Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: 100 Days until Halloween

Today marks 100 days until Halloween. This probably means next to nothing to most people, especially given that we're still in July. But, it is indeed 100 days until Halloween, and I love Halloween. Tonks also loves it, and so she decided to share a photo she snapped with one of our year-round Halloween pillows.

Tonks is wishing you all a wonderfully spooky 100 days until Halloween!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Of course we have another flashback spooky summertime doodle in honor of it being 100 days until Halloween.

Tip of the Day

When there's rain rather than shine, it can often make it difficult to take our pups or outdoor kitties outside. For those furbabies who might need to go outdoors, such as for a bathroom trip or a walk, you can try to find ways to keep them as dry as possible in the rain. There are indeed products on the market specifically designed to help keep your pups or even kitties dry. For example, there are leashes available that have umbrellas attached to them, so that your furbaby can stay dry beneath the umbrella while on their leash in the rain. In addition, there are also rain ponchos available for pets. With such products, you of course have to ensure that you get a product that matches your furbaby's size. An umbrella or poncho fit for a mastiff won't fit a small dog or cat.

There are also, of course, other options for helping your furbabies stay dry when they go outdoors in the rain. You can try the simple trick of holding a typical umbrella over your furbaby. Another option is to have an area of your yard that stays dry, such as beneath some sort of canopy, where your furbaby can comfortably enjoy the outdoors even in the rain. For furbabies who might refuse to go outdoors in the rain, yet who are not litter box trained, you can also train them to use pee pads in the house if plausible or if in dire straits. So, there are a variety of ways to potentially help furbabies stay dry in the rain, which is especially crucial for those who go outdoors to use the restroom yet who also don't like getting wet. Simply take into consideration what methods might be most useful for your particular situation, and then try viable options until you find a solution that works best for your furbaby and yourself.


pilch92 said...

I can't wait. :) Tonks is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips too.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thank goodness!!! Now if only it felt like Halloween...

The Island Cats said...

Tonks, you are the colors of Halloween!

messymimi said...

It's almost time to start buying candy! I buy a small bag of candy with each shopping trip, that way it doesn't overwhelm me at the end with a big purchase.