Monday, July 1, 2024

Mancat Monday: Evan and the Enema

It's Mancat Monday, and orange boy Evan would like to know if anyone would like to come rescue him. After all, this here mom of his came home with this enema kit from the vet on Friday afternoon.

Evan has been having enough issues with his megacolon and constipation that the vet sent me home with not only refills of six of Evan's medications on Friday, but also, indeed, an enema kit. I've given enemas to cats before, both at the clinic where I used to work as well as at home with my angel Rosie. So, the vet and I were both comfortable with me giving Evan enemas at home as needed.

Though he did pass a good amount of stool last week after getting increased doses of his meds, Evan then almost immediately became bloated again by Saturday morning. So, I already gave Evan an enema this weekend. It's amazing what some warm water, dish sap, and lubricant can do. Evan emptied those bowels and his bloating disappeared for at least a couple days. The poor boy's colon just doesn't want to give consistent gifts lately, so we'll see what meds need increased now, and when he'll need another enema.

Evan hopes you all have a better Monday than his weekend went!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback summertime spooky doodle was requested by Evan, given the nightmare that his weekend was.

Tip of the Day

Are you interested in saving the money or space that is required for store-bought cat scratching posts? One simple option is to securely wrap sisal rope around table legs, chair legs, banisters, or other similar furniture or home features. This also can spare said furniture from damage from kitty claws. Therefore, this sort of DIY cat scratcher is not only simple and easy, but can also save you money, space, and damage to certain pieces of furniture or areas of the home.


pilch92 said...

Poor Evan and poor you. That is something I have never done and hope I don't have to. Cool drawing. Excellent tip, I am going to do that. XO

catladymac said...

Purrayers and POTP to sweet Evan. It is a blessing - though he would probably see it as a heavily disguised one - that you can treat him at home.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Thank goodness you can do that for him, but I'm so sorry (for you both) that it's necessary :(

messymimi said...

It's no fun, Evan, but I know you feel better after. I hope your colon cooperates now.