Though I am the farthest thing from a poet, I am enjoying this challenge a great deal. I have never been one with a passion or ability for working in rhymes, but I am finding myself eager to write my poem each week.
That being said, has anyone noticed the scheme in the poems we've been sharing here on our blog? Some of you may have already realized that each one is about a special little worker. Did you notice the names, though? Coming up with names sure can be tough. So guess what? I've been using names of some of our fellow furry bloggers. So far we have gotten to know Annie the Astronaut, Bubba the Baker, Calista the Carpenter, Dougie the Dentist, and Ernie the Entomologist.
This week, there is someone else paying us a visit. A special someone. And that is...
Fiona the Ferrier
Fiona the Ferrier is one-of-a-kind.
She is a dear friend with a beautiful mind.
On her ferry she is ever on the go.
She will take you here and there, to and fro.
And not even one cent of fare does she charge,
For her heart is kind and ever so large.
So where would you like to go today?
There is no land Fiona deems too far away.
And you certainly need not have any fear,
For Fiona’s voyages bring nothing but cheer.
Fiona the Ferrier can calm even the fiercest of seas,
And her passengers sail wherever they please.
Do you wish to visit lands with grass ever so green?
Or meadows with wildflowers brighter than you’ve ever seen?
Fiona the Ferrier can even offer a suggestion or two.
She can tell you where the sky is bluer than blue.
She can show you a place shining with every hue.
It is a place where the most beautiful of gardens grow,
And where every day the sky is lit with a rainbow.
So all aboard and away we go,
To this land of the beautiful rainbow.
Fiona the Ferrier can show you the way,
And you can stay as long as you like, even if only for a day.
Whenever you are ready, just give Fiona a ring.
After all, Fiona the Ferrier will kindly take you under her wing.
I'm sure many of you already know dear Fiona.
To be honest, it was Fiona's mom Janet who really got me interested in joining this poetry challenge. I first learned of this challenge on the blog of her and her kitty crew, over at The Cat on My Head. Though poetry was never before something on my radar, her beautiful pieces always pulled me in. So, now I'm giving it a go myself.
Seeing Fiona with her rainbow, Thimble knew exactly what kind of shot she wanted to share for her part of this post. Just like the other kitties here, Thimble loves our new fish aquarium. One of her favorite things about it is how sometimes the sun shines in and makes fun little illusions on the glass. You know, like giving it pretty rainbows.
For Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, Thimble is indeed grateful for Fish TV, and pretty rainbows.
All of us here are also thankful for all of our friends, human and furry, both those still here with us and those having a grand ole time over at the Rainbow Bridge.
Purrs, barks, and happy Friday to all!
Our Tip of the Day:
No one likes to think of the day they'll have to say goodbye to their furbaby. That being said, as we've mentioned before, do your best to collect wonderful memories and memorabilia during your furbabies life with you here on this earth. Whether it be saving some of their fur and whiskers or taking plenty of pictures and video, try to gather memories while living in the now. Another great idea is to make clay paws or something similar from your furbaby while they're young. Earlier this year, our fellow bloggers over at Cats Herd You shared this fantastic post about making homemade paw prints. If that's something that interests you, do be sure to check it out! So, live each day with your furbaby with lots of love, and gather those memories each and every day.
Pawsome poem!
What a beautiful poem! I love it, and I am sure Janet will too.
Oh we are LOVING your poems for Sammy's Poetic Thursday....each one is a complete story and full of adventure and fun - what's better than that? Nothing! We're happy to hear that Janet and her Kitties Blue inspired you to join with us for this challenge each week. Angel Sammy is excited that he's not the only one who is enjoying this feature every week. We miss Angel Fiona too - Angel Sammy says she is doing well at the Bridge along with SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many other friends. Have a happy and thankful Thursday!
Love, Teddy
That was such a great poem. You sure are doing well with the poems. Have a nice day.
What a great poem about Fiona! And honestly, you may think you're not a poet, but you really do well...so clever...just like your drawings.
You are most definitely a wonderful poet. That was an excellent poem about Fiona and I love the drawing too. Great shot of Thimble with her rainbow. And that is the best tip ever. Our furbabies have such short lives that we do need to preserver the memories. I wish I had taken a video of Phoebe washing Snowball.
Lorianne, you have so touched my heart with this. I am fairly speechless. I am tickled that I inspired you to try poetry, as you are quite good at writing it. I will link to this in our blogoversary post tomorrow as I believe everyone who knew Fiona will want to read it and see your drawing. I'd like to purchase this drawing and frame it with your poem and hang it near Fiona's portrait that Lou Belcher (HH and the Boys) painted for me several years ago. You truly are the sweetest and most thoughtful person. I am so blessed to have such thoughtful blogging friends. Sending all my love and that of the gang, Janet 💖🌸
p.s. We live in a 100+ year-old-house that has several leaded glass windows. If the light hits any one of them just right, we get rainbows on the wall and floors. Whenever I see one, I will remember your kindness and think of Fiona. XO, Janet
I missed your post about Annie the Astronaut. I'm so bummed but I'm happy to learn about it today. It's such a fun and creative poem. I just love it along with the drawing!
Today's poem is just so special. I'm sure you made Fiona's mom very happy. The drawing goes along with it perfectly.
That's a great shot of Thimble and her rainbow.
What a beautiful poem for Fiona ! We bet Miss Janet is very happy ! Purrs
You sure look cute sweet Thimble and we enjoyed your poem too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
guyz...fiona's poem iz epic lee awesum....we think mom doez knot give her self enuff credit coz we haz knot reeded a bad poem yet.....book book book book book...her noez what we meen ~~~~~~~ N wavez two ewe thimble...N joy that snax, uh, we meen fish ~~~ ☺☺♥♥
For a split second, I thought you meant farrier, like a horseshoe person! LOL! Sometimes my monkey brain takes over control...
Beautiful poem, and excellent Tip Of The Day too!
That is the cutest poem. We want to take a trip to nowhere with our friends and spend time just watching for fish and birds. Ah what a lovely day that would be
OH! I love that, and what a beautiful tribute to sweet Fiona!
Very nice.
What a neat photo of Thimble. :)
Thimble we think it is neat that the aquarium makes rainbows. And Fiona you could ferry us across our pond
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