Monday, April 22, 2024

Mancat Monday and the Letters R and S

Here we are, friends. We yet again missed our weekend posts, and we're yet again late to post today. We're all well, though Evan had a rough weekend with this intestines. We're still working out some kinks with his new medication, cisapride. He'll sometimes still go days without defecating, and then when he does go, it's like an atomic bomb. The atomic bomb dropped this weekend, though now at least Evan is much more comfortable. Also, luckily, he was already scheduled for one of his regular sanitary shaves today, so the baths I tried giving him this weekend will be done much better by his amazing groomer.

All that said, since we were MIA this weekend, we now have two letters to cover today for the April A to Z Challenge.

Our A to Z theme is All Things Cat, which means we're sharing doodles of items in the shapes of cats. On Saturday we missed the letter R, so we'll share it today. We decided that R stands for reading, but more specifically, reading materials.

Obviously there's a book, but how about also a bookshelf?

Now, today's letter is S, and for that we have slippers.

Those slippers were some of my favorite items to scribble up for this challenge. I'm one of those people who's in slippers pretty much every minute of my time at home, so when the idea to doodle up cat slippers popped in my head, I was very excited. Like all of my doodles, this one is far from perfect, but I have to love one that's just plain and simple fun.


Now, we of course have Evan for you on this Mancat Monday. Once he gets home from his grooming today, this orange boy will likely take a nap in the sun. A little something like this...

If you're curious, Evan's aural (ear) hematoma is still present, though it is still slowly improving.

All around, Evan has been in very good spirits and in a very good mood lately. He had a couple rough months there with some of his health issues, but especially with the help of some adjustments to his meds, he's been much, much more like himself lately. That's not saying he likes the meds, but they sure do help him.

Happy Monday, friends!

Tip of the Day

We have one more tip in our Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month series. This tip is another way you can help contribute toward the prevention of animal cruelty and neglect, and that is by assisting in the mission and work of shelters, rescues, and humane organizations. The more resources these organizations have, the more animals they can rescue from cruelty, neglect, and other similar situations. To do this, you can volunteer your time, make monetary donations, or donate goods that aid humane organizations in rescuing and caring for animals in their program. You can also help by spreading the word about the work they do and the animals they are rescuing or adopting out.

Of course, do your research to ensure that a particular organization is indeed humane and that their mission matches your beliefs. The Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, Best Friends Animal Society, and various local shelters and rescues are examples of those that you can potentially volunteer with or donate to in order to help prevent animal cruelty and promote the adoption of homeless animals. Again, though, do your research on legitimate and trustworthy organizations that truly do help animals in need. Any little bit that you can offer to such organizations can help them rescue more animals, including those subjected to cruelty and neglect. Any little bit truly counts, and any little bit can help keep kitties and pups safe and ready for their forever homes.


pilch92 said...

Nice drawings. Evan is a cutie. Glad he has been feeling good. Great tips too.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable doodles! Your sweet boy deserves all the sun puddles he can handle!

messymimi said...

Evan has been through so much, I hope the meds even everything out soon.

I enjoy your doodles, and yes, the slippers are just right.