Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tonks Tuesday and the Letter T

Hello, friends! It's time for the letter T in the April A to Z Challenge.

Our theme is All Things Cat, which means we're sharing items in the shape of cats. Today, for the letter T, we have a tombstone.

That might seem a bit macabre, but it was actually quite fun scribbling that up. I actually drew that one quite some time ago, as in months ago. I believe I'd seen something of that sort in an image online, which is what prompted me to doodle that myself.


Now, it's also of course Tonks Tuesday. The little calico was napping and I didn't have the heart to wake her up, but I think you'll understand why. After all, just look at this.

Tonks hopes seeing her adorably sleeping little face with its cute little nose helped make your Tuesday terrific!

Tip of the Day
Our newest series is going to be on pet safety in the spring. Today's springtime tip is one that we've shared far more than once before, and that is to always be aware and cautious of the plants you have both in your garden and in your house. Some of the springtime plants that can be highly toxic to our furbabies include certain lilies, daffodils, and tulips. The list most certainly does not end there, though.

All of the above is why, before you bring any plants anywhere near your kitty or pup, always do your research and understand any potential toxicity. One good resource for finding out the potential toxicity of plant types is by perusing the ASPCA's extensive information on plants, which you can find by clicking here. In short, to keep your furbaby safe this spring, of course be aware of any and all plants with which they come in contact. And, of course, if you have any concern that your furbaby may have gained access to a toxic plant, seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible.


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Cats are so adorable when they sleep with their whole bodies relaxed into limpness.

pilch92 said...

Tonks is such a cutie. I would like a gravestone like that. Excellent tips.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Precious Tonks! That's what I want for my gravestone too!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

It is worth it to come by for Tonks alone!
Tim Brannan
The Other Side: 2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons.

messymimi said...

From you and your love of Halloween, a tombstone is perfect, and so is a sleeping Tonks.