This week we find ourselves at the letter G. So, following the poetic theme we've been sticking with, who are we meeting today, and what is their occupation? Well, you're about to find out.
Gracie the Gardener
Hello and hi!
We are so glad that you stopped by.
What can we do for you today?
Perhaps you’d like a lovely bouquet?
We have beautiful flowers of every type and kind,
Thanks to Gracie the Gardener, our mastermind.
If it’s roses you seek,
Then do take a peek.
Gracie the Gardener prefers the orange and the red,
And has given them their very own flower bed.
But of course don’t forget the pink and the white,
For they are also such a beautiful sight.
Now, would you like some tulips, too?
We have purple, yellow, red, and blue.
Or is there something else altogether you prefer?
Gracie the Gardener can even offer you lovely larkspur.
If you thought the list ended there,
That is not the case, so do not despair.
Gracie the Gardener has planted lovelies with names of all sorts,
Even goodies like crocus and the delightful mugworts.
So please peruse the garden and take your pick,
And Gracie the Gardener will gather them for you quicker than quick.
As always, we've created a little doodle for Gracie the Gardener. And if you're wondering who the real inspiration for Gracie is, you'll find her here.
Let's be honest. This here human was just as excited as the felines, because the catnip mat fabric was nothing short of fantabulous. I work as a lab tech in a chemistry lab, and pawsome Ellen sent us a chemistry mat. This here nerd could hardly contain herself.
And neither could the kitties, when it came to the catnip goodness. Thimble wanted to show off just how much of a niphead she is. She went for video evidence, and though she did keep getting video-bombed by other kitties and a giant pup, she still wants to show off her niptastic skills. So, here's the evidence:
(Now this human is working on obtaining video evidence of elusive Eddy enjoying our new beloved Jackson Galaxy Space Station toy. She plays with it any time of day or night, but also does not like being caught doing so, but I am determined.)
Now, of course Thimble and all of the kitties want to enter their gratitude for Ellen's niptastic gifts in Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
The kitties here are so thankful for such a niptastic time. We're all so thankful for furiends like Phoebe and Ellen, and all of you!
Happy Thursday to all of our furiends!
Our Tip of the Day:
If your kitty's favorite catnip toys start to lose their fresh nipness and therefore lose their appeal, there are easy ways to remedy this. For example, as we're sure most of you already know, you can grow your own catnip. It can be grown outdoors, and will typically come back each year, sometimes having multiplied. If gardening isn't your thing, though, you can also purchase catnip in stores or online, such as in the form of dried catnip. In either of these cases, whether you have your own catnip or have purchased some, and whether it's fresh or dried, you can place some in a baggie or other container and then seal your cat's toys inside with the nip. Let the toys marinate in the catnip for a while, and then your kitty's catnip toy will be like brand new. As another option, there is catnip spray available on the market. As long as you do this safely, you can spray your kitty's toys with this in order to replenish their catnip goodness. Your kitty will thank you for it!
Wow, Thimble, you do like that catnip blankie. You sure had a good time. Doesn't look like anyone else is getting a turn any time soon. You all have a terrific day.
That's a great blanket and toys from Miss Ellen. We have some as well and they are our favorites. :) We love the poem...Gracie the Gardner is adorable.
Excellent poem and drawing of Gracie the Gardener. Thanks for the shout out, I am so glad the toys and mat were a hit with the kitties- and you too :) Those videos are great, Thimble is definitely a nip lover. I am glad Evan managed to get a turn with the ice cream cone. And Astrid is a cute photo bomber. Great tip too. I always include a velcro strip on the mats so more nip can be added. Thank you for your donation to the purrince's ferals :)
That Gracie is a cute gardener! Dang, y'all hit the Nip jackpot, what fun!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Excellent poetry! And we too have been a recipient of Ellen's nip pad and crocheted toys; a good time was had by all! Let your nerd flag fly!
Loved the Gracie poem. So cute and well done. Thimble, you really are a niphead, or else Mom Ellen overstuffed your mat with nip. We have two and have never attacked them even when new. But we love her toys better than any others. We carry them from floor to floor and can play for hours. Anxiously waiting video proof of Eddy playing with the Space Station. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
guyz....we lookz for werd ta thurzday ta see what poem ewe rited N which pal ewe rited a bout...wavez two ewe gracie !!!! thiz weekz poem total lee rockz~~~~ & thimble yur mooveez rocked; we gived em paws up over ther at de moovee place.....yea; ewe R a nip head :) ♥♥♥ awesum ~~~ ☺☺
I can't seem to get Dexter interested in nip or nip toys, this is fantastic. Great video, wow, what a BIG cat sibling, lol.
Luv your poem and art!
And dat catnip mat and toys look pawsome!
Gracie the Gardener is a doll! And what a sweet package you received from Miss Ellen to thank you for your donation :)
Great poem, great toys!
First of all we just love your garden poem - it's truly wonderful! Thanks for playing along with us on poetry day - we look forward to your poem every week. Secondly, what GREAT goodies you got from Miss Ellen! She makes wonderful mats AND toys and I can tell Thimble and Evan in particular are loving them. ENJOY!!!
Hugs, Teddy
Great poem ! And how sweet from Miss Ellen ! Purrs
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