabby girl is good and distracted and ready to not even look at the camera.

I guess I can't blame Eddy for failing to take notice of the camera. After all, we're in March and we're getting snow again. It was nice and warm earlier this week, and now, well, Mother Nature has a different idea. Which is very distracting to Eddy, because she thinks Snow TV is actually kind of fun.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's tip for National Pet Poison Awareness Month is probably an obvious one. If applicable to you, we want to remind you to keep all substances such as cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, and anything nicotine-related away from your kitties and pups. Nicotine can be highly toxic to dogs and cats, especially depending on how much they consume. It can cause a variety of serious side effects, ranging from vomiting to cardiac and neurological disturbances. Keep any and all nicotine products away from your furbabies, and observe them in unfamiliar places to ensure that they do not ingest stray cigarette butts. If you know or think that your kitty or pup might have ingested any form of nicotine, do not hesitate to seek veterinary assistance.


Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Furbulous fill-ins, and we totally agree about treats, that's why we are supurr limited here on what we have. Although we have found some really yummy freeze-dried chicken treats!

Eastside Cats said...

It certainly seems like Mother Nature is throwing darts at a board; sometimes the dart lands on Winter, other times, it's late Spring, or even November weather!

Meezan said...

I agree with Eddy. :D I love snow. We didn't get much this winter, but when we did, my Bell was mesmerized by it. Fiona noticed it, but it didn't hold her interest for very long. I like your fill-ins. I don't think number one is morbid. It's a truth we all need to face. I have never given my cats Temptations. They thrive off of love, toys, and regular cat food. If I want to give them a "treat" I give them a piece of their regular hard food. They act like it's a treat, which works for me! :-)

Yvonne said...

I totally understand your #3. My Oreo is the same way. She believes sleeping is for the daytime hours and nighttime is for fun. I wouldn't mind it so much if she didn't want me to have nighttime fun too. LOL

Have a great weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie loves Party Mix, but Temptations tend to disagree with her. I love mice. When I was a little girl I asked my parents to cut a little hole in my bedroom in hopes some would move in! MOL

pilch92 said...

Great answers. I had almost the same for #1. I did not know that about the Temptations. I try not to get those or Party Mix because they seem unhealthy for the cats, but I sometimes give in. Eddy is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips too. I hate anything related to smoking so nothing like that here. XO

messymimi said...

We love lots of different kinds of animals, too, but agree they do not all make good pets, or wouldn't be good pets for this house.

Thank you for the beautiful picture of Eddy. She's so special.

Cathy Keisha said...

I think human sleep is overrated. Ax TW.
Hi Eddy!