Monday, June 19, 2023

Mancat Monday: Happy Belated Father's Day!

It was a wild and crazy weekend, and Evan is exhausted.

Evan was feeling really good this weekend, but he did have to work hard to hold the fort down while his human of a mom was gone visiting family on Saturday. On Wednesday, pup Astrid will give you a glimpse or two of the pretty scenery we saw during that day out. Back to Evan, though, yesterday the poor boy had to snoopervise this here mom of his in the kitchen while she baked an intimidating chocolate layer cake that she chose to make for her dad for Father's Day. Evan loves his grandpa, better known as Pawpaw, and so he didn't mind being oh so helpful during the cake's production.

All that said, we're sorry we didn't post yesterday, but we do hope all dads of all kinds had a fantastic Father's Day! Whether you have children of the human sort or the furry sort, or both, you dads out there help make this world go round. In honor of all the amazing cat dads out there, like my very own dad and the kitties' and pup's Pawpaw, here's the Father's Day doodle I scribbled up for my dad last year.

We'll share this year's Father's Day doodle soon, since I have yet to upload it. And now that I said that, I don't think I ever even shared the Mother's Day doodle I scribbled up for my mom this year, so we'll also share that this week. This here human is so very behind on things, but I'm working hard to get things caught up so that our blog will stop being so neglected.

Have a wonderful day, friends!

Tip of the Day

Not too long ago, we gave some tips all about summer safety for our furbabies. Given that we're currently in a heat wave, we feel compelled to give even more summer tips. These tips, however, will be more focused on how to help stray, feral, or other outdoor furbabies remain safe and healthy in the heat of summer.

Let's begin with a simple yet crucial way to help strays and ferals stay cool in the summer. And that is, please try to ensure they always have access to shade. Staying out of the sun is crucial for preventing overheating, heat stroke, sunburn, and all other such dangers. For this reason, try to make sure that strays and ferals in your area have somewhere shaded to stay in the heat of the day. This can be as simple as natural shade in a safe area, such as beneath trees or bushes that are away from the street and other dangers. Access to the area beneath a deck can also allow for shade, as well as areas beneath outdoor tables and other similar objects. You can even place a giant umbrella outside, under which strays and ferals can keep cool on hot and sunny days.

If you're feeling crafty or handy, you can even build a summer shelter. Then again, you can also purchase one, as there are many options available on the market. The important thing about any summer shelter for strays and ferals is that it should remain shaded but also cool, such as by being open and airy. Do not use an enclosed shelter that will insulate heat, like those better suited for winter weather, as a stray or feral would of course not be able to use such a shelter in order to stay cool on a hot summer day. So, to help those furbabies outdoors stay cool this summer, please ensure they have somewhere shaded to chill out!


Eastside Cats said...

Cats don't behave just 'cause it's Father's Day.

pilch92 said...

Evan is such a cutie. Happy Belated Father's Day to your wonderful dad! I like the drawing and your tips are great. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The cake sounds yummy! And the doodle is adorbs.

Lone Star Cats said...

That doodle is too cute!

messymimi said...

I hope your family had a wonderful day celebrating your Dad.