Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thankful Thimble Thursday

Hello, friends! We're sorry for yet again posting so late in the morning. Technical difficulties of various sorts have returned over here. This here human actually just got a new phone yesterday to solve some of the difficulties the old phone was having, but after showing a lot of promise, the new phone suddenly started glitching out, so this here human has endlessly been battling technology and questionable customer service. Everything has been solved now, though, and so the human finally remembered to actually finish our post for today.

Complaining aside, it's time for Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, and Thimble is ready to get right to it.

As has been the case a lot lately, tabby girl Thimble is grateful for sun puddles.

Can you see Evan's tail hanging from his beloved cube there? And do you like the crooked rug? Rugs simply aren't meant to stay in place. At least, that's the motto by which Thimble's sister Tonks lives her life.

Thimble hopes you're all enjoying some sunshine today!


Now, let's finally share with you all the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. Never underestimate _________.

2. _________ makes me _________.

3. I need to _________ so that I can _________.

4. I didn't realize _________ until _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

The kitty in this doodle here more or less matched my mood during our technical difficulty battles, so it was today's chosen one.

Tip of the Day

The past couple tips in our summer safety tips for strays and ferals have been all about water. Guess what? Today's tip is about water as well. Since water is such a crucial aspect of survival, especially in the heat of summer, we thought we'd give it one last hoorah. Today, we're specifically talking about water bowls.

Water bowl preference can of course play a part in any cat's life. We've talked before about whisker fatigue, for example, and how this often causes cats to prefer wider bowls, as these won't cause them to bump their whiskers while getting a drink. That being said, though, when it comes to offering water outdoors in the heat, keep in mind how the shape and size of the water bowl can play a part. For example, did you know that evaporation happens more rapidly when water has a large surface area? This is why water in wide, shallow bowls will evaporate relatively quickly in the heat. To combat this, try to offer water in bowls that are narrower and deeper. Of course, do try to ensure that the bowl is not so narrow that it makes drinking impossible or difficult, but also try to ensure that a bowl has a decent chance of combating evaporation.

In addition, consider the material out of which the bowl is made. This one can be a bit tough when it comes to offering water to strays and ferals to hot and sunny days. We've talked before about how stainless steel bowls are often a good choice over plastic bowls, since plastic bowls can get scratched and thereby more easily harbor microbes. But, as you all surely know, metallic surfaces can get pretty darn hot in the summer heat. Especially if a bowl is in the sun or on a hot surface, a metallic bowl might not only cause the water to become uncomfortably warm, but the bowl itself might also become painfully hot to the touch. This is best prevented if the bowl is placed in a cool, shaded area. You can also, if possible and safe, try using sturdy glassware as outdoor bowls. This is of course only reasonable if breakage is unlikely to occur, though, as broken glass is indeed a danger.

In short, take anything and everything possible into consideration when trying to help strays and ferals remain safe in the summer heat. This does indeed include their water bowls. Aim for bowls that will prevent rapid evaporation, but that will also be easy and safe out of which to drink.


Eastside Cats said...

Nope, rugs are not supposed to stay in place!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Rugs would be boring in one place!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You look so pretty in your sunpuddle sweet Thimble! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

pilch92 said...

Nice photo bomb Evan. Cute drawing and great tips. XO

messymimi said...

Thimble, you are beautiful and Tonks is right, straight rugs are overrated.

Loulou said...

WOW, first, so sorry for your tech problems, which are pretty constant around here, haha. Second, MERCI for the water bowl smarts and mama is so glad she used a deep, not wide bowl for my water outside. it's also under a table, which helps it stay full longer. Love your fill-ins with Ms Ellen. Sorry not to have visited more often but mama seems too busy to even give me the 15 snuggles daily that I am used to...14 are simply not enough but I'm rectifying that soon....

M Dawson said...

I love the photo, its gorgeous and * grin * I spotted the tail. I m sorry you are having tech issues, they try the patience of a saint and even a cat owner!